What is everyone’s opinion - overpriced or worth it?
Seems like they’re extremely polarizing!![]()
Overpriced and overrated
Worth every penny
What is everyone’s opinion - overpriced or worth it?
Seems like they’re extremely polarizing!![]()
As far as their products go, they make technology and that technology works well (sometimes). Yes, its overpriced but the "wank factor" that their sales relies so heavily on takes time, effort and incredible creativity and intelligence! That's gotta be worth paying extra for doesn't it?
In regards to the company itself, I'm not a fan but most of the reasons are just aspects that relate to business practices in general. (They aren't the only company guilty of planned obsolescence).
We are blessed with choice. You can part with your hard earned cash and buy a premium Apple product and gain some serious credibility in the process or you can buy something like Huawei for way less which will do similar things. Either way, we are getting screwed over in some form. The magic trick (i.e. marketing) is that we aren't supposed to be aware or believe it.
A recent scenario that got my blood boiling is Apple tried to buy out prime city real-estate that was part of a community and cultural precinct to create a flagship store. Their marketing made their intent sound so altruistic like its 'all for the community' but they essentially want to get their greedy grubby little fingers dug deep into our cultural psyche, to further instil the belief that we need them.
I mean, to some extent I do agree that commercial entities are required for economic purposes but there needs to be a balance.
They market to a local community so we all feel warm and fuzzy and loved yet they are reaming us from behind by setting up their company in a global structure in order to minimise paying local taxes. They thrive off this behaviour and are constantly using creative accounting practices to gain more profitability. That's just "business" though... and business is becoming a way of life.
They're alright products, but I'm not spending that much on a phone.
Unless somebody wants to give me some of their products none will ever be in this house. Bloody price of them. Once you buy one thing, you need a second thing that might only work on the first thing you bought. So you are been sucked in to buying exra products.
The Lovable Irish Rogue
As someone that has had few apple products, I'd say they're overpriced. Don't get me wrong, they work pretty good but like Cuch said, with some of their stuff, you pretty much have to buy another thing for them. For example, you can't use AirPods or the Apple Watch with android phones. You basically need another apple product. I think apple products are cool but I don't like how you're so limited with what you can do with them. Phone wish, I prefer Android.
They came out with a new laptop that can be configured over $6000 OMG
I noticed Apple were promoting crash detection in selling new products. I don't think you have to be too much of a "negative thinker" to see how that may go wrong. Seriously, stuff like that has gotta be more about bragging rights than actually being an efficient and effective means of helping to save a persons life.
Work gave me an iPhone for work purposes. Its locked down as hell, can't do much on it and there's no way im using it for anything but work, fairly sure they can monitor stuff.
But, I'm not a fan to be honest. Bur I'm used to android these days.
They made a new virtual reality product
I love VR but OMG they made it 4x as expensive as the other top of the line headsets
Don’t even know if it can play PC games!!!