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  1. #16
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    The browser itself? No of course it doesn't hide you. It does than erase history though. You're more hidden on TOR than you would be on the open Web. Well, so long as your going to TOR servers with it. If you use TOR to go to open Web sites, you're exposing yourself.

    TOR just encrypts the data you send across the Internet (including data about who sent the data) across a million different randomly selected relays before it reaches server. If you send it to an open Web/not TOR server, you're data is going to be exposed.

    Or something. It's been a while since I had to remember all thay I admit.

    Not impossible to find out who's doing what on TOR thought. If someone such as NSA really, really put there mind to it, they'd find out who owned a TOR server. Most countries now have task forces finding out who's putting the illegal stuff on the dark Web, and taking the stuff down.

    I've heard allsorts of stories of "the FBI was possibly spying on me" had a friend once claim she stumbled across Al Qaedas website, and then her mouse suddenly started moving on its own. Whilst the security services of the world are capable of hacking pcs and finding out what you're up to - I somehow doubt that. Couple of the companies that make that spyware got into trouble for selling the stuff to countries currently being sanctioned by the UN, and which had multiple human rights violation. Pre-Arab Spring.Egypt is one currently that supposedly had it, I think.

    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    Tor doesn't hide you. Simply keeps no history. The hiding part has to be done in other ways. It doesn't claim to hide you either. Using it like a regular browser your IP can still be traced. You need to use it along with something else if you want to be invisible. Think the best thing to happen on the net was when they got rid of all those MSN and Yahoo groups. That was were a lot of these people were making contact. The exchange could be done using the regular post. Some are not dumb. They knew they would be easily caught. Now you have uncover people acting as kids in snapchat and the likes. Setting up meetings. Good group in the UK. Dark Justice. Look them up on you tube. They show up with camera and video tape these people and post them on you tube. It has began to move once more. They are trying new ways. New methods to lure kids to places. Always great to see them been caught.

    I would never hand over any cash at all. The NSA track certain names. They have a data base with key words programmed into it. One of those words appears on the net it comes up and it is checked out. Area I like in is called Kilbarrack. That was flagged once. Why? Former US President. Thought a person was writing Kill Barrack. As in Obama. Gave us all a good laugh. Person who made the post got a warning. It was explained it was an area in Dublin. Then things calmed dwn. That shows we are all been watched. Using words like Kill bomb US President Syria just messes with their heads.

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  2. #17
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    Imagine your mouse moving by itself. If you ever look at well known faces around the net, most have their build in web cams blocked over with tape. i doubt they would view just your random stranger from down the road. Are some good people out there that can access your computer and do whatever they want to do with it. Have watched a few documentaries about them. Seen them do exactly that. Takes some skill though.

    Luckily I don't go near any sites that would have cause for concern. One Torrent site only. This one was closed down a few months back. They had a back up version back online within a day. Case of knowing were to look for the new address. People uploading the torrents are in the wrong. I simply take what is there. Even the police in Ireland have said if you saw cash sitting there, you would take it. Because it was there to be taken. It is the same with films and music. That is how they view it. Why they would never waste their time chasing down the small people who simply download the torrents. They have gone on record saying this. Not worth their time.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  3. #18
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    The people they are going to hack are not going to be people tormenting. It's going to be the suspected terrorists, career criminals, etc. Not Joe Bloggs trying to avoid paying ?15 for the lastest series of Game of Thrones.

    I actually have my camera taped over on my laptop. Call me paranoid, but government hacking aside, there are nasty viruses out there that can turn your camera (can even do it without the light turning on).

    Nah most of the time they're not going to go after someone who's tormenting. Send out a couple of warning letters every now and then? Maybe. But it's not worth the time and money for something that ultimately is difficult to prove.

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  4. #19
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    Some of us are not worth hacking. Mind you I share the same the name here as a well known protester who spent time in prison. They brought in water charges here. He more or less started the movement to have them done away with. Got thousands of people on the streets to protest. They have been scrapped too. On social media people assume I am him. We have swapped a few posts before. More having a laugh over the big mix up with our names. Anybody wants to keep an eye on him might end up watching me instead. How bored they would be watching me.

    Hard to go after people when you don't have a case. Hence they don't do anything here at all. They know it would be a waste of their time. Plus I am certain they are downloading things as well. Just go after the perverts. The rest of us are doing no harm at all.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

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