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  1. #16
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    Next he'll have the KKk on the streets. To a person living outside of the US of A it makes for interesting viewing. As you wait for his next move. Even after he is out of the white house I am sure he will continue on.
    If he does continue on, he won't be the first. Barack Obama was the first. Generally, in our country, once a President leaves office, he stays out of the limelight except for big events.
    Obama just kept going - the refusal to allow Bush to help with the initial stages of the Great Recession and the surveillance of Trump (which was really kind of a nasty thing to do), then labeling him a Russian puppet for four years when he never had much of any correspondence with anyone there. He was called racist and sexist over immigration and employment. It never ended.

    Personally, I didn't think Trump had any ties to Russia simply because he graduated high school the same year as my father - 1964. That 1963-1964 year was tragic in that we lost a President in a horrible way. Why would someone collude with a country that hurt us so bad that year especially when their leader wants "Mother Russia" to return to Communism? That would be like saying I colluded with al-Qaeda. I graduated in 1993 - the year the World Trade Center was first bombed (1500 people injured with smoke inhalation and nobody died!). Hell no, terrorism is demented.

    Quote Otherside View Post
    I'll second that, it's the kind of thing you'd expect to see happening in Belarus. Seeing it happen over in the US is...very strange and not something we ever thought we'd see.

    Was watching the debate on when it happened. Was kind of astounding and shocking how quickly it went from just protestors to the Capitol being stormed.
    I completely missed it. I was working and had purposely turned the television off. I heard President Trump at the rally on my phone and turned everything off when he said they were going to the Capitol. I honestly thought he was going over there with him. I only found out about it when I received a Breaking News email at work that something had happened.

    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    When you look around the world at countries who never accept election results you think mainly of third / second world countries. Small places. Some might have a dictator who refuses to go. You don't expect it from the so called biggest and most powerful country in the world. I can't wait to watch Biden been sworn in. More just for the whole show. Fact that the outgoing president has to be there and is meant to be nice about things. That should be funny.
    President Trump knows there is a two term (eight year) max. That's it - he knows it; we know it. To vote somebody out simply because one didn't like his tweets and demeanor is a bit lightweight to be honest. He accomplished more in four years than most do in eight, and the man had a proverbial arm tied around his back by our own Government who feared he would never leave office and were intimidated by him. He actually made our Congress look really bad (performance-wise) with all he was able to accomplish.

    Quote CloudMaker View Post
    LOL the KKK was neutered by spooks a long time ago. Doubt they’ll ever come back in any meaningful way

    The people at the capitol were PATRIOTS who wanted a FAIR election that the democrats STOLE. They rightfully took over the capitol which is owned by the PEOPLE and yet didn’t burn anything down or kill anyone. The only person who died was a woman shot by the police themselves!!
    To our Europeans, this was a VERY ugly election made worse by the Corona. Part of me wants to throw in the phrase "Chinese bioterrorism", but it's a side note, because it did have an impact. The right felt that the Government had been after Trump this whole time and people felt like this was a fraudulent election to get him out of office - motive and opportunity.

    Basically, in six states that led to Wednesday's contested election (which has happened three times since 2000 - my state was the target in January 2005!), rules of varying degrees rules were changed in the election and the legality of those changes was in question because the Governors apparently made the changes (just like the lockdown orders!) when it was supposed to be the legislatures under them.

    Focus was put on mail-in ballots because people were afraid of catching the Corona at the voting booth. Well, the mail-in "absentee" ballots are supposed to require a registration of some kind, usually picture ID and signature match. That was removed in some states. Other states apparently just sent out ballots without the requirements at all, which is not good because people who are not supposed to vote might be getting ballots. There were cases where a person went to the polling booth and were told they already voted, when they didn't! So...….far more mail in ballots than normal and all kinds of problems are possible. Very different than other elections.

    Then, there was the deadline for receiving ballots - generally Election Day 8pm is the deadline for all ballots (first Tuesday in November). One state pushed theirs to Friday - three days later - at the last minute. Another state apparently told there workers to backdate the ballots. If they were received on Wednesday, make them look like Tuesday as if they made it on time. Then, there was the "cured ballot" issue where a ballot is disqualified and another one issued if a mistake is made (this actually happened to me in my first election). There was something off about that.

    Then, there was the counting. The six states simultaneously shut down counting and workers were told to go home (normally counting does not stop). Apparently, boxes of ballots appeared in a few of the six states and ballots were still counting....and returning workers caught it going on. Workers putting the same ballot in multiple times, monitors being kicked out to applause. The tabulation machines flipping votes, miscalculating or being hacked. Financial ties of the machines. etc.

    …..and then they tell Trump that questions were raised too late, judges didn't want to hear anything. He actually said in the spring that mailin voting would be ripe for fraud, but he was dismissed or worse be blamed for interfering in the election.

    All of that - and I made the decision to vote in person anyway. I didn't get the Corona. They sanitized all the time! There was no problem! Uh, do I have anxiety?

    The rally was for support of the President when they felt like he wasn't being heard at all. The event was announced ahead of time, which means anyone can join in.
    So to CloudMaker's point - they didn't feel it was a fair election and it was meant just to get rid of the President for someone who didn't campaign all that much who had a 47-year history of politics.
    The whole election process this time was an embarrassment and nobody wanted to admit it - the left simply because they "won" and the right thinking every election is perfect. Well, this one wasn't no matter how you slice it.

    The mob thing in Congress - it's happened before, but is rare. Uncalled for, but definitely not the President's fault. When I heard him speak before it, I thought he was going to be there with him. There were nefarious people in that mob - actual Trump supporters just wanted the law to be followed. I feel really bed for the people who lost their lives, but it's a political stunt to blame it on the President. People have their own will. Trump wanted peace. That guy in the SPeaker of the House's office was completely inappropriate. You gotta have respect for the office.

    But you can feel the tension in these latest posts on our side of the pond - it's an unsettling feeling. Anxiety + Corona = a MESS.

    I am going to remove the post, but it's a bit more into what we were dealing with on top of the lockdowns and health issues.

    **On a happier note, my mother receives the first vaccine today. She is the only blood parent I have left and she is 73.

  2. #17
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    And do you not think how a President acts reflects on a whole country? I did say, by way of running the country, he didn't do much wrong at all. That was in a post a few months back. But he conducts himself in a certain way that comes across as rude and arrogant. Some of the things he might come out with. Never listened to those around him. The PR people. Thus he was hated. If people hate you they are not going to vote for you. Might be a bad reason to vote a person out of office. But people always like to see the big names fall from power.

    From what I was reading before the election, if they have of postponed the election due to the pandemic, the person in power stays in power. Did Trump think he was so popular and refuse to go down that road? Not sure about calling elections off. Good thing or bad thing. It could have been done though. He might have got another year out of it before people could vote in the normal way. Voting by post was always going to be silly. I will admit to that one. Not sure I have ever heard of it done before. Not sure if will ever be done again either.

    As for Biden? He will have it tough. Not exactly going to have a country in tip top economic shape. America will be hit like all other countries. Chances are he will fall out of favour rather quickly. He will have to make some tough calls. Ones the public won't like at all.

    Honesly American politics does nor effect me at all. I am just looking in from the outside. Nothing more.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  3. #18
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    And do you not think how a President acts reflects on a whole country? I did say, by way of running the country, he didn't do much wrong at all. That was in a post a few months back. But he conducts himself in a certain way that comes across as rude and arrogant. Some of the things he might come out with. Never listened to those around him. The PR people. Thus he was hated. If people hate you they are not going to vote for you. Might be a bad reason to vote a person out of office. But people always like to see the big names fall from power.

    From what I was reading before the election, if they have of postponed the election due to the pandemic, the person in power stays in power. Did Trump think he was so popular and refuse to go down that road? Not sure about calling elections off. Good thing or bad thing. It could have been done though. He might have got another year out of it before people could vote in the normal way. Voting by post was always going to be silly. I will admit to that one. Not sure I have ever heard of it done before. Not sure if will ever be done again either.

    As for Biden? He will have it tough. Not exactly going to have a country in tip top economic shape. America will be hit like all other countries. Chances are he will fall out of favour rather quickly. He will have to make some tough calls. Ones the public won't like at all.

    Honesly American politics does nor effect me at all. I am just looking in from the outside. Nothing more.
    He had to stand up to globalism. It does nobody any good. Britain had Winston Churchill! It's nothing new!

  4. #19
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    Quote Ironman View Post
    He had to stand up to globalism. It does nobody any good. Britain had Winston Churchill! It's nothing new!
    It does the corporations plenty of good! They love using child labor and sweatshops in other countries to get around local laws!!

  5. #20
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    Trump did a lot of damage to the US. You can't separate his crass, deranged behavior from his judgement and he's made a lot of terrible decisions, starting with the people he surrounded himself with and his cabinet choices, not to mention exhorting a mob to storm the capitol. His policies were created to enrich himself or his cronies. His warped definition of globalism neatly fits into his narcisstic point of view and plays into Russian interests. Whatever weirdness there is between him and Putin, hopefully the real truth of why that is will eventually come out, maybe when he gets prosecuted and we can finally see his tax returns.

  7. #22
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    Quote CloudMaker View Post
    It does the corporations plenty of good! They love using child labor and sweatshops in other countries to get around local laws!!
    I posted about this one. This is another impact of globalism.

    I have been working for my company 16 1/2 years as an employee. I worked for the same "company" as a contractor 2000 to 2002. Back then, it was specifically an American company purchased by an even bigger American company. When I returned in 2004, That bigger company had sold it to a trio of investment firms (one owned by Mitt Romney *raspberries!*. Well, a big foreign company bought s the day my father died of a heart attack. January 22, 2007 - you don't forget a day like that! We had FOUR name changes in seven years! Elizabeth Taylor and Zsa Zsa Gabor didn't go through four marriages that fast! Since then, this global company has bought seven or eight other companies.

    **Impact** One of the purchases in 2017 caused a 10% layoff in my area before the purchase was made! It turned out that they realized they didn't have the money to fork over, so they checked quarterly forecasts and determined that there would be a small downturn in they laid off about a thousand people to offset that.
    Then, there are missed promotions, problems with communication and country issues. ?..and I have Chinese colleagues (who I don't seem to hear much from these days).

    The Democrats need to nip BLM and Antifa in the bud, yes. It's hypocrisy when it's that lopsided.
    And for God's Sake, if you tell your state to wear a mask, don't go to a fancy restaurant with a bunch of people and not wear one!
    If you're going to be that way and get the Corona, don't come running to me!

  8. #23
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    Quote CloudMaker View Post
    It does the corporations plenty of good! They love using child labor and sweatshops in other countries to get around local laws!!
    Hypocrisy, for sure. There will be a lot more of it unfortunately. They don't think they can do anything wrong.
    Eric Swalwell's position is still intact after carousing with a Chinese spy. swept under the rug because he is in with the Speaker.
    The "New VP" supports BLM - that's on record. "Fweedom" as she called it.

    Quote sunrise View Post
    Trump did a lot of damage to the US. You can't separate his crass, deranged behavior from his judgement and he's made a lot of terrible decisions, starting with the people he surrounded himself with and his cabinet choices, not to mention exhorting a mob to storm the capitol. His policies were created to enrich himself or his cronies. His warped definition of globalism neatly fits into his narcisstic point of view and plays into Russian interests. Whatever weirdness there is between him and Putin, hopefully the real truth of why that is will eventually come out, maybe when he gets prosecuted and we can finally see his tax returns.
    And tearing up the State of the Union address isn't crass? Throwing the 25th Amendment around like it's a power trip?
    Impeaching over a recorded phone call with witnesses hearing the entire thing. We never found out who the whistleblower was. Vindman? That idiot and I were born in the same month! He didn't make a dime off the Presidency - it was all donated and he used his own money.
    Three years with Russia lies, and Bidens being implicated and investigated over China overlooked.

    Caveat emptor - be careful what you wish for. I think we're in BIG trouble starting the end of next week.
    Try this - Biden's reversal of Trump tax cuts for everyone making $400,000 and under. Guess how much the President makes per year as set by Congress? BINGO!

  9. #24
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    I shall leave this to you Americans. Not going to effect me in any way at all.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  10. #25
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    I shall leave this to you Americans. Not going to effect me in any way at all.
    you say that now but we?re the worlds reserve currency, protect the free world?s trade routes, are the leader of NATO, and also have tons of corporations that use your country for tax havens. if things get bad here you might see changes too. when America takes a dump the whole world can smell it LOL

  11. #26
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    We have had American companies pull out of Ireland before. Might effect others in Ireland. But not me. Can't say we depend on them or anything like that. A lot want to trade within the EU and want to be in a country that is in the EU. So the UK might lose a few companies that might cross the Irish sea and set up here. Good for business. For them.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  12. #27
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    It may not affect you personally Cuch but I'm sure European governments are nervous because Trump's maneuvering can be used as a playbook for right-wing extremists and overthrowing democracies. I'm pretty sure that he's influenced a lot of people over there. If it worked in the US, it can work anywhere.

  13. #28
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    There were very large protests in every country he ever visited. People who did not want him near their country. The leaders of these countries did not him very much either. Because he was rude and smug. Biden will be try and fix all that again. Be more welcomed into countries. Hard to imagine he will be hated as much as Trump was. I mean in other countries. He lacked diplomatic skills. Listened to nobody else. Done his own thing. Certainly didn't work when it came to making friends across the world. Except his best mate in North Korea.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  14. #29
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    Yeah, but we do have our own problems with populists in Europe.

    You've got PIS in Poland and Orban in Hungary who's decided that the pandemic is the perfect excuse to suspend any elections - with little being done to deal with that being done by the EU. France flirts with the National Front, Germany has its issues with AFD being on the rise, similar stories in Austria, Italy. Turkey has an Erdogan problem, who is successful managing to inflate the value of Lira. We have our own problems here with Boris - who has been nicknamed "Britain Trump". Although he'll likely be knifed in the back at somepoint by his party and replaced this year, if he doesn't step down due to the fact that hes incompetent.

    Trump was mostly disliked here - if the US election was held here, it would have been an almost unanimous Biden win. But at the moment, a lot of the high-profile Brits who did like Trump and write articles in support of him - are currently backtracking quite fast and trying to erase any evidence of that before it comes back to bite them. Which is amusing to watch.

  15. #30
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    Quote CloudMaker View Post
    you say that now but we?re the worlds reserve currency, protect the free world?s trade routes, are the leader of NATO, and also have tons of corporations that use your country for tax havens. if things get bad here you might see changes too. when America takes a dump the whole world can smell it LOL
    Unfortunately, that is true. What we have here is nationalism vs. globalism. Trump was paralleling Reagan and then zoomed past him in results, then the bioterrorism occurred.
    No one wants to admit it, but that's what it was. People are afraid to call it that, so they blame the leadership.

    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    We have had American companies pull out of Ireland before. Might effect others in Ireland. But not me. Can't say we depend on them or anything like that. A lot want to trade within the EU and want to be in a country that is in the EU. So the UK might lose a few companies that might cross the Irish sea and set up here. Good for business. For them.
    Actually, Trump would have helped. He said many times that if the EU was to give you guys a hard time, he would have us be the first to help.

    Quote sunrise View Post
    It may not affect you personally Cuch but I'm sure European governments are nervous because Trump's maneuvering can be used as a playbook for right-wing extremists and overthrowing democracies. I'm pretty sure that he's influenced a lot of people over there. If it worked in the US, it can work anywhere.
    He wasn't extremist, though. The media turned him out to be. Outside of his tweets, the only reason people hate him is because the media told people to hate him.
    @Cuchculan - Again, outside of the tweeting, he didn't do anything outside boundaries. He was using his own money and donated the salary of the President to charity. No other President has ever done that. He literally had to lead the country with an arm tied behind his back and accomplished more than other Presidents can do in eight years. No wars - and he is pulling troops out of Afghanistan after 2001! Our Obama was your Neville Chamberlain; our Trump is your Winston Churchill.

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