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  1. #1
    Forum Addiction:

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    Is generalized prejudice something that humanity needs?

    Yesterday I was bitten by an assassin bug, once on each hand. It hurt like hell and my hands and forearms swelled to double their size due to the bites. One hand and forearm are still swollen and in pain.

    I saw an assassin bug on a window at the opposite end of my house. I raised the window and hit the bug dead on with pesticide. It was not as satisfying as I had hoped. I wanted revenge and all I felt was that I was unfair to the bug.

    How did I know it was the same bug. And even if it was the same bug, it was only trying to survive when I tried to brush it off my ivy.

    Isn't that what we do in society? We are hurt by one person and suddenly we should treat all in that race, religion, ethnicity with disdain because our anger is justified. Right?

    At least that's what seems to be happening in humanity. If one does something, they'll all do it. If one believes in one point, then they believe in all points. If you're a democrat or the left you're a "liberal snowflake." If you voted for trump you're with him on all points. But these generalizations aren't true. We are all unique in our thoughts and beliefs.

    I know the world has always had its prejudices of a race, religion, and political flair. I just see no point in it.

    Maybe it's a survival thing.

    Any thoughts?
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  2. #2
    Ironman's Avatar
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    I mowed my lawn a few weeks ago and suddenly found myself stung by bees at least five times, three causing swelling. They were MEAN!

    I find out that they were in fact ground hornets, with the ability to sting multiple times. They don't lose their stinger. I went to get spray and spray cut down, but I still saw bees coming out of the ground. I had decided to get a second bottle of spray just in case. Well, I opened up the hole and found a colony - city - with a hive, larvae, and bees of all sizes. I sprayed nearly the whole foaming can into the nest......and used a shovel to dig in and get the nest out - miraculously only getting stung in the hand one time (I was wearing gardening gloves and it still got me!

    I kept digging out the nest and put it in a double layer paper lawn bag, spraying more foam into it. I saw the queen (about five times as big as the others - she made me sick to my stomach, the witch). I sprayed her with pesticide foam big time - NO MORE HORNET BABIES IN MY LAWN!

    I had to do it or they would come back - the queen could have "reinvented herself" and started another city, Hornetopolis, ready to sting revenge on my Ironmanliness. If they were bees that made honey, I would have called a beekeeper.

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