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  1. #226
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    So much for social distancing. I guess they don't care about that. Shouts of ' I need a haircut '. I guess they want everywhere opened up again? You tell us. That would not be allowed here. Social gathering.
    People are tired of the government telling them what to do. Why cause another Great Depression when the majority of people who get it show no symptoms and will survive?

  2. #227
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    They are taken one big risk. There are many strains of the virus out there. More they are finding every day. So the Americans want to go it alone? Leave us be and we will survive? Asking for trouble. There will be many more deaths in the US as it is right now. Lockdown. Remove lockdown and that number will just keep on rising. That is the fear they have here in Ireland. Lift the restrictions and it will hit even harder. It is the hospitals who can't cope. No government will stop it. They are simply trying to slow it down. Spread it out as such. Bit like saying you probably will all catch it but if spread out more will survive it. It is not like the US are doing anything different than other countries. China has a big population. Look what it done there. Some people fail to see this still. We went from under 300 to over 600 in the space of the past week. Some people are saying here it is getting better? Maybe they are not seeing what I am seeing. Triple the amount of deaths in 1 week. If you let everybody back out that number would just keep getting higher.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  3. #228
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    There's some calls here to know how and when they're going to lift it.

    It's a difficult one. Every country around the world knows that there won't be a vaccine for a year/two. They know they can't stay locked-down for that long. On the other hand, they lift the lockdown and there's a good chance that there will be a second-surge and we'll be back to around a 1000 dead a day again.

    The South-Korea model (test and trace) has been brought up a lot. Needs huge numbers of tests though. Also needs to trace everyone who came into contact with someone who is a confirmed case, and then isolate them. And there's the problem. They've come up with an app here that tells you if you've been near someone who has it. And then they can get you to isolate if you have been near someone who has it. They do a similar thing in other countries that have it under control.

    But it's not going to be mandatory, and certainly, isolating yourself if you have been near a cofnirmed case is not. That's why it works there. Try selling that in the UK, or the US. Wouldn't go down so well, even if it does mean we can leave home.

    There's some talk it will be a "slow" reopening when it happens though. Non-essential shops might be allowed to open (with social distancing rules in place.). Talk of letting some flights fly without anyone in the middle seat (so two people seperated), and encouraging people to wear masks on public transport. How that will help on a flight though with recirculated air who knows. And somehow I imagine holidays might be off a bit. Can't see a lot of Europe be willing to reopen there borders. Start allowing people back to work but you've all got to socially distance from your co-workers.

    Hope they keep the bars/clubs shut for a while though, and don't do anymore idiotic, mass events like horse-racing, football games, concerts. Huge crowds like that? Gonna have a mass infection after those.

  4. #229
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    There's some calls here to know how and when they're going to lift it.

    It's a difficult one. Every country around the world knows that there won't be a vaccine for a year/two. They know they can't stay locked-down for that long. On the other hand, they lift the lockdown and there's a good chance that there will be a second-surge and we'll be back to around a 1000 dead a day again.

    The South-Korea model (test and trace) has been brought up a lot. Needs huge numbers of tests though. Also needs to trace everyone who came into contact with someone who is a confirmed case, and then isolate them. And there's the problem. They've come up with an app here that tells you if you've been near someone who has it. And then they can get you to isolate if you have been near someone who has it. They do a similar thing in other countries that have it under control.

    But it's not going to be mandatory, and certainly, isolating yourself if you have been near a cofnirmed case is not. That's why it works there. Try selling that in the UK, or the US. Wouldn't go down so well, even if it does mean we can leave home.

    There's some talk it will be a "slow" reopening when it happens though. Non-essential shops might be allowed to open (with social distancing rules in place.). Talk of letting some flights fly without anyone in the middle seat (so two people seperated), and encouraging people to wear masks on public transport. How that will help on a flight though with recirculated air who knows. And somehow I imagine holidays might be off a bit. Can't see a lot of Europe be willing to reopen there borders. Start allowing people back to work but you've all got to socially distance from your co-workers.

    Hope they keep the bars/clubs shut for a while though, and don't do anymore idiotic, mass events like horse-racing, football games, concerts. Huge crowds like that? Gonna have a mass infection after those.
    Eventually the economic problems will kill more people than the virus. The people that die from it are generally in bad health or old and are probably costing more for the economy than they are producing. It could be a net benefit to let it run its course. I’m old so I’m not just being selfish. I’m willing to die if it will mean we won’t ruin the economy for the next generations to come. I’ve lived a good enough life already, I don’t want to ruin their’s.

    Ruining people’s livelihoods for the old and the weak is foolish.

  5. #230
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    That's the problem.You can lockdown for a short while, but not long term. Long term you need to come up with a management plan. Every country knows that. So they're all now trying to work out how you do that without having the huge number of deaths. You get a huge number of deaths like that and theres economic damage anyway.

    They're thinking mid-may reopening here now, apparently. But we'll see.

  6. #231
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    This is why we can't have nice things. People who are doing these protests must getting limited info and didn't read the stories about nursing homes, Mardi Gras and spring break. And the case of that super spreader in Korea. If everyone just stayed home and shut the door for a couple weeks, maybe we could've open the country back up but there's always a few apples spoiling the barrel. All those protesters are probably doing an effective job now spreading the virus and just making the whole situation multiple times worse. If cases sky rocket, officials aren't going to let people go back to work and open up schools.

    The hoarding at least got better. I was able to score more edibles online and even a pack of toilet paper.

  7. #232
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    Let people out too early and it will be back to square 1 again. Having said that, they are indoors not by law. There is nothing stopping them going out. No matter what age they are. Is like asking for a big favour. To just not do certain things for a period of time. They don't have to agree to it. This is were the problem is. Because it is not law, and they know it, they will go out. I look at some countries in South America and around those regions. One President made it simple ' Go out and you get shot '. I did laugh when I read that. Fillipino law for you. What will happen in the IS is if nothing is lifted, these protests might spread, and they begin to turn ugly. Fighting breaks out. With that comes the looting. Then you have a really big mess on your hands.

    The whole thing about tracing the source of the virus with people is that it is easy with those who caught it off a person who was away in Italy. You are in the shops and you catch it. No hope of tracing it. It works to an extent if family members or friends had it. Lot of people have no idea how they picked it up. I read about the App. You would need everybody using it or it would be useless.

    Is only so long people will stay in the house. Talk yesterday about pubs / bars. If they can't open by Christmas they will have to close down for good. Think about that one. Christmas. That is how far away they think this virus will remain. To hear them talking about Christmas next year in April. Saying 16 months at least for a vaccine. By then everybody might have had the virus. Plus they found another 2 strains of it. That makes 10 in total.

    Here in Ireland the public were heard when they voiced their concerns about fruit pickers been flown into Ireland from some other country. We asked what exactly does lockdown mean? One rule for us another one for them. The company who brought them in will regret it as people are no longer buying their foods. Plane load of them arrived. They claimed they were tested before boarding the plane. Load of BS. Case of if we are on lockdown then lock the country down for everybody. Nobody in, nobody out.

    Love this one !!!!

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  8. #233
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    This I can't wait to see the results of. On another forum there is a bit of back and forth with a few Americans who claim America knows best. The normal BS. Best country in the world. I am saying a few people on this forum. Other Americans have other views. We are hearing of herd immunity again. Which is all well and good if you know everything about the virus. But be honest, this is cutting people down for fun. Of all ages. Herd immunity now would be a death wish for many people.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  10. #235
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    We are hearing of herd immunity again
    Preditions here if we continued down that path was half a million dead, complete collapse of healthcare. As it is countries that acted to shut down earlier and control it are recovering and in a better state (Germany, Taiwan, Singapore, etc).

    There's almost an irony here that the people in the UK who don't want the economy to crash because of covid, are perfectly happy to trash it entirely for an ideology. (And still are.)

  11. #236
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    Over here some places are opening back up. Not places that will be packed with people. Most were not forced to close. They just done so thinking they had to. Less of a risk going into these sorts of places. So many at a time allowed in. Smaller shops. Not selling food. Other things. So even 2 at a time. Other places should be kept closed. As they are gathering places. Lots of people.

    Death rate is still rising here. Think the fact it got into nursing homes is making it worse. Clusters of deaths from these nursing homes. But people still have to play by the rules. Better safe than sorry. Until they know more about the virus.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  12. #237
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    We have it in nursing homes too. Not being honest about the numbers there though. Number of dead is likely a bit higher than they're saying. Some people saying 7k.

  13. #238
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    Ah, I wondered how North Korea was doing. Isolated country, closes itself off.

    We have the flour shortages here. Seems to be one of the few things we still have a shortage of. It's not so much theres a shortage of flour here, just they aren't able to get the stuff in bags fast enough to sell. Everyones decided they want to start baking in lockdown. I know a few people that have managed to get bakers to fill up a plastic container for them.

    UK has decided that each of the countries in it would like to start fighting itself over this. Scotland is claiming that England has told PPE suppliers to not to supply Scotland. Wales is claiming the same thing. So much for the union. PPE is in massive shortages here. Idiots in government have told them to "stop overusing it" or "reuse it!". This being contaminated, temporary equipment that is tossed after use because it is potentially infected with covid. Already been quite a few medics died here because they do not have PPE.

    But on the plus side, Wales is saying it might be past the peak. Rest of the UK is still not great, but we're hopefully maybe getting somewhere in Wales. Let's just hope they don't lift everything to early, announce that it's "life as normal!" and try this stupid herd immunty plan again.
    Kim Jong Un apparently is not in very good condition. He had heart surgery this past month when he wasn't attending the Grand Poobah's birthday in his country. I knew he had been steadily gaining weight as his rule progressed. It took its toll on his stone cold heart.

    Quote CloudMaker View Post

    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    So much for social distancing. I guess they don't care about that. Shouts of ' I need a haircut '. I guess they want everywhere opened up again? You tell us. That would not be allowed here. Social gathering.
    I need a haircut. My hair is big, wide, and fabulous. I think I will start blowdrying it straight out in all directions! White Bro Fro all the way!

    Quote CloudMaker View Post
    People are tired of the government telling them what to do. Why cause another Great Depression when the majority of people who get it show no symptoms and will survive?
    Michigan …'s illegal to buy garden seeds at a Walmart! They are to close off the lawn and garden area! We are supposed to be able to come outside.

    Speaking of which - in Ohio - for the first time in FIVE WEEKS - I ran my streets! I was so afraid I was going to be pulled over while running. I ran at 12:10am alone with no mask. I could run 6mi/9.8km three times a week. I ran 4.6mi/7.4km without stopping. albeit slower than normal. At 4mi, a township policeman and then a city policeman drove right past me and didn't bat an eye!

  14. #239
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    Over here some places are opening back up. Not places that will be packed with people. Most were not forced to close. They just done so thinking they had to. Less of a risk going into these sorts of places. So many at a time allowed in. Smaller shops. Not selling food. Other things. So even 2 at a time. Other places should be kept closed. As they are gathering places. Lots of people.

    Death rate is still rising here. Think the fact it got into nursing homes is making it worse. Clusters of deaths from these nursing homes. But people still have to play by the rules. Better safe than sorry. Until they know more about the virus.
    Quote Otherside View Post
    We have it in nursing homes too. Not being honest about the numbers there though. Number of dead is likely a bit higher than they're saying. Some people saying 7k.
    The Associated Press here in the States reported last week that intelligence is investigating whether or not the Wuhan Coronavirus started at the virology lab in Wuhan, China. A worker had contracted the virus and unknowingly went to the wet market and infected other people. Then, the Chinese Government locked down the city, but people were still allowed to travel to other cities.....and countries. They said that the virus could not be spread from person to person, and then they waited six days while they stored up drugs and equipment. Somebody flew to Washington State in our northwest, and then someone else had flown to Italy, etc.....and the rest is pandemic history.

    The virus was traced to a type of bat or another animal called a pangolin. Neither animal was sold in the wet market.

  15. #240
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    I think the origins of the virus changed so much to begin with that I found it hard to believe any of it. At first they said sea food. my question was ' why now '? If it was really sea food I am sure this food has been around for such a long time. Why suddenly did a virus come from it in 2019? Not before that. So I never bought that story. I am aware of the American biologist working in Wuhan with the Chinese. A link was posted in this thread about his arrest by the department of justice in the US. He claims he wasn't working with the Chinese. But they were charging with doing so. Arrest warrants were also out for two Chinese nationals. Used fake passports to visit the US. Connected to the same biologist. Over here all this stuff has not got oit at all. No mention of it. Plus the WHO quick to play down talk of a manmade virus. Which I won't lie, is what I thought it was at first. Not a person who would trust the Chinese that much at all. We think of people trying to expose what was going on in Wuhan. First one to whistle blow died. They put that down to the virus. Other videos were released and the makers of those all vanished. Manmade or not, it is clear China are and were trying to cover something up. Finding out what will be hard. Do we ask them for a look in their lab? They wouldn't allow that.

    That leaves us all with a virus we are trying not to catch. One they still know little about. They know so much. But so much is not enough. Hence talk of herd immunity is stupid at this stage. Simple because you have any contact with anybody who has the virus and you will get it too. The nature of the virus is bad. What it does to people. The part of the body it attacks. It simply would not work with this virus.

    I can understand people been pissed off having to do all these new things. It is a pain. A pain we have to live with. I am sure they will learn more about the virus in time. Then things will begin to change for the better. At this stage doing stupid things is a death wish for some people. But they will still do them.
    @Otherside this one is for you.

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