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  1. #211
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    The first time my neighbors throw a block party in over 10 years is during a f*ckin pandemic. I heard a bunch of people talking outside and it dawned on me that it was too many to just be a family. I peaked through a window couldn't believe my eyes. And they weren't exactly staying 6 ft apart. Our street should be renamed Covid Rd.

  2. #212
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    The EU has a recuse package that is in the trillions. Not sure that would even be enough to save all the countries. Much like the UK, people are getting welfare to a point of what they were getting in work. Maybe about 500 off welfare. Better than nothing. Some sectors will hit worse than others. What they are saying here is that social distancing might be a long term thing. In other words, no vaccine found, this is something we might have to do for years. That shows you where they are at with a vaccine. They were testing things. Does this mean that certain people know what they were testing does not work? If they are talking about a year or two from now. Still social distancing. Other honest talk was about how long they could keep people in the houses. If they let them back out come May 6th they would have another outbreak. They know that. But can they just keep telling you to stay in the house until a vaccine is found? Assuming it might take a year or more to find a vaccine. I can see the problem. Leo was asked what lockdown means? In other words why did he allow people to come over here from the UK via ferry for the Easter weekend? He had no real answer for once. Point been we are either on lockdown or we are not. Make your mind up. I am lucky with haircuts. Always done my own. Just shave it all off.
    @sunrise can the police not do anything about these gatherings? Over here they would break them up. Laughed when somebody said Ireland was now a police state. This will last only as long as the virus is out there. Police do have more powers than ever before. Helicopter does be up in the air a lot more. It can spot any type of large gatherings. Direct ground units into it.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  3. #213
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    @cuhculan Calling the police would only incur their wrath and probably little else. There were only 2-3 houses that didn't participate, including ours, so there's a good chance they could figure out who made the call. Since they were outside their own homes, they weren't doing anything illegal as far as I can tell. If cops came, they could simply tell them that they're maintaining proper social distance. But I'm sure as hell going to keep my distance from them.

    I just have a feeling because new cases seem to be peaking that they're going to ease up on social distancing sooner rather than later. There's too much economic pressure on politicians. Unless people continue to do stupid things like my neighbors and cause infection rates to sky rocket again.

  4. #214
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    Over here they are telling us that social distancing might become the new norm. In other words will this ever really go away? That the future might all be about social distancing when outside the house. We are getting the honest version of what other countries are getting. They are getting watered down versions.

    Police helicopter does be up a lot of the time now. Looking for gatherings of people. Asking the public to report house parties and the likes. We were told we are now entering the most dangerous phase. Easier to catch. Because of the amount of cases out there. Some elderly people from nursing homes did catch it. They recovered enough to be sent back to the nursing homes. That was one mistake that was made. As they passed it on to others in the nursing homes. This resulted in a lot of deaths in the nursing homes. it was a botch up job. People asking why they were sent back to the nursing homes so soon? Other nursing homes had staff that had the virus. These are classed as clusters of deaths. As they are all in the one nursing home. Might have 16 die in one night in the same nursing home. They said it was in 5 nursing homes so far.

    The future will be different.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  5. #215
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    Fancy China saying the number of dead in Wuhan was wrong. They tell us now it was 50 percent more people that really died. Claiming they didn't link the deaths at the time. Think I said if China says 100 they really mean 1,000. No great surprise to hear them own up to this one.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  6. #216
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    Fancy China saying the number of dead in Wuhan was wrong. They tell us now it was 50 percent more people that really died. Claiming they didn't link the deaths at the time. Think I said if China says 100 they really mean 1,000. No great surprise to hear them own up to this one.
    WOW how can we even trust these new numbers then?

  7. #217
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    How you could not link the other deaths? So we only heard of half the deaths. What did they think the other half where dying from? As it would have been the same number again. How ever many thousand. That is the baffling part. That about 2 thousand people could die and they did not link it to the virus. If that many people died in one area of any country I think alarms bells would start ringing. That something was not right. Not in China though.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  8. #218
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    I was starting to feel better last week when I went to Winco and talked to the clerks and saw the mostly full and normal shelves. That optimism dropped yesterday when I went to Safeway.

    No limit on customers to get in, but once I got in I saw why. Arrows everywhere on the floors and signs. It was like a crazy maze making no sense going through there! Very few people, also lots of empty shelves again. No milk or dairy products, no grains, no dry beans pasta etc. They had a 1 item limit on just about everything.

    I was in the flour/grain area and saw a younger man losing his [BEEP] and asked me to help him find baking powder. He explained to me that his wife has been sending him out to pick up everything while she's home with the kids, and he was about to lose it. Luckily I found some last remaining 2 cans left of baking powder at the very back of the shelf to give to him! No yeast or flour. He told me he was able to go to one of the Mexican markets and bribe someone in the bakery department for some yeast!

    God it's Mad Max out there LOL

    I don't know if I just hit Winco at the right time last week or what.

    Winco is bigger and does much, much more business than Safeway, so I don't know why it was ok and Safeway is still bad.

    On the upside they opened up the beaches in Santa Cruz again, temporarily

  9. #219
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    You get used to the one way systems. Have had them here since day 1. Today I was surprised to see bottles of hand soap. Managed to get 4 of them. Lord knows when you will see them again. But works here as 1 out, 1 in. Hence a queue. But it moves fast enough.

    UK and the US now putting pressure on China to tell the world exactly how many people died in China. As we all know what they said was a lie. Have always said that one. Figure could be over three times higher. Other countries will join in. Wanting exact figures.

    For the record our N. Korean leader and our Russian leader have not been seen in some time. People are starting to wonder. Have they both caught the virus?
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  10. #220
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    Ah, I wondered how North Korea was doing. Isolated country, closes itself off.

    We have the flour shortages here. Seems to be one of the few things we still have a shortage of. It's not so much theres a shortage of flour here, just they aren't able to get the stuff in bags fast enough to sell. Everyones decided they want to start baking in lockdown. I know a few people that have managed to get bakers to fill up a plastic container for them.

    UK has decided that each of the countries in it would like to start fighting itself over this. Scotland is claiming that England has told PPE suppliers to not to supply Scotland. Wales is claiming the same thing. So much for the union. PPE is in massive shortages here. Idiots in government have told them to "stop overusing it" or "reuse it!". This being contaminated, temporary equipment that is tossed after use because it is potentially infected with covid. Already been quite a few medics died here because they do not have PPE.

    But on the plus side, Wales is saying it might be past the peak. Rest of the UK is still not great, but we're hopefully maybe getting somewhere in Wales. Let's just hope they don't lift everything to early, announce that it's "life as normal!" and try this stupid herd immunty plan again.

  11. #221
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    I think a lot of people are actually making their own bread. Normally bread runs out first. Be good to have flour or whatever else is needed to make some bread. Have heard a few people asking about it in shops here. Only to be told it was sold out. Are a few non essential items you can't seem to get your hands on. Non essential but for the fact that I love them.

    As for PPE gear? What China sent over here is uesless. Second order went in with instructions on how to make it so it could be used. They also want full PPE gear in nursing homes. That is were we are having a lot of cases. With this virus, over exposure to it can kill you. Sadly that is what is happening to those such as nurses and others dealing with sick people. Hospital gowns are made here in Ireland. Good for every day hospital use. Useless for protection against this virus. No idea why they don't just have full overall type things made. Like something out of a film. Covered from head to toe. Probably cost more to buy. What they are wearing is not protection enough.

    Last week we had less than 200 deaths and they said we were at peak levels. As of yesterday we were closing in on 600 deaths. Doubled in less than a week. People are basing their numbers and facts on China. But we know now that China lied. China said it had X amounts of deaths after 3 weeks. Then their curve began to even out. When really they had twice that number. And more followed that they never reported. So I think people should ignore China and their death rate. It means nothing at all because we will never know the real numbers.

    Here they are saying that testing will go on for another 6 months. I think that shows how they are thinking. That this will not be over any day soon.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  12. #222
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    Home Depot! Oh God don't get me started. I wanted to switch out my back bike tire so I could ride my bike yesterday. I didn't have the right wrench so I had to go to Home Depot or Ace to buy one.

    Ace had a maybe 50 person line to get in, and Home depot had a line waiting around the block. I just gave up and went back home. Also every one around here has masks! I get the stink eye because I don't have a mask. I don't know how they are finding them. I have a scarf that I try to use, but it's not the best. People are even wearing masks while they are driving cars! Jebus.

  13. #223
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    Trump pulled a smart one on the Germans. Lot of gear meant to be heading to Germany. Trump offered more for it and got it. You would imagine with a pandemic going on people would work together. Instead he goes and does this. Which will win him no friends at all. Could have simply placed another order. Not made a higher bid and took everything meant for Germany. This might lead to deaths in Germany. Who now have to wait longer for what they had ordered and was on a plane heading their way first. Until Trump did what he done.

    Face masks can be bought in all chemists here. Don't even cost much. I wear a sport's snood. Covers the mouth and nose. Though is very warm. The snoods they used to make were silly looking and I would laugh at anybody who wore one. Last year a new range came out. I bought it for the Winter months. Little did I know I would be using it for this. Does the job though.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  14. #224
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    Trump pulled a smart one on the Germans. Lot of gear meant to be heading to Germany. Trump offered more for it and got it. You would imagine with a pandemic going on people would work together. Instead he goes and does this. Which will win him no friends at all. Could have simply placed another order. Not made a higher bid and took everything meant for Germany. This might lead to deaths in Germany. Who now have to wait longer for what they had ordered and was on a plane heading their way first. Until Trump did what he done.

    Face masks can be bought in all chemists here. Don't even cost much. I wear a sport's snood. Covers the mouth and nose. Though is very warm. The snoods they used to make were silly looking and I would laugh at anybody who wore one. Last year a new range came out. I bought it for the Winter months. Little did I know I would be using it for this. Does the job though.

  15. #225
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    So much for social distancing. I guess they don't care about that. Shouts of ' I need a haircut '. I guess they want everywhere opened up again? You tell us. That would not be allowed here. Social gathering.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

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