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  1. #301
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    So the lockdown is disrupting the tea supply here, apparently. People have been stockpiling tea bags. Rather British of them.

    Recall a few months backs, ISIS told it's people to avoid Europe due to covid. What's left of them, anyway. Covid stopped a lot of things. For now.

    Spanish Flu was horrendous here by the sounds of things and not something we should aim to repeat. Took a couple of years for that to fizzle out.

  2. #302
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    Saw the joke about the family of 15 muslims dead. Suicide bomber working from home. LOL

    Does seem so much has stopped or we are just not hearing about it these days. They want to start the football back up. Might be a bad move. Behind closed doors. People are asking why football? Other things are just as important. Who wants to watch a game with no crowd at it on TV? They do be very boring. Plus you risk the players catching the virus. Which why it was called off to begin with. A manager caught the virus at a game.

    People talking about China testing a vaccine. Would you really trust them? They got us in this mess. To even claim they have a vaccine I would be suspect of them. They are meant to be testing it out. Hands up who wants to go first.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  3. #303
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    So the lockdown is disrupting the tea supply here, apparently. People have been stockpiling tea bags. Rather British of them.
    Don’t tick anyone off or they might throw your tea into the harbor again LOL!

  4. #304
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    over the break one of our teacher's lost his daughter to "pneumonia"
    The district is now offering us to get the test voluntarily for free.
    I don't know if I want to get tested or not.
    I'm not sick, but the only reason I would ever get tested is to see if I was exposed earlier.

    I've heard the test is not pleasant.

    The school district said we have to go back to work and take in all the textbooks.
    The next couple of weeks will be full exposure for us.
    Our Union is trying to get the district to pay hazard pay.

    Next year is still up in the air.
    The Governor is talking about having 3 day school weeks and reduced children on campuses.

  5. #305
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    They stick something up your nose for a few seconds. Never nice at all. Know somebody who had it done. He said it was horrible. But we all might have to have it done some day. When he mentioned that to me it reminded me of a thing they done about twice daily when I was in hospital last year. A tube like thing up the nose. Only this made you want to cough and clear your throat. I bloody hated having that done twice a day for nearly 3 weeks. I imagine that would be similar only for a shorter amount of time.

    Schools here have said the 3 day week too. Asking how long can you keep students out of school? The exams are meant to start soon. But put off till October. By then students would have missed so much school that it might be a bit unfair on them. Sit exams after no school for so long? These are the exams that count most in your life too.

    I am sure you can social distance with the job you have to do. Use various rooms. Not more than 2 to a room. Just as exposed if you go to the shops. That is my every day thing. Where is safe these days?
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  6. #306
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    They stick something up your nose for a few seconds. Never nice at all. Know somebody who had it done. He said it was horrible. But we all might have to have it done some day. When he mentioned that to me it reminded me of a thing they done about twice daily when I was in hospital last year. A tube like thing up the nose. Only this made you want to cough and clear your throat. I bloody hated having that done twice a day for nearly 3 weeks. I imagine that would be similar only for a shorter amount of time.

    Schools here have said the 3 day week too. Asking how long can you keep students out of school? The exams are meant to start soon. But put off till October. By then students would have missed so much school that it might be a bit unfair on them. Sit exams after no school for so long? These are the exams that count most in your life too.

    I am sure you can social distance with the job you have to do. Use various rooms. Not more than 2 to a room. Just as exposed if you go to the shops. That is my every day thing. Where is safe these days?
    Having something in your nose sounds awful.

    Normally at my job they have the kids all line up with their books and turn them in at my desk while I scan them. Would be lots of exposure. Hopefully they do something different now but you can?t ever trust the district to be on top of things.

    I sort of volunteered to work at some of the elementary schools.
    I would rather work than be alone here,

    I really think I got sick earlier this year., but even If I didn't .
    If I die alone and old I don't care about life anymore.

  7. #307
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    You see the nose and throat are connected. So with me they were actually trying to get me to cough up mucus and the likes. Fecken tube thing. It was horrible. But they got what they wanted. Hard not to cough. With the test thing it is up the nose again. Not talking just a little bit up your nose either. More uncomfortable than anything else. Who wants to sit there whilst whatever it is, is shoved up their nose? I did have that other breathing thing hooked up to me in hospital too. That is for the nose too. That was there for nearly 3 weeks. Again it is just uncomfortable. Much like the virus test would be.

    Maybe they can use a self scan type thing? For the books. So many kids in at a time. Not talking loads of them. Keeping the social distance in place. We all know that shops have those self service check-outs. Must be something similar they could use. I know in our nearest library you check your own books back in. Have they got them over there too? No need to hand them in to anybody. I never knew about it and was waiting for a worker. It was pointed out to me and I was showed how to use it. Very handy.

    They did say that people who think they had the virus earlier in the year, or late last year, it was not this same virus. So many people had said that. They made a statement about it. I did say if it was that virus, would it not have spread back them? So many people thinking they already had it. No. Different one. So the experts are saying.

    You don't want to die alone. Far from it. Still got a lot of life left in you yet.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  8. #308
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    Quote CloudMaker View Post
    At least we know he?s transparent because he can?t help but speak whatever crosses his mind LOL was released yesterday, but the story about the guy who drank the fish tank cleaner with his wife?
    Well, the wife is under investigation for murder of the husband.

  9. #309
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    No big surprise to see the lockdown extended here. Can't see it been lifted when it is next meant to be up either. After the East coast having the worst of it since day 1, the West coast now has loads of cases. All seem to be happening in the one area. If you get what I mean. Like a cluster of cases in one area one day. Then another cluster the next day in another area.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  10. #310
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    If our economy dies how many people will die along with it?

    America, the very foundation of America is built on free enterprise.

    You can believe in it or not.

    It is what it is.

    Before today I was sort of optimistic.

    I am no longer.

    Physically having to do the job our school district demands is not reasonable.

    I'm already physically wiped out and they expect me to next week move all of the high school?s library books to their gym even before accepting all 6000 of the high school’s textbooks in mainly by myself.

    I'm not going to make it,
    I told them.
    I can't do that.

  11. #311
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    I spent the last 3 days in classrooms at Elementary helping the library tech check in textbooks. The District gives us paper thin masks and gloves.

    It was almost a impossible task as there were only 2 of us to check in hundreds of books left in student desks.

    I chose not to use the "mask" or "gloves" we got , because they are basically worthless.
    You can see through the paper thin "mask" and the "gloves" tear after the first set of books.

    Monday I have been ordered to work at the High School and move their entire library to their gym they expect us to have every single book into the gym by the end of the week By ourselves!


    After that we are to accept all textbooks at our individual sites.

    At the high school I have over 6000 books to check in by myself as my coworker is on Maternity leave, and I was told I will not be allowed any sub help.

  12. #312
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    One of the few people who probably still have some form of work. Masks don't stop you getting the virus. More stops you spreading the virus. But at least there was no students there. The books were there from before the virus. So in that respect you should be OK.

    You can only do your best. If you fall short just smile and say ' I told you so '. Lot of books. I assume they have to be in a certain order? Was going to suggest getting one of those things you see for laundry and dump them into that. They are on wheels. Move more at once.

    Everything outside the house is a risk these days. Weeks ago I said the shops would become the biggest risk in no time at all. I still think that. Lord knows who is there at the same time as us. Silent carriers. We keep going till we drop. Or that is how it feels it is meant to be.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  13. #313
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    Here's an example of masks being politicized:

    ...on Friday, Mayor Will Joyce softened the rule to encourage, not require, face coverings, after several reports emerged of employees being verbally abused and being threatened with physical violence while trying to enforce the order -- all in just three hours of the rule going into effect.

    "Many of those with objections cite the mistaken belief the requirement is unconstitutional, and under their theory, one cannot be forced to wear a mask. No law or court supports this view," said City Manager Norman McNickle in a statement. "It is further distressing that these people, while exercising their believed rights, put others at risk."
    Lots of people were protesting beach closures and not wearing masks while doing so. Ugh. It's a hopeless situation. Not only is there still not enough testing and no vaccine, but PPEs are still in short supply AND there's too many idiots out there.

  14. #314
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    The masks are starting be made into something you must wear if you want to leave the house. Some countries are sending them to every house. I do think it will be brought in here too. Bit like saying ' you wanr life to resume? Wear a mask '. But the biggest fear they have about getting a country back up and running again is a second wave of the virus. Everybody gets to go back out. That does not mean the virus is gone. Will it hit a second time? That is the fear. Certain places are allowed open here from May 18th. But it might be wear a mask or stay at home. Ireland tends to look at other countries and sees how things are working out there. This might be the way forward. Getting used to masks.

    one for @CloudMaker

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    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  15. #315
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    The masks are starting be made into something you must wear if you want to leave the house. Some countries are sending them to every house. I do think it will be brought in here too. Bit like saying ' you wanr life to resume? Wear a mask '. But the biggest fear they have about getting a country back up and running again is a second wave of the virus. Everybody gets to go back out. That does not mean the virus is gone. Will it hit a second time? That is the fear. Certain places are allowed open here from May 18th. But it might be wear a mask or stay at home. Ireland tends to look at other countries and sees how things are working out there. This might be the way forward. Getting used to masks.

    one for @CloudMaker

    Attachment 4693
    LOL oh dear. I thought I had erased Jackson and his “blanket” and “never land ranch” from memory. Thanks for that!

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