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  1. #1
    Forum Addiction:

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    schoolwork anxiety

    so i have four online courses to do over the summer, one of which (math foundations 10) needs to be finished before september. which is literally impossible. but i?ve hardly even started on any of the course because i get so much anxiety just thinking about it, i?m unable to do it. i feel at a loss. my counsellor will just tell me more stuff about mindfulness and cbt and my family will just say stuff about motivation and jesus. i feel so alone, not to even mention how useless and stupid i feel. i?m tired all the time, even though i stay at home all day. i just want to burry myself in a hole and never get out. the funny thing is that i?m on 112mg of effexor, and it?s probably not helping but i don?t want to switch meds again so i lie to my psychiatrist and say it?s going well. i forgot to mention i?m in high school, going into grade 11 in september.
    does anyone else experience this?

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  2. #2
    Total Eclipse's Avatar Happy Sparkles and Coffee
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    Can you try dedicating 5 hours a day to course work, forcing more on the courses you need to finish earlier?

  3. #3
    Cuchculan's Avatar
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    Maybe you need to more honest with your psychiatrist and find some medication that might actually help you. Seems like you are in a rut right now. Not really wanting to do anything at all. The only real way out is a bit of honesty. You think others will say this and that. You don't know for certain. If what they are doing is not helping you, let them know. So they can all try something new. Your counsellor might try a new approach. As things stand you are letting these people believe that is everything is working fine, when nothing seems to be working at all.

    With the online courses? A little bit at a time. Much better than getting none done at all. Set yourself small goals. To get so much done each day. It might be an hour of work here. An hour of work there. I know it can be a struggle. Trying to focus on such things when you are feeling down. But that is when we have to push the hardest. It will be a challenge. One I believe you are good enough to take on. You just have to believe in yourself. I am not preaching here. My point is that this is only about you. September is a good bit away. Plenty of time to get things together.

    Did answer this on the other site as well. Just so you know it is the same person.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

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