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    Corona Virus and The Simpsons

    Did The Simpsons predict the Corona Virus back in a 1993 episode? Was a slight difference. In this episode it was a Japanese worker who sneezed into a box and the box was sent to customers in Springfield who all became infected with what they called ' The "Osaka Flu '. How odd is that?

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    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  2. #2
    CloudMaker's Avatar
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    It has long been suspected that the simpsons writers have ties to the GLOBALISTS since they’ve “predicted” so many things

    Wouldn’t surprise me since this is a man made virus IMO

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    There was one person who tried to warn everybody about the virus. Claim was he died from the virus. He was Chinese. There has been no solid proof as to where it came from. They keep changing their story. Sea food. Animals. Etc, etc. I am one who also thinks man made by China. Tested on their own people. Just something I believed since day 1.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  4. #4
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    Wuhan is right by a biological weapon lab in China. It even has the resident evil umbrella logo on it!!! LOL

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    not sure why it seems to affect Asian people the most. Suspect it was developed to cripple Hong Kong protests

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    I think the question I asked was why now? 2020. Decades back we had the swine flu. Bird flu. Few other things that had jumped from animals to humans. So why did this not happen before now if it was something similar? It is like it came out of nowhere. First thing they tried to blame was shell fish. That soon changed. Animal of some sort. That was telling us nothing at all. China were trying to keep it quiet. That much we know. We had the one person who tried warning everybody. He died. Blamed it on the virus. But it got out. China had to talk. They kept their real figures down. They say 100 cases, you can guess at about a thousand. But I would guess if it was more closely looked at they would find hints of something to point at China. But China would not allow them near anywhere that could make such a virus. Was very easy to test it. One part of the country. Is a very big country. But it seems to kill the old and the sick. Fit and health people seem to recover from it. So that is my sticking point. Do away with the old and the ill?
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  6. #6
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    IDK maybe. China does have too many people

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    Or maybe it was a test run? Trying to make something. Needed to test what they had and see how far they had come? Not expecting it to do what it has done. We have our first case here in Ireland that does not involve been in contact with anybody from an infected area. All cases before could be linked back to people who were in infected areas and having returned to Ireland. But it is not been talked about like it is dangerous at all. Reports simply saying they have it. End of report. This one will be around for some time. Other viruses they always had something to fight it with. They have nothing that works with fighting this one. You will have the first batch of cases. Then they will think it has passed. That won't be the case. It will still be there. Until they come up with something that works when trying to fight it. The mystery grows.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

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    I don’t have anything to add other then it’s effecting my business. I hear so many different opinions thru out my day and people are scared. Also, we can’t shut down the economy! Very strange times right now. I live in a state where our governor declared a state of emergency right away which caused manic stock piling behavior. March is my busiest month and it’s not busy. At all. People leaving early or canceling their vacation all together. ( we rely on tourism). Sigh...also, price gauging is illegal people. I think this is bringing out the best in good people and the worst in bad people? And fear in almost everyone.

  9. #9
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    Its...not so good here and I think its going to go bad. Europe's doing bad.

    Italy went on lockdown yesterday. You dont leave your area, need a travel permit to do so. Been a bit of a wake-up call for a few people. Italy is a few hours away on a plane and we there for skiing holidays and weekend breaks. It's a developed, European country. Just like us. China is...over there, miles away from us.

    Denmark is going to lockdown tomorrow. Another developed, rich European country a few hours away. France, Germany and Spain are supposedly not managing. Lot of places have issued travel bans for the French, Germans and Spanish. One of those three will be the next to lockdown I think.

    We're not managing it. You can fly back from Italy and nobody will stop you. No checks, no quarantine, not even a temperature check. You can actually walk back in without speaking to a human. Arrive, scan passport, walk back into the country and leave the airport. And hope that they self-qurantine. The actual advise we have gotten (and I am being serious) is wash your hands and sing happy birthday. Twice

    Also currently have people panic buying and stockpiling. Never seen anything like this, next to impossible to buy quite a few things. Spent the last few days trying to buy toliet paper because everyones been panic buying toliet paper. Seriously. Entire store has been picked clean like this. This is the store in my town. Its absolutley insane.

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    I'm willing to bet, UK will be in lockdown by the end of this month.

  10. #10
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    Its...not so good here and I think its going to go bad. Europe's doing bad.

    Italy went on lockdown yesterday. You dont leave your area, need a travel permit to do so. Been a bit of a wake-up call for a few people. Italy is a few hours away on a plane and we there for skiing holidays and weekend breaks. It's a developed, European country. Just like us. China is...over there, miles away from us.

    Denmark is going to lockdown tomorrow. Another developed, rich European country a few hours away. France, Germany and Spain are supposedly not managing. Lot of places have issued travel bans for the French, Germans and Spanish. One of those three will be the next to lockdown I think.

    We're not managing it. You can fly back from Italy and nobody will stop you. No checks, no quarantine, not even a temperature check. You can actually walk back in without speaking to a human. Arrive, scan passport, walk back into the country and leave the airport. And hope that they self-qurantine. The actual advise we have gotten (and I am being serious) is wash your hands and sing happy birthday. Twice

    Also currently have people panic buying and stockpiling. Never seen anything like this, next to impossible to buy quite a few things. Spent the last few days trying to buy toliet paper because everyones been panic buying toliet paper. Seriously. Entire store has been picked clean like this. This is the store in my town. Its absolutley insane.

    Attachment 4650

    I'm willing to bet, UK will be in lockdown by the end of this month.

    OMG we’re out of toilet paper here too

    I’m freaking out. IDK what I’m going to do. I don’t want to use my hand like a third worlder!!

  11. #11
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    Is the same over here. Hand soaps and toilet paper. Shops are out of them. Need to put a limit on what people can buy. In Italy only 3 people are allowed in a shop at any one time. Rest have to queue outside. It has also come to light that the first cases were not in China. They were in Italy at the start of the year. Only they had no idea what they were dealing with back then. I do remember we were told another flu was on the way. That was the start of the year too. All about using common sense. All parades are called off here for St. Patrick's day. Sporting events are next to be hit. Even churches are going to be hit. It is a close contact virus. So limit close contact. Only 1 death here so far. But she had been already very sick before the virus got her. Heck we can only wait and see what happens. You need to visit a doctor for anything, you ring from outside, they come out to you. You are not allowed just walk into a waiting room. This came about because a GP got the virus. Lord knows how many he passed it on to. Is a level playing field for us all. The smart ones should be fine. Ones who use common sense. Lot of fools out there acting like nothing is happening at all.

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    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  12. #12
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    Is the same over here. Hand soaps and toilet paper. Shops are out of them. Need to put a limit on what people can buy. In Italy only 3 people are allowed in a shop at any one time. Rest have to queue outside. It has also come to light that the first cases were not in China. They were in Italy at the start of the year. Only they had no idea what they were dealing with back then. I do remember we were told another flu was on the way. That was the start of the year too. All about using common sense. All parades are called off here for St. Patrick's day. Sporting events are next to be hit. Even churches are going to be hit. It is a close contact virus. So limit close contact. Only 1 death here so far. But she had been already very sick before the virus got her. Heck we can only wait and see what happens. You need to visit a doctor for anything, you ring from outside, they come out to you. You are not allowed just walk into a waiting room. This came about because a GP got the virus. Lord knows how many he passed it on to. Is a level playing field for us all. The smart ones should be fine. Ones who use common sense. Lot of fools out there acting like nothing is happening at all.

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    “The smart ones should be fine.” And what about those of us that have no choice but to go to work???

  13. #13
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    Should close the library for a period of time. Like schools and colleges are doing. All closed over here.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  14. #14
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    This is the problem. People are not going to isolate if they cannot afford to do so. Even if they show symptoms. I'm fortunate enough that I can work from home, and 100% salary, as sick pay but that's not the case for most people.

    Legally, you get some sick pay here, but it's a very small amount - about ?94 a week. Doesnt even cover rent for me. Won't do so for a lot of people.

    So they work. No choice, really. You have a couple of kids you have to feed, you want to keep a roof over your head? You cant isolate. And that's dangerous.

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    Ireland has new rules in place as of 6pm yesterday. Schools, colleges and anywhere really that a crowd might be are closed down. Can you keep kids in the house? That will be a hard one. People fighting each other for food and other items. Police called to a number of shops. No outdoor gatherings of over 500 people allowed. No indoor gatherings of over 100 people. Even funerals are been called off. Anybody dies of this I have no idea how they will be buried. The risk is still there for us all. No matter what we do. Chemists and shops are the only two such places allowed to remain open. Oddly trains and buses can still run. Work from home is the advice. Though not everybody can do that. Loads of different types of jobs. The infected number jumped by 25 yesterday. Expected to keep going up as we see more community cases. People who were not away in foreign countries. Game of chance really. They say to wash your hands if you do go out and return home. But shops are out of hand soap. Should do what Italy is doing. Only a small number allowed in the shop at one time. Then they can control what people are buying.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

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