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    Few things on the News today

    Just to throw a few things out there to talk about. First off we had the woman who wanted time off work every day to breast feed her baby. Her boss obviously said no. That she either came to work to actually do some work or to stay at home with the baby. Mixed opinions from callers. Most agreeing with the boss. Her just walking out of work at various times of the day to breast feed a baby was not on at all. Then we had the female brigade who were saying it is a woman's right to be allowed breast feed her baby and the boss should be made comply. You can all talk about this one first.

    Then we had this thing of people demanding free childcare whilst they worked. Not sure how it works in the States or even the UK. In other words, have a baby and go back to work and have the baby raised for you for free. But they are also asking for more time off work when they have a baby. Now the father is even getting time off work. To make it look equal and all of that. The mother needs help and can't do it all alone. Baffled me is wondering why she wants more time off work then? Paid time at that. Then back to her job. Add in the story above to this. Her child will then be looked after for free.

    Thing here is, you give them one thing and they ask for more. Give them more and they want even more. I agree that parents need bonding time with a new baby. But how far do we take this? Did hear of a story once of a woman wanting to bring her new born baby to work with her. Wanted a special room to change diapers and feed the baby. Just a little bit too far in my opinion.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    Then we had this thing of people demanding free childcare whilst they worked. Not sure how it works in the States or even the UK. In other words, have a baby and go back to work and have the baby raised for you for free. But they are also asking for more time off work when they have a baby. Now the father is even getting time off work. To make it look equal and all of that. The mother needs help and can't do it all alone. Baffled me is wondering why she wants more time off work then? Paid time at that. Then back to her job. Add in the story above to this. Her child will then be looked after for free.
    Scandinavian style policy. They get fairly free (or cheap) childcare. But like all things, it's not quite "free", there is a tradeoff, and Sweden and Denmark have two of the highest tax-rates in world (50%+).

    Taking a newborn is a bit to far though to be honest.

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    I guess we’ve gone from demanding that a single persons wage should be able to support a family to demanding that we be taxed so highly that both parents have no choice but to work and the government raised their own kid for them. SAD

    I would never live in Europe. I don’t want to pay taxes for someone else’s kids/healthcare/etc.

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    Most people here would not be particularly happy if they're income suddenly got taxed at that rate. Last few governments here have been lowering taxes. And we were nowhere near that rate. From discussions I've had with other Americans, mine is about the same as what I'd be paying in the US at that income - but it goes up when you earn more. US pays less at higher incomes, and depending on what you do, you earn considerably more.

    Cant imagine raising taxes that high would go down well with the electorate. I wouldn't be particularly happy if mine went up to 50% either. With the exception of the odd university society, nobody particularly wants that here either. Guy in the last election wanted to give us all free broadband internet (seriously. I'm not kidding.). Response was pretty much unanimous. (Who the bloody hell is going to pay for that then?!)

    Would be counter active anyway. Anyone rich will leave if it gets too high. Plenty of places with lower taxes. Couple of small islands off the coast of the UK with next to no tax.

    Know of quite a few Americans who come here and then leave for that reason. We do have a joke. "Come for the free healthcare, leave for the money." The British return home for the opposite reason.

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    What we dislike here in Ireland is tax breaks for a Multi National Companies so they will set up here. People might agrue they are giving Irish people jobs. They can afford to because they don't have to pay about 2 billon a year in taxes. They are still coming out on top. Apple is one of these. The EU ruled against them saying they had to back pay the tax to the Irish. Our Government said ' we don't want it '. They also have tax breaks for singers who earn billons, just so they will continue to live in Ireland. it does attract businesses to come to Ireland. It creates jobs. Any other country would be hitting them hard for this tax. Look at all the Companies that have set up in China and other Asian countries. Cheaper work. Sweat shops. Price wise in the shops, Ireland is the second dearest country in the EU. Have no idea why tourists bother coming near us. Was a French student staying with a friend of mine. It was cheaper for her to get her family to send over smokes than it was for her to buy them in the shops here. Cost about 10 Euro extra a packet here.

    What the average public have been calling for is the rich to get taxed more. Is all about income. As we all know. Certain tax breaks are afforded to certain people, when it shouldn't be the case. They have the bloody money. Not like they can't afford to pay the normal taxes. Always this fear that they will up and move to another country. The less well off seem to be hit the hardest. Take what they earn and what they hand back in taxes. You could work 40 hours a week and come gome with feck all. Poverty does exist in this country. Can't close our eyes to that fact. They need new laws. Like a cap on rent costs. Landlords can charge what they want. Then increase it after six months. They use this one because they know students need a place to live. Go to college and spend the rest of your life paying back the loans you took out to get you through college. They trap you big time.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

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    Yep. All the tech companies are moving to Ireland from the UK, for obvious reasons. We are honestly going to have a brain drain at somepoint, if it is not already happening. I cannot think of anyone I know my age in tech who isnt considering leaving at somepoint, again for obvious reasons.

    This is going to sound odd, but having lived in London, Dublin is cheap as hell. Or about the same price. Taxis were certainly considerably cheaper than in London. Same story with rents here as in Ireland. Same story with poverty. It exists here as well. Parts of England are pretty deprived if you go beyond the London/South east of England.

    Lot of Irish have said that's why Sinn Fein have suddenly become popular. Quite a few English people here thinking it's the return of the IRA, the Irish suddenly hate the English a great deal. Idiots.

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    We don't hate the English. More their government and Royals. Just a like most of them hate them too. People in Ireland wanted change. But the same two political parties might team up again to block Sinn Fein forming a government. I said that from day 1. Nobody wants to work with them. Only having heard what they were telling people, the figures don't add up. A Sinn Fein government would be broke in no time or they would fail to deliver what they promised. Must be bad at maths. Houses for 60,000 each? Good luck with that one. House prices here on average are 350,000. How could you make such a big cut? I did vote for them. I always have done. I still say a lot of false promises. And if anything you would have Loyalists forming. This fear of Sinn Fein in power both North and South of the border.

    If you make things in an EU country you can trade openly. Hence all the tech giants. Stay in the UK it will cost more to deal with EU countries. Lot of UK companies have left Ireland. I found that a bit odd. If they had of stayed free trade within the EU. London would be a costly place to live. More people want to live there and visit there. Up the prices. They are still going to come. Smokes for a pack of 24 is close on 15 Euro. Have been in Scotland and they were so much cheaper back then. Not sure if it changes in various parts of the UK? I joked that I didn't spend as much because I was living in the bloody middle of nowhere. 20 miles to nearest town both ways.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

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    Wow sorry that things are so expensive there. High prices, high taxes, not to mention it sounds like your governments take care of immigrants when there are your own citizens starving.

    Liberal states here in the US want to make it just like Europe. It’s expensive to live anywhere in california, there are plenty of homeless people, yet there’s always money to pay for illegal immigrant healthcare and benefits!

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    I know. I've been over to Ireland several times for various reasons. Nobody seems to hate us. I'm sure you get the odd idiot, but there's a lot less of that than there is currently is in parts of England. Certainly a lot less than there has been in current years. I'm debating moving there. It currently appears to be a lot saner. And we do appear to be going a similar route that Poland and Hungary have gone.

    To be honest with you, most of us hate the government too. I'm not particularly fond of the royals either, but they bring in a lot of tourism. Most people my age don't particularly have any great loyalty to the UK. Any we did has gone with the last few years.

    Odd, surprised they're going to London from Ireland. No-deal will cause massive problems. The government has finally admitted that and told us all to "prepare because we're probably going to do it anyway, even if this trashes our economy."

    Prices outside of London are considerably cheaper. I'm in middle of nowhere Wales, I'm paying the same amount on rent on a one-bed flat than I paid in the south-east for a room in a shared house with a shared bathroom. I probably would have been lucky to get a cupboard to sleep on for that price in London. Scotland is generally cheaper I've found.

    Hell knows what's going to happen in a NI, but a lot of us are suspecting there will be a border-poll at somepoint. Can't say I blame them at all. They are essentially not of concern to the Little-Englanders who seem to think that we are still an empire and a world power, and beyond some bizarre sense of nationalism - don't really care what happens there. Same story with anywhere that is not England. They don't give a crap about NI or the problems that could occur because of this, but they do not want an "Irish sea border between us". Most do not seem to understand what the problem is. I'm not actually 100% convinced that these people realize that Ireland is actually another country entirely. I have on one occasion stood behind someone at Immigration at Dublin Airport who didn't take a passport (or even any form of ID) with her because "she didnt think shed need one". They couldn't give a crap about Scotland, Gibraltar or anywhere else not England either or the fact that they voted differently to them and would like to remain in the EU (but they must stay in the UK, because jingoism).

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    Would it surprise you to hear that a lot of Irish people would rather the North of Ireland stay as it is. There would be killings if a united Ireland came about. Talking Loyalists doing all the killing. The UDA and UVF. Bombs planted in Dublin and other bigger counties down South of the border. If you think it is worth many more lives lost, then Unite the country and accept the blame when the killings begin.

    Dated a girl from Yorkshire once. She was afraid to come over here. I told her we like English people. She arrived and was shocked at how nice everybody was to her. She admitted they are not like that were she lives. All the BS people were told over the years.

    One room would cost a small fortune over here. Hence they want a rent cap. Not allowed put the prices up whenever the landlord wants. It is gone beyond stupid. That is causing students to go without food. No winning.

    Feed and home those who enter the country. That is what it can look like. But those who come into the country are willing to work at the jobs the Irish don't want to do. Fair to say the Irish were screwing the system long before people began to arrive on our shores. That is if people are been honest about it.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

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    I have heard this, yes. Nobody- UK or Ireland wants a repeat of the troubles. I wouldn't be surprised if NI does call a border poll and votes for reunification, but it probably wont end well. Granted, Brexit might not end well for them either.

    Same story with the those that came here. Quite a few took the jobs that the British refused to do. Fruit picking being a big one. We have a shortage of staff in our hospitals those jobs were filled by mostly, EEA nationals.

    She arrived and was shocked at how nice everybody was to her. She admitted they are not like that were she lives.
    Yup, been getting steadily worse over the last decade, only going to continue to get worse. Now we have a buffoon for a prime minister who likes to shut down parliment in order to get his way, thinks that he should shut down a few TV channels because they did something he didnt like, and would like to have a review of the judicial system that the courts cant tell him that hes doing something illegal. Oh, alongside trashing the economy entirely through a mixture of erratic spending on vanity projects (like a bridge between Scotland and Ireland over WW2 munitions) and this idiotic idea that we are a massive trading power who everyone wants to trade with rather than an a small Island. (We are not.) The US is more interested in a trade deal with larger parties, and the bizarre pipe dream of a huge trade deal with (I'm not joking here) Canada, NZ and Australia involving free movement between all of us was quickly shot down and laughed at by Australia who asked why the bloody hell they would ever want that.

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    Quote CloudMaker View Post
    I guess we’ve gone from demanding that a single persons wage should be able to support a family to demanding that we be taxed so highly that both parents have no choice but to work and the government raised their own kid for them. SAD

    I would never live in Europe. I don’t want to pay taxes for someone else’s kids/healthcare/etc.
    It's going to be worse since Brexit. It's like Germany is holding up the rest of the continent and even they are in a recession right now.

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    The thing with NI is still the divide. It still exists. The DUP wanted out of the EU along with the rest of the UK. But Boris screwed them over big time. May needed them when she was the PM to make up the numbers. Boris won his election and had no more need of them at all. He quickly let them know it too. After have no power sharing government got over 2 years, he gave them a deadline. Amazing that you can set up a power sharing government in less than 48 hours when for 2 years you could not agree on anything. Answer was so simple all along and should have been done ages ago. They were still getting paid for doing nothing. No more pay from us. it worked.

    Now speaking of troubles in NI. The IRA won't be doing a thing. This will be more on the other side. Loyalists don't want to be part of Ireland. They have their terrorist groups too. Have killed just as many as the IRA over the years. It would be like a revrse of the old troubles. The bombings would take place down here in Dublin. IRA might reform to protect the Catholics in the North. Is still a splinter group out there. The Real IRA. Or they may use another name depending on the day of the week or their mood. But could Ireland afford NI? The UK government props them up with about 80 million a year. So NI does not make a profit. Hence they are handed this money each year. No idea where the Irish government will find that extra money to support NI?

    I think what hurt the UK most of all was a reality check they got over how they saw themselves and how others saw them. Germany and France would not include them in certain talks. Didn't see them as this big nation. So they made their minds up about going it alone. Just to show everybody that they could. That they were still this force in the world. That was many years afo. Part of history. When they used to invade smaller countries. Those days are long since gone. Honestly I don't see what exactly they have to trade?

    For @ClloudMaker a few myths about foreign people arriving on our shores that have to be talked about. Over here we are told that all Africans who arrive here get a free car. Come off it. That never ever happened. they get free prams for babies. Never ever happened. They live in direct provision places. These places are worse than were they came from. Just short of been like a jail. Have to be home by a certain time each evening. You are talking a few thousand to these tiny places. Money wise? They get about 5 Euro a week to live off of. Medical care is given to them. Only if needed. They places are like internment camps. They are not allowed work. Have to lbe legal to work. The whole process can take up to 5 years. They are trying to speed the process up. Not everybody is allowed stay. A good lot do get sent back to where they came from.

    Let us look at the Irish homeless. Direct provision as well. The difference? Irish homeless families are in hotels. They don't like it. They moan about it. Better than nothing if you ask me. They can work as the hotel is their address. They are looked after. Is a small difference between homeless families and you average homeless person on the streets. A lot of those on the streets want to stay there. I am sure they have their reasons. Hostels are opened to them. But they refuse to use them. They are fed. Certain places they can go to. Medical care is there for them. As are other services. If there is any difference between immigrants and Irish homeless people it is a simple fact that immigrants want to work. Jobs are crap. They are turned down by Irish people. Then you have all this BS been shouted about the immigrants taken all the jobs. A lot of them, if they become legal, are hard workers. They are taken jobs nobody else wants to do. Paying taxes and all of that too. I never blame them. I am sure some here just for the ride along. See what they can get for nothing. Most end up getting caught. Sent back home.

    There was a big fight in the heart of Dublin over the New Year period. First thing we all heard was that it was Africans. Now I did see the video of that fight. All I could see was white people kicking the crap out of each other. Easier to blame foreign Nationals for everything. And I am not taken sides here. More just been honest about what I see with my own eyes.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

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    Honestly I don't see what exactly they have to trade?
    Hit the nail on the head there we are a finance based economy that built its wealth on the euro-clearing, and being able to trade financially with Europe.

    UK needs a hard reality kick, and I honestly hope it gets kicked soon. It has a vastly inflated sense of its self importance. Load of people who fetisize the world wars, and how plucky Britiain stood alone against the evil Germans. Same with the Empire. They want to rebuild our links with the old empire countries and become a vast empire again. And believe that the world has been waiting for them to leave the EU so they can trade again. Its comical. They dont seen to comprehend that everyone wants somethint in exchange for a deal.

    EU is exasperated but is ultimately being fair, whilst protecting its interests. US wanted a deal that was more akin to us accepting there demands, then went off to negotiate with the EU when we didnt. India is often quoted as a great trade deal but wants Freedom of Movement in return. Canada/NZ/Australia have laughed at our demands for FOM with them, and have asked why the bloody hell would we want that, we'll be swamped by British backpackers and retirees moving here for the sun.

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    Think it says it all when the Royals don't want to be Royals any more. Not even live in the UK. Will give him some credit for doing what he done. Just don't visit Paris. Stay away no matter what.

    I am sure the reality check will happen quickly. They wanted to quit the EU and keep all the normal deals in place. Which was never going to happen. Goods from the UK will now cost more in Ireland. Ordering from UK sites will stop. If we order from within the EU we have to pay no extra when they arrive. Order from outside the EU you have to pay taxes and the likes. Lot of UK sites will suffer as a lot of their customers were Irish.

    We can only sit back and watch as the horror show begins.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

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