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  1. #391
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    Yeah car crashes and heart attacks are overwhelming hospitals in my area currently. It is the strangest thing.I can take a 15 minute drive to my local hospital and snap a picture of the added "Refrigated storage" that has been put in place.I don't mean to be rude but the area I am in is in bad shape and it isn't do to over counting. I respect everyone's opinion but I don't tend to exaggerate.

  2. #392
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    Our main news headline was about hundreds of American tourists arriving in Ireland. Normally a good thing. There is uproar over it. America is the worst hit country in the world. Why are they even allowing people to leave the US? trump has banned all flights into the US. Until the US gets things a little better under control, all flights out should be banned as well. You arrive here and you are meant to self isolate for 2 weeks. Few of them got into trouble for refusing to self isolate. The main cause of the recent infections has been tourists. The people who give the health briefings are saying nobody should be allowed visit Ireland. But they are not the government. We are all waiting to see if the government acts on what the health experts are telling them they should be doing. Again we had no deaths yesterday. Was the same the day before. We have gotten the figures down to something that actually looks good. So why take risks?
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  3. #393
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    They should monitor American tourists very closely. We have a lot of dummies that Ireland should be concerned about - stick 'em in hotel rooms and lock em in. Leave food at the door. There's too many people who still refuse to comply with safety measures and there's more Americans infected than ever.

  4. #394
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    Some hotels are refusing them. As a rule we love Americans coming over here. This is not the right time. Not like America has the virus under control. Other countries are not allowed visit America because it is seen as unsafe. Because of the virus. Rules here, you visit, you stay locked up for 2 weeks in your room. Some have broken those rules already. There is a major call to stop tourists from high risk countries.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  5. #395
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    Phase 4 of the opening of the country was meant to begin on Monday. Has been put off for another month. Some pubs were allowed to open. Once they served food. That was phase 3. But they didn't play by the rules. Videos of gangs of people outside of pubs. Were we had zero deaths most days over the past 2 weeks, we now see more cases. Younger age group. Hence they put phase 4 off. Right move to do. Face masks have to be worn in shops and on public transport. It is now a new law. You could end up in prison or be fined if you are caught without one. That is were we are at right now.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  6. #396
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    My union sent me stuff today. Hard core sanitizer, and a tool to open doors, and things without contact.

    I've been working at the Public LibraryTuesday and Wednesday. Every book we receive gets checked in, and then boxed for 3 days.

    We all wear masks and gloves and use sanitizer all the time. I also keep sanitizer in my car and use it ever time I go into a store.
    Most stores here require masks, but there are still a bunch of idiots that refuse.

    School is cancelled until further notice. No one has contacted me yet about my pay.

    I hope they contact me soon if I have to apply for unemployment.

  7. #397
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    Over here workers get paid if they worked through the whole virus. Some even get extra pay. If others could not work, they get half pay from their job and the other half from welfare. Just until they can get back to work. As we are seeing a lot more cases again, things have slowed down again. we are staying in phase 3 until such a time they deem it right to move to phase 4. That could be a few months. Number of cases keeps rising we may even find ourselves going back to phase 2 again. All seemed to happen with the opening of some pubs and the arrival of tourists in Ireland.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  8. #398
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    Over here workers get paid if they worked through the whole virus. Some even get extra pay. If others could not work, they get half pay from their job and the other half from welfare. Just until they can get back to work. As we are seeing a lot more cases again, things have slowed down again. we are staying in phase 3 until such a time they deem it right to move to phase 4. That could be a few months. Number of cases keeps rising we may even find ourselves going back to phase 2 again. All seemed to happen with the opening of some pubs and the arrival of tourists in Ireland.
    Wow we have had expanded unemployment benefits which are expiring now but we haven’t had the businesses pay worker salaries and even still we’ve lost tons of businesses. How does anyone there stop from going bankrupt if they still have to pay have wages while shut down???

  9. #399
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    A few did let people go for a period of time. They could get the special payments. But they would have their jobs back in time. Others were still doing business but on a smaller scale. So they pay half and welfare pay the other half. I am sure some smaller companies will go under. A lot more never stopped work. They will be fine. Rescue package is been hammered out with the EU. For all EU countries.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  10. #400
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    A few did let people go for a period of time. They could get the special payments. But they would have their jobs back in time. Others were still doing business but on a smaller scale. So they pay half and welfare pay the other half. I am sure some smaller companies will go under. A lot more never stopped work. They will be fine. Rescue package is been hammered out with the EU. For all EU countries.
    Lol @ EU rescue package. Don’t you have several countries who are financial negatives and contribute nothing while having every other country pay to subsidize them? Why let them in? Aren’t you tired of the EU?

    I’d understand if it were for military defense but the EU is not a prerequisite for NATO.

  11. #401
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    It was all for the purpose of trading to begin with. Much of it still is. You can trade freely within the EU. Not charged anything extra. Step outside the EU and even order something for yourself and the amount you have to pay on it before they hand it over to you. When the UK does leave, those same rules will apply. I order a lot from UK sites. That will all stop when they leave the EU. Cheaper buying in the shops here. At the moment it is cheaper buying from the sites. No extra charges at all.

    Some countries are poorer. But Ireland needed a hand out a few years back. Country fell apart. Even the banks were broke. So you can borrow. End up having to pay back over a long period of time. It is better to remain in the EU. Trade deals are always there. The UK wanted out, but also wanted to be still able to keep the trade deal. They were told once they leave no trade deals would happen.

    Each country, for the sake of keeping this simple, gives so much to the EU pot. It might be based on how a country are doing. One doing good might give a bit more than one doing bad. The one doing good now might be doing bad some day in the future and they would give less then. So there is like a little nest egg. There when needed. Case of arriving at how much a country should get. Again some countries are doing better than other countries. So they won't need as much this time around.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  12. #402
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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    It was all for the purpose of trading to begin with. Much of it still is. You can trade freely within the EU. Not charged anything extra. Step outside the EU and even order something for yourself and the amount you have to pay on it before they hand it over to you. When the UK does leave, those same rules will apply. I order a lot from UK sites. That will all stop when they leave the EU. Cheaper buying in the shops here. At the moment it is cheaper buying from the sites. No extra charges at all.

    Some countries are poorer. But Ireland needed a hand out a few years back. Country fell apart. Even the banks were broke. So you can borrow. End up having to pay back over a long period of time. It is better to remain in the EU. Trade deals are always there. The UK wanted out, but also wanted to be still able to keep the trade deal. They were told once they leave no trade deals would happen.

    Each country, for the sake of keeping this simple, gives so much to the EU pot. It might be based on how a country are doing. One doing good might give a bit more than one doing bad. The one doing good now might be doing bad some day in the future and they would give less then. So there is like a little nest egg. There when needed. Case of arriving at how much a country should get. Again some countries are doing better than other countries. So they won't need as much this time around.
    This seems like an artificial limitation. Why can’t Europe have free trade without the EU?

    And do you think countries like Greece will ever pay their fair share? LOL

  13. #403
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    We have furlough in the UK, you get 80% of your salary if you're furloughed. The government repaid that to the company. But that'll likely be ending soon.

    As a result, the redundancies have started. My sister lost her job earlier this week, see news about companies cutting jobs, shops closing up, or shutting down.

    EU started as a peace project I believe after WW2 (Europe has not always gotten on). Beyond that, EU gets better trade deals with other countries if it negotiates them as one block. There are countries that have a huge amount of access to the EU whilst not being members (Norway, Iceland and Switzerland have an arrangement with them). Suspect UK will eventually end up like that.

    EU isnt perfect - and I say this as someone who voted to remain - Hungary is pretty much a dictatorship and very little has been done about that one (they should have be removed, but they won't be, its near impossible to do that), Poland is starting to go that way.

    Overall benefits of it outweighed the cons of it. Beyond that countries are now too integrated into the EU that it becomes difficult to leave - UK leaving completely isn't easy, and we're a country that had quite a few opt-outs from the EU (we actually had a border, and didnt join the Euro currency). UK is heading for more economic damage because of it, some people saying they're might be food shortages. Few leavers/politicians are realizing it night not be so easy to just leave without problems, but tbh, at this point, they need to stop whining about it, realise this is what they wanted, and just get on with it at this point, and take the blame and responsibility for the consequences, that they were warned about. Those being the economic damage, possible food shortages, and the fact that theres a good chance the UK may cease to exist as a few countries leave it and gain independence from it.

  14. #404
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    Did begin with just a few countries. Keep an eye on the Germans. No more world wars. But when the UK and Ireland joined in the early 70's it was more about trade than anything else. Nobody forces anybody to join the EU. Some countries are not interested at all. That is their choice. Others want in, but are always voted against. It did expand again a few years ago. The countries allowed to join at that time had a few EU member states not wanting them as members. You can have a split between member states. So many votes and you get in. You can have little groupings within the EU. Certain countries that stick closer together. They might all vote as one. With the hope that by doing so, what they are voting on is passed. Maybe they are trying to block something. That is politics for you. Think what annoyed the UK was that they thought they should be up there at the top with Germany and France. You might be against something and be lose a vote on it. Be told you have to do something under EU laws. Much like in US politics, you do try and lobby other countries to back you. Can work for you or work against you. The UK always had those who never wanted to be part of the EU. They have always been there.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

  15. #405
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    Didn't Russia play a role in Brexit? They seem to be involved in a whole lot of nefarious crap. Seems a safe bet is to do the opposite of what Russia wants.

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