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    Real reason for Ukraine?


    Has anybody heard this???


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    Sounds like bs, but there's a lot of conspiracy theories and misinformation being circulated online these days.

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    Quote Nyctophilia View Post
    Sounds like bs, but there's a lot of conspiracy theories and misinformation being circulated online these days.
    Lot of Russian disinformation going around - the Russians are using a genocide of ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine as a reason for it's invasion. Have had a lot of Russian disinformation like this in the UK in the last few years about various things. I've not seen this particular one but it reads as though it comes from a Russian speaker, not like it came from someone speaking British English (as Australians do).

    Russians coming up with this genocide thing and whatever else as they have to justify why a huge number of Russian conscripts are going to be returning to Russia in body bags.

    As for the reasons behind it? Not the first time Russia has done this, not the only country they are occupying, and they invaded Ukraine back in 2014. This is just a major escalation of that. Whole myriad of reasons of why now from Ukraine moving away from being pro-Russian to pro-West, Ukraine slowly becomming more of a democracy (and we can't have that happen in a neighbouring slavic country, the Russian people might get ideas), Occupied Crimea not having enough Water due to the Ukrainians cutting off the supply and so becomming more Arid, strategic contol of the Sea of Azov and Black Sea and energy resources there - and Russia never quite getting over the fact that is it no longer the superpower it once was with all these communist satelite states in its "Sphere of Influence" and that it lost a lot of territory in 1990s and how very terrible it is that the USSR no longer exists, it hurt Russians the way they split up, they want those places back so they can feel great again.

    Occupied former USSR territories Moldova or Georgia is probably going to be the next country genociding Russian speakers that Putin will "reluctantly intervene" in.

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    Quote Otherside View Post
    Lot of Russian disinformation going around - the Russians are using a genocide of ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine as a reason for it's invasion. Have had a lot of Russian disinformation like this in the UK in the last few years about various things. I've not seen this particular one but it reads as though it comes from a Russian speaker, not like it came from someone speaking British English (as Australians do).

    Russians coming up with this genocide thing and whatever else as they have to justify why a huge number of Russian conscripts are going to be returning to Russia in body bags.

    As for the reasons behind it? Not the first time Russia has done this, not the only country they are occupying, and they invaded Ukraine back in 2014. This is just a major escalation of that. Whole myriad of reasons of why now from Ukraine moving away from being pro-Russian to pro-West, Ukraine slowly becomming more of a democracy (and we can't have that happen in a neighbouring slavic country, the Russian people might get ideas), Occupied Crimea not having enough Water due to the Ukrainians cutting off the supply and so becomming more Arid, strategic contol of the Sea of Azov and Black Sea and energy resources there - and Russia never quite getting over the fact that is it no longer the superpower it once was with all these communist satelite states in its "Sphere of Influence" and that it lost a lot of territory in 1990s and how very terrible it is that the USSR no longer exists, it hurt Russians the way they split up, they want those places back so they can feel great again.

    Occupied former USSR territories Moldova or Georgia is probably going to be the next country genociding Russian speakers that Putin will "reluctantly intervene" in.
    I did hear the genocide claim, though only very recently as a defence for the current invasion but yeah there's no way that screenshot is from a legit source. I imagine there will be lots of trolls posting all kinds of crap right now too with the motivation of creating chaos more than anything.

    I've been watching some videos where a guy talks to random Russian people about stuff, there's a lot they can't say though obviously. He's actually muting some things they say to avoid them getting into trouble later.

    ^ that vpn sponsor in his video. So bleak.

    edit: this video is from another channel but the people are more outspoken. Think there is generally an age difference in responses. I love the last person's reaction though.

    I don't know what Putin's future plans are, or how many around him share his vision (the problem in the long term is less with one individual but how many people buy into the hype and whether they have the resources for revolution, like North Korea,) but I'm really hoping something changes soon. If he decides to go into Poland I think the results will be very grave. Technically NATO will be obliged to intervene if he invades any NATO country which will escalate the situation considerably and mean we will have to go to war with Russia.

    I don't think Putin will be removed by democratic means though, and they held an election there not that long ago anyway which was infamously corrupt. I notice in that third video a few people brought up Ekaterina Schulmann but she doesn't seem widely discussed and seems unlikely, don't think she's ever run for office, she's a political scientist. Most recently mentioned in this BBC article:

    Radio station Echo of Moscow was taken off air on Tuesday. On Thursday it was shut entirely by its board of directors and on Friday it was reported by Russia's Interfax agency that the lease at its office had been terminated and its website disabled.

    Ekaterina Schulman is a political scientist who was presenting a programme on the station when it was taken off air.

    "People like me might find ourselves with nowhere to work. Very soon there won't be media outlets, or lecture halls or other platforms where we can talk to the public," she told the BBC.

    Russia's state-controlled TV has depicted the war in a very different way to broadcasts seen around the rest of the world.
    She's also on twitter, and I think they have moved their broadcast to YouTube. (I don't speak Russian, just using the inbuilt translator.)

    Yesterday at 21:00 the radio station was taken off the air at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office. The promised two-hour broadcast, however, was held on YouTube, which was watched by 50 thousand amazed (I guess) viewers.

    Write to your deputy. Or any deputy in general.
    On Twitter, Shulman's post is being actively promoted about writing to deputies and reminding that people are, in fact, against the war.

    We sent 450 letters today - to each deputy of the State Duma with an appeal to stop the war

    4. An anti-war petition went over a million in four days. This has never happened among petitions in Russian, and in terms of the pace of collecting signatures, it turned out to be one of the record ones in the world.
    Obviously Putin's primary opposition candidate Alexei Navalny is in prison now and after he attempted to have him poisoned. And yes he has been doing this sort of thing for a long time, the poisoning obviously but also sticking people he dislikes in prison and referring to them as foreign agents if they get too big, like the members of [BEEP] Riot.

    I still think this was a really dumb thing for him to do, which really worries me more because it suggests he might be willing to sacrifice his own country.

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    Putin has to try and sell the war to the Russian public. he has been doing just that. Filling their heads with a load of BS. Making them think what he is doing is right. Then NATO hits them with sanctions and the Russian public see NATO as been against them for no reason at all. Which is what Putin wanted.

    We knows he does not want anybody taken to the streets of Russia. Was talk of him putting a curfew in place. His fear there was, if the people found out the truth, they might get together in large numbers and take to the streets. In the past we have seen governments fall from power due to the public turning against them. Just look backwards a decade or so ago. That was how the old Iron Curtain fell. People power. Putin is aware of this. No real news gets into Russia. Full internet ban. Don't let anybody know what is really going on.

    As for the original post in this thread? Less said about that the better. Might make for a plot of a bad horror movie. Total BS though.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

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    So when this all starting kicking off back December last year, took at look at the Russian TV channels we did get here before they were kicked off the European transmitters. Was doing the whole "its genocide" thing. Can still see the website of those channels here. Currently pushing a "there is bioweapons in Ukraine" alongside the genocide in Donetsk and Luhansk. Was bizarre watching it. Alternated between genocide and just outright saying that Ukraine was once a part of the Russian empire, Ukrainians arent a seperate people to Russians and they have no right to exist.

    Have seen the kremlinbots pushing those narratives here online a lot more lately. Easy to spot if you know what to look for. Usually not fluent English speakers. Struggle with the difference between "The", "a" and "an", dont realize word order needs to be different when you ask a question in English. Not something you do in Russian. Same time claim to be native English speakers.

    Lot of the anti-Putin channels in Russia are now down or blocked. Drozhd, Echo of Moscow, the foreign news over there- BBC, DW, whatever the Qatari one is called. Anything not pushing the Kremlin line.

    Navalny? No idea why he flew back to Russia. Brave of him. I will give him that. Russians and there novichok. He is lucky to be alive. They used Novichok on our citizens a few years back. Could have killed thousands with it. We have not forgotten.

    As for the sanctions? Should have been done years ago. We are in this situation because not much was done. Ukraine is not unique. There are Russian backed breakaway regions in other post Soviet countries, one of those regions will be next. Thos former USSR countries that signed up to NATO have so far been spared. And certain Western European countries owe Poland + baltics an apology for ignoring the warnings about Russia, and insisting those were just "russophobia".

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    Over here, there are all kinds of weird things going on. It doesn't help with KamaKamaleon (lying is so easy since her colors aren't like our dreams) is out embarrassing our country in Poland this week.

    Putin has Parkinson's and is showing aggression as part of the illness - that he's a lunatic.
    Putin has roid rage (his face appears puffy).
    Putin call Ukraine a bunch of Nazis that needed to be taken over -> to restore the former Soviet Union, and that he already has Belarus in cahoots.

    That's kind of what we heard. He went after Crimea during the Obomination of Desolation, and Ukraine during the Obomination of Desolation Part II: Bidened Over and Obamaytzed. Our JOEjanHorse is a buffoon with a 35-40% approval.....only hardcore greenie activists think he's doing well. Sad deluded 35%.

    JOEjanHorse will not revert to Trump's domestic oil, we are at record-high fuel prices......and he blames Putin, again - he's a buffoon. Our fuel prices shot up 65% from his first day in office to the summer of 2021 because he shut off our self-sufficiency! AND! He wonders why OPEC won't give him the time of day. He has now begged OPEC *TWICE* to increase oil production....they didn't even answer his second call! Gee, Joe, I wonder why!

    I can go to my grave knowing I never voted for the One World Government jackasses!

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    In Ireland they tell us what is been said in each country. Russia is saying this. Ukraine is saying that. America is saying the other. The Uk is saying something else. In other words you will hear different versions of things from different countries. As they said on the news the other day ' we have to try and work out who is telling us the truth '. Fair to say we know it is not Putin. Petrol prices have shot up here too. As have the prices of everything else. From normal food to electric and gas for your home heating. We are not talking a slight rise in the prices. We are talking 3 times higher than they were two months ago. Same can be said in a lot of other countries too. Is not all down to what is happening in the Ukraine. Some of it can be blamed on that. Lot of places lost out on money over the last two years with Covid. They are making up for lost time. Hitting us as hard as they can. Will last with food and the likes for so long. I can see that going down again. Normally starts with one shop lowering prices. Others want to keep pace with that other shop. As they all want you to shop in their shop. Has happened a few times in the past. An increase for about 6 months and then a drop to keep up with other shops. Gas and electric will stay up. They just like to rip people off. Always have done. People need what they have to offer. With only 2 companies in Ireland, and one even worse than the other, they can keep on raising their prices. This is the third raise in a year. They always have excuses. Blame it on other things.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

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    Quote Ironman View Post
    Putin has Parkinson's and is showing aggression as part of the illness - that he's a lunatic.
    I have heard this, no idea how true it is. Guy has also been really, really paranoid about covid and spent the last two years pretty much in isolation, which probably hasn't helped. Guy is 70.

    Putin call Ukraine a bunch of Nazis that needed to be taken over -> to restore the former Soviet Union, and that he already has Belarus in cahoots.
    Belarus is run by Europes last dictator, guy called Lukashenko. He was trying to go the path of being the country that was a link between the west and Russia, but that all ended when elections were held there (fraudulent) leading to protests, and when he hijacked an airplane and forced it to land in Belarus to kidnap an anti-Lukashenko Blogger. Belarus got sanctioned into oblivion after that, and since then he's had no choice but to go the Russian vassal state route.

    Also Putin promised to make Lukashenko a colonel in the Russian army, which he wants, because he never quite managed to make Colonel in the Soviet Army and he's upset about that, so he'll do whatever Putin wants so long as he becomes a Colonel. Interview is something bizarre. Interviewer is pro-putin and even he can't stop laughing. It's like Lukashenko is a child.

    Russia likely hoped to make at least part of Ukraine into a vassal like Belarus, if not all of the country. Doubt any Russian planted government would be able to keep power in Ukraine though.

    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    Petrol prices have shot up here too. As have the prices of everything else. From normal food to electric and gas for your home heating. We are not talking a slight rise in the prices. We are talking 3 times higher than they were two months ago. Same can be said in a lot of other countries too. Is not all down to what is happening in the Ukraine. Some of it can be blamed on that. Lot of places lost out on money over the last two years with Covid. They are making up for lost time. Hitting us as hard as they can. Will last with food and the likes for so long. I can see that going down again. Normally starts with one shop lowering prices. Others want to keep pace with that other shop. As they all want you to shop in their shop. Has happened a few times in the past. An increase for about 6 months and then a drop to keep up with other shops. Gas and electric will stay up. They just like to rip people off. Always have done. People need what they have to offer. With only 2 companies in Ireland, and one even worse than the other, they can keep on raising their prices. This is the third raise in a year. They always have excuses. Blame it on other things.
    Prices up here as well, electric costs are mad here.

    To be even worse in the next few months, and we're not even reliant on Russian gas here.

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    It could be propaganda but nothing would surprise me at this point IDK

    I heard we have biolabs there too

    The US and new world order truly are the kingdom of SATAN imo


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    Generally best to ignore anything coming out of Russia. Goal is destabilization of the west. They hate our way of life and values, hate what we stand for. Never gotten over that the US won the cold war.

    I'm thankful that the west has actually been United over Ukraine, and seems to be waking up put of whatever geopolitical "nothing can touch us" slumber it was in.

    Want to know what they want with the world, look up Foundations of Geopolitics by Aleksandr Dugin, wikipedia has a bullet point summary. Usually wouldnt buy into this stuff but a lot of those bullet points are being crossed off, does seem like a Putin to do list.

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    There are a lot of stories coming up about how the Russian soldiers were misled on this whole thing, too.

    The US itself is not in the New World Order, but our Government is - specifically the Radical Leftist Democratic Party. We have an entire adminstration filled with people were touted to be "the next big thing" and there are ALL FAILURES!
    JOEjanHorse, KamaKamaleon - BootyJudge the former South Bend mayor (who RUINED SOUTH BEND TRAFFIC - my parents are from the area!) and STILL became transportation secretary.
    GrandHo (Granholm) - the energy secretary, is like the evil librarian. She picks her nose up and laughs about not being able to do anytStinkinhing about energy - except tell us that we should have electric cars. Witch.
    MaDORKus (Majorkas) - The Department of Homeland Security - it should be HomeLESS - as we have peope just crossing our border every day without being checked. He gets off on it.
    BeZERO (Becerra) the Health and Human Services Secretary - we hear NOTHING from him until the end of the Omicron variant! What the hell has he been doing, letting FAU-XI take the reins? Buffoon!
    Stinkin (Blinkin) - our wonderful Secretary of State....couldn't represent us if his life depended on it.
    Then there's Congress spending us into bankruptcy - NancyAntoinette (Pelosi) "Let them eat ice cream", ChunkScooper (Schumer) the weasel leader of the Senate.

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    The whole New world order is all about the richest people in the world controling who gets into power in certain countries. I somehow can't imagine Biden been put there by anybody. Not unless they wanted rid of Trump. Imagine a world were you could have backing worth millions. The support of people who might not support you as a rule. Meaning other politicians. People in high places. I know pictures did come out one of a lot of big names at a secret meeting. Bill Clinton could been seen in a photograph. Along with some other well known figureheads. That is the basis of all of this. They select who they want in power. They back them with money to get them elected. Once in power they can be told what to do. Thus you could understand the fears of some people if such a thing were true. What we do know is true is that the ricjest people in the world do meet on occasions. For what? Who really knows.
    The Lovable Irish Rogue

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    Quote Cuchculan View Post
    The whole New world order is all about the richest people in the world controling who gets into power in certain countries. I somehow can't imagine Biden been put there by anybody. Not unless they wanted rid of Trump. Imagine a world were you could have backing worth millions. The support of people who might not support you as a rule. Meaning other politicians. People in high places. I know pictures did come out one of a lot of big names at a secret meeting. Bill Clinton could been seen in a photograph. Along with some other well known figureheads. That is the basis of all of this. They select who they want in power. They back them with money to get them elected. Once in power they can be told what to do. Thus you could understand the fears of some people if such a thing were true. What we do know is true is that the ricjest people in the world do meet on occasions. For what? Who really knows.
    You’re probably thinking of the Bohemian grove club where all the richest men meet every year. Every US president before Trump has been there!! They do a ceremony called cremation of care where they chant and act like they’re burning a baby alive. SICK SATANIC [BEEP]!!!

    Alex Jones actually snuck into the area and recorded the ceremony once. If you try to search for it on YouTube or google the result is censored now!! I was able to find it again with bing:

    The US dollar literally says NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM on it AKA NEW WORLD ORDER so IDK how anyone can argue the US ain’t it !!!

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    Quote Ironman View Post
    There are a lot of stories coming up about how the Russian soldiers were misled on this whole thing, too.
    Russia has conscription. If are male, unless you are exempt or you bribe your way to an exemption, you will spend 1 year in the army. A lot of the soilders we are seeing are fairly young and inexperienced, have had little training. Were told that they were going to the border for training.

    Now legally speaking, it is illegal to send conscripts to a foreign warzone in Russia. But there has been reports of them bullying conscripts into signing a contract, or just ignoring it and having the conscripts fight. Russian mothers are pissed at this.

    A lot of the Russian soilders are demoralised, not helped by the fact they are running out of food. Were told that they would be welcomed in Ukraine with flowers. Which is what sort of happened in Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk. Wasnt much of a fight there. Not so much in the rest of Ukraine, who are fighting back.

    Russians sent in a portable crematorium af4er them to hide the number of bodies. Is sad this whole thing. Ukrainians are dying, as are Russian kids. All for this old mans ego.

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