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  1. #346
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  2. #347
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    If a vaccine does come about it might be a yearly thing. With the flu vaccine they monitor what flu is hitting worse. Bird flu or swine flu. I am sure they same thing would apply to this. Is there another outbreak about to start. If you they give you the vaccine like the flu vaccine. But that is a long way off. There is still so much they don't know about this virus. Is like learn as you go. The topic of kids was brought up again. How they are not spreading the virus. Thus they are looking at opening schools up. But before they do they want more research done into that side of things. Just when they look at all the cases and they see so few kids infected they think they are onto something new. Is only a thought at the moment.

    They finally gave us figures here in Ireland. So far 86 percent of people have recovered fully. Of those 63 percent did not need to go to hospital. That says a lot really. That most people much be catching a milder version of it. Might make them sick. Feel like crap. Look at those who have died. We have heard too about the deaths. Mainly old people and sick people. Nurses / doctors can be overexposed to it and end up dying too. Best method is shift rotation of medical staff. Not allowing anybody to stay too long around those who have it in a hospital. But we knew this from day 1. But still nurses have died.

    Long way to go yet.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  3. #348
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    How Alex Jones feels about COVID shortages LOL

  4. #349
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    There's disturbing cases among kids involving severe rashes, some dying from it, and COVID is suspected. I don't think schools will re-open soon where I am. Things feel like they're getting worse instead of better. I hope they come out with a vaccine soon. Real soon. Except the anti-vaxxer wackos might screw that up even if one does come out.

  5. #350
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    Quote sunrise View Post
    There's disturbing cases among kids involving severe rashes, some dying from it, and COVID is suspected. I don't think schools will re-open soon where I am. Things feel like they're getting worse instead of better. I hope they come out with a vaccine soon. Real soon. Except the anti-vaxxer wackos might screw that up even if one does come out.
    That is this new thing. They are looking into it. Trying to see if it is related to Covid-19 or not. One day they are telling us that kids are not big spreaders of the virus. Next day they are telling us about this new thing that kids are getting.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  6. #351
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    Those poor kids! They don't have any real graduation ceremonies, California has also shut down all the colleges next fall.

    They never got a prom, they will never get their diploma on stage.

    Man it sucks so bad.

    I feel so sorry for them.

    Even in the fall, they won't be able to attend college.

    It just sucks for all of us!

    Makes me depressed.
    I work for the school system and I doubt if I will have any employment soon.

    But even if I do I will NOT be ?vaccinated?! Proud to be one of those ?crazy anti Vaxxers!?

    If you want the mark of the beast tracking chip by all means go for it. I?m not going to get it even if it costs me my job, but I have hope that trump will put a stop to it! MAGA

  7. #352
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    Microchip FACT checking

    A conspiracy theory falsely claims Bill Gates is plotting to use COVID-19 testing and a future vaccine to track people with microchips. The Gates Foundation has advocated for expanded testing and has funded vaccine research, but neither of those involves implanted microchips.
    Like with other vaccines, it may come to a point where students have to show proof of vaccination to be allowed into school. Or have a valid reason why they're not vaccinated.

  8. #353
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    They want to send them back here in June.

    I've spoken to many parents who have said they won't do so - especially with this Kawasaki disease stuff coming out. Teachers are saying its not safe, how are they going to manage social distancing? It's not as if there is not schooling, it's all being done over video calling at the moment.

    What even is the point anyway, just for a month before the summer holiday. Wait until September and reassess the situation then.

  9. #354
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    I agree. Ireland is leaving it until the new school term begins. Summer holidays are only a few weeks away here. Pointless sending them back now. Wait and see how things are looking in a few months.

    As for a vaccine? I think we can say the same for those patents who refuse the normal vaccines for babies. The put others at risk too. Especially in schools. We have seen the return of some long since forgotten about things. Mumps been one that hit hard last year. Mumps was done away with for decades. Then we had the paranoid parents come along and now Mumps is back. Going to be a few of these illnesses we have not seen in a long time returning because of these people. To be fair the law is coming down hard on people who create FB groups and give out misinformation. Based on no facts at all. Let us just say somebody gets Mumps. Then they also get one of the viruses. Is a bit like a death wish. No talking sense into these sort of people. They put their kids lives at risk because they themselves are paranoid.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  10. #355
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    Today I thought they were nit picking here in Ireland. Just because a few bosses were told they had infections at work, before the infected workers were told. You are talking a boss told 10 minutes before the worker. By way of saying ' you have a problem in your factory. 16 cases '. We all know about data protection these days. Telling the boss first broke the data protection law. The boss was going to find out anyway. Tell the workers first and they would have to go home straight away. Thus telling the boss why. Hence I think it is all silly. If that is the worst thing they can think of right now.

    Yesterday we had only 4 deaths in the Country. 23 new cases. New low since this all began. Nothing saying it will stay that way every day. 4 seems like nothing at all. That had been over 100 and as high as 200 on a lot of days. Their guess, and it is only a guess, is that community cases are the ones that have gone down. Remains to be seen as more people are allowed out and back to work. Nothing will change for a while though. We will stay in phase 1 until they see if it working or not.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  11. #356
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    So trump admitted he is taking hydroxychloroquine. He isn’t sick despite being around staffers that had carona.

    Considering trying to find some for myself to take just in case. But I don’t know if you can get it without a doctors prescription and I don’t have health coverage.

  12. #357
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    He will claim he didn't catch the virus because of what he took. Look at all the others who have not caught the virus. What have they taken? Nothing. He thinks he knows something there is no proof to back up.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  13. #358
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    To travel or not to travel. Things are starting to relax and open up, but as far as the pandemic is concerned, I don't see how anything's changed. Images of morons crowded together at the beaches without face masks get posted every weekend. I read an account of a woman who was being careful, only going out for necessities and wearing a mask each time, but she still contracted the virus. Still, I wonder if a road trip could be safe.

  14. #359
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    To me it would depend on where you were heading. What the situation is like there. For most of the time you would be in a car. No problems there at all. Have to get out of the car at some point. Be all about can you do and still be safe? We have a near heat wave here. That is making people run to the beaches. They don't care about anybody or any rules. They will do what they want to do. Police are parking on the beaches now and turning people around. Fine if it is so many people. But hundreds? Good few beaches too. Not enough police.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  15. #360
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    Problem is, the places I want to go to will probably be overrun with too many people. If I go on a trip, I have to find destinations where social distancing could be achievable. Masks are still required in my city but people weren't social distancing. Went on my first non-grocery/drugstore errand. I watched a customer practically touch the people standing in line in front of her to reach for something on the shelf and she just lingered there. The couple she was crowding turned to stare at her but didn't say anything. And at a drugstore, none of the employees were wearing masks.

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