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  1. #286
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    He certainly does manage to go off on a tangent Maybe they should record those speeches and edit out any parts about injecting bleach. Or let the doctors talk about the medical/science side of things, and have him talk about the actions being taken to deal with it. Likely does have a speech in front of him, like most leaders do. Needs to really follow that. Like him or hate him, he's the president of the US. So can't completely avoid press conferences and speeches.

    Week 4 of lockdown here. It gets reviewed on 5/5. Most people are still supportive of it, but you see people starting to flout it a bit, out of boredom and being stir crazy. Week 4 or not really being able to speak to anyone face-to-face isn't so great.

    Few high-profile people wanting it lifted. One newspaper here seems to be campaigning for that. I can't stand Boris, but thankfully he's ruled that out. Not happening anytime soon. I live in a fairly remote part of the country that hasn't been hit bad (30 cases here), but South-east England is bad. My parents and grandfather are currenty living there. Bit worried about them. Been told on a few occasions by Mum that's she's glad I'm here and it's safer here and to stay here.

    Everything is back in stock in store. Nice to once again not have problems buying stuff. Although stuff seems to be a bit more expensive now. Don't know if they're price gouging or what.

  2. #287
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    That was suggested. Record and make sure there is nothing to put lives at risk said. Last time he suggested some medication worked for the virus a couple took it. The husband died and the wife survived. Everything was only been looked at by then. I am thinking he heard they were looking at this medication. But instead of saying that he announced it worked on the virus. But again he denied saying it. Like this time around. Even if you played him back the recording he would still deny it. Hence his not showing up the next night. Which was best for all.

    Thing about Ireland is street parties. Now even far from this house. Have seen the video. Dancing on the road. No distance between them at all. Leo has said if people keep this up he will extend the lockdown and make sure the police enforce it. Here was us all thinking the police had new powers. But as usual they just stand there and watch on. But the question asked back was he Leo is allowing people to still enter the country? He is talking one thing but allowing others to do other things. People from outside Ireland can still travel around the country. You either enforce a full lockdown or you don't. I will say most people are great with it. Doing what is asked of them. But you always have those who will ignore everything.

    I hope you and your parents will be OK. More cases out there the bigger the risk. I have my radio scanner on here. Just got a call out to a person with every sign of the virus. Not nice symptoms at all. We can only do what we can do and hope things turn out fine for us all.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  3. #288
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    That was suggested. Record and make sure there is nothing to put lives at risk said. Last time he suggested some medication worked for the virus a couple took it. The husband died and the wife survived. Everything was only been looked at by then. I am thinking he heard they were looking at this medication. But instead of saying that he announced it worked on the virus. But again he denied saying it. Like this time around. Even if you played him back the recording he would still deny it. Hence his not showing up the next night. Which was best for all.

    Thing about Ireland is street parties. Now even far from this house. Have seen the video. Dancing on the road. No distance between them at all. Leo has said if people keep this up he will extend the lockdown and make sure the police enforce it. Here was us all thinking the police had new powers. But as usual they just stand there and watch on. But the question asked back was he Leo is allowing people to still enter the country? He is talking one thing but allowing others to do other things. People from outside Ireland can still travel around the country. You either enforce a full lockdown or you don't. I will say most people are great with it. Doing what is asked of them. But you always have those who will ignore everything.

    I hope you and your parents will be OK. More cases out there the bigger the risk. I have my radio scanner on here. Just got a call out to a person with every sign of the virus. Not nice symptoms at all. We can only do what we can do and hope things turn out fine for us all.
    What is an Irish street party like? Ever go join them?

  4. #289
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    People might bring out deck chairs and sit about a few inches away from each other. Certainly not 6 feet. Kids might have music on and be dancing. One paper said they were social distancing as they danced. If we take 6 feet as the distance we are been asked to be, there is no way you can get that far away from others as you dance. Work it out for yourself?

    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  5. #290
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    So....supposedly you can have Covid and spread it without having any symptoms.

    What if you are tested, and been found to be one of those people or someone that had it "earlier" and now have no symptoms, but can still give it to others.

    What becomes of you? Do they put you in some camp or isolation ward? How long will you be there?

    If you are immune yourself, but still carry and spread it?

    What a bunch of crazy bullshit.

    Also the whole vape hysteria? Why does those lungs look just like the covid patients lungs?

    honestly, I've spent a lot of time thinking about this, and none of this makes any sense! I'm not saying it's a lie, but what are people that have it, but yet "spread" it without any symptoms suppose to do?

    Also they keep saying once you get it, you can get it again and your health is compromised for life?

    If we're all "fu**KED" anyway then why destroy the economy?

  6. #291
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    You would be tested a few times if you tested positive at any time. To see if it is still in your system. Think about it. If it was still in your system, what would the point be in allowing you back out in public? You start a whole new batch of cases. It continues to go round and round.

    If you were never tested and had no idea you had it, Lord knows that would be a bad one. The only chance they have there would be if a friend of yours caught it and mentioned you to them. As in they had contact with you. Most countries try and do the whole trace thing. To get ahead of the virus. So a person tests positive. they ask who they had contact with. Then they try and reach all that person's contacts. Tell them to self isolate.

    Good few people don't need hospital at all. So they can remain at home. Once they remain indoors. These would be tested a few times. Until no trace is left in the body.

    One thing they are unsure iof is ' can a person catch it a second time '. They still have no answer for that one. If you are allowed home and back out in public you have to follow the same rules as everybody else.

    To me it will just keep going round and round until they find a vaccine. That might take a year or two. It won't stop until they find something to stop it with. And let us pretend you had it and showed no symptoms. To me that would be a mild strain of it. Probably the best strain a person could catch. I am sure the experts would not mind everybody having that strain of the virus. Rather than the strain that puts you in the ICU and could kill you.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  7. #292
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    You would be tested a few times if you tested positive at any time. To see if it is still in your system. Think about it. If it was still in your system, what would the point be in allowing you back out in public? You start a whole new batch of cases. It continues to go round and round.

    If you were never tested and had no idea you had it, Lord knows that would be a bad one. The only chance they have there would be if a friend of yours caught it and mentioned you to them. As in they had contact with you. Most countries try and do the whole trace thing. To get ahead of the virus. So a person tests positive. they ask who they had contact with. Then they try and reach all that person's contacts. Tell them to self isolate.

    Good few people don't need hospital at all. So they can remain at home. Once they remain indoors. These would be tested a few times. Until no trace is left in the body.

    One thing they are unsure iof is ' can a person catch it a second time '. They still have no answer for that one. If you are allowed home and back out in public you have to follow the same rules as everybody else.

    To me it will just keep going round and round until they find a vaccine. That might take a year or two. It won't stop until they find something to stop it with. And let us pretend you had it and showed no symptoms. To me that would be a mild strain of it. Probably the best strain a person could catch. I am sure the experts would not mind everybody having that strain of the virus. Rather than the strain that puts you in the ICU and could kill you.
    Pretty scary stuff to think you could be around people who don’t seem sick and still get infected, or you could be infecting others. Also whether or not you can get infected again. [BEEP]!

  8. #293
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    I know. But would you prefer the worst strain or the unknown strain? If everybody could get the strain the don't even know they have our immune systems night help us all out. The main strain is deadly. Fewer who get that one the better.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  9. #294
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    Couple of countries saying they've seen people who've had it twice, so who knows.

    Heard about the "have it but no symptoms" thing to here. There's also that week where you have the virus no symptoms, but still spread it. It's terrifying. Only thing they can do is isolate those people. Stay indoors for two weeks, same as if you have symptoms. Only way you find out about these people is if you test test test. Supposedly though thats why masks are meant to be good. Masks stop you from spreading it, not so good at preventing you from getting it unless it's the medical-grade ones.

    I know. But would you prefer the worst strain or the unknown strain? If everybody could get the strain the don't even know they have our immune systems night help us all out.
    Is it a strain, or just certain people not getting covid as badly/immune system better at dealing with it?

  10. #295
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    Wonder if wearing a mask will just be a permanent fact of daily life for years to come. That wouldn't just reduce COVID-19 spread but spread of the cold/flu which I would welcome. Last time I got the flu, it was horrible.

  11. #296
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    In Japan and S. Korea they wear masks a lot of the time of trains and in public. You get your hair cut over there the barber will have a mask on. Is a way of live to them. To us it is all new. At first nobody wanted to wear one. Just not part of our culture.

    They did say there were going to start testing people with no symptoms here soon. But they are out sourcing tests to Germany here. Test you here and send the swabs to Germany. To try and keep up with things. Next step will be your GP testing you. Which makes a lot more sense. As a GP has so many patients only. Between them all they could in effect test the whole country. Has been mentioned.

    But we also know that they can't keep people indoors all the time. Not practical. Life in a different way was mentioned here also. Social distancing as the new norm. Limited amount of people in all shops. Sport played behind closed doors. No crowds allowed. This will be our new life until they find a vaccine. All been talked about here. That if people want back out they better get used to a new way of living.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  12. #297
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    Not sure what it's like in Ireland but here, community spirit is lacking. I think Americans would only keep wearing masks over the long haul if it was mandatory. If people really cared about not spreading their germs, it would've already been the custom instead of people showing up sick at work, coughing and sneezing at each other. But inevitably, it would get politicized, there would be protests, and so on and so forth. In my city, masks are mandatory, but crossing over into the next town where it's not, you'll see more people going without. It will be interesting to see what will happen by the end of the year.

  13. #298
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    People over here are sort of taken to the whole mask thing. Few will still not wear them. Our government comes across as doing good. Until you dig a bit deeper. They have made mistakes. They still are making mistakes. Allowing people to move around Ireland. That is an invite to keep spreading the virus. Has to be stopped. If it was me it would be nobody into the country and nobody out of the country. Plus no movement North to South. Lockdown should have meant lockdown. Not allowing people to do things when it suits the government. We are all copping onto this now. Looked good at first. Those allowed to still move are allowed by the government. Some are people who donate to them. Them and anything connected to them can move freely. When others are not allowed move as freely. One rule for us and another rules for their friends.

    Throw it out there. Africa. Has the virus reached there? We hear nothing said at all. Meaning the poorer countries. I did say months back if did reach them it would kill thousands. Not heard anything at all.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  14. #299
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    Yeah, its reached Africa. Not as many cases as Europe/US/Asia don't think so. Lockdown in a few countries. Quite a few of them have just shut off there borders.

  15. #300
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    Lot of the countries have so many people in them. Many with no homes as it is. I thought it would sweep through some parts of Africa. Worst than any famine ever did. Mainly because their health is never that great as a rule. Might have thousands just sitting around in one area. hence I thought some of the pooer countries might have a high death rate.

    Seems the war is Syria has suddenly just stopped. Or maybe just forgotten about. Isis not carrying out attacks because there are no large gatherings. Is amazing how you can lose track of other events in the world. The last Pandemic lasted a few years. I am sure we are much better off today. That was the Spanish flu. Just after WWI. Poor Spain got a bad wrap there. Nothing got to do with them at all. Oddly the main ones to die during that were people in their 40's. As the war had just ended the Kinf of England wanted to keep spirits up so no measures were put in place to stop the spread of the flu. It was carry on as normal. Boris have you learned anything from history.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

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