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  1. #1
    Sagan's Avatar Carl Sagan
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    New liquid nitrogen lamp recreates weather inside your home

    Swiss designers Micasa Lab have created a swirling liquid-nitrogen weather device to enjoy in the comfort of your own home

    Following the roaring success of the Barbican’s Rain Room installation, you can now recreate the weather in your own home, thanks to a new lamp by experimental Swiss design studio, Micasa Lab.

    Through a mysterious combination of “some peculiar techniques, liquid nitrogen, WiFi, and high-powered vacuum suction,” the Nebula 12 creates a circulating cloud of steam that responds to real-time weather conditions outside.

    The lamp is designed to connect to your smartphone and gather meteorological data via the internet, recreating the climate indoors in a shape-shifting ball of fog.

    “Wake up to a flooding yellow light on a sunny day,” say the designers, “or below a real cloud on that overcast winter morning.” Or you could just sleep outside.

    The lamp can also be set to demonstrate the weather for the next 48 hours: a threatening low-pressure area is announced by a red cloud, and sunshine is shown in yellow. Presumably an imminent lightning storm could be foretold by the light flickering on and off – or short-circuiting and sending arcs of electricity across the room?

    “It can be used as an atmospheric source of light for romantic evening meals or high-stress business meetings,” the designers say, as well as when “doing homework, when reading, or just chatting.” From a thundercloud of doom rumbling above the boardroom table, to a gentle rosy haze for those misty-eyed moments, it takes mood lighting to a whole new level.

    I have something like that in my house. I call it a "window." When you look at it, you see something similar to what the weather is outside. It's really cool.

    "A still more glorious dawn awaits
    Not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise
    A morning filled with 400 billion suns
    The rising of the milky way"

    "The sky calls to us
    If we do not destroy ourselves
    We will one day venture to the stars" -Carl Sagan

  2. #2
    Ironman's Avatar
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    Partly cloudy up in mah house!

    Que no pare la fiesta....don't stop the paaaaar-teeeeh .

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