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  1. #1
    Total Eclipse's Avatar Happy Sparkles and Coffee
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    It's wierd to see other people panic who don't have anxiety disorders..

    I've seen it a few times in mass amounts and ironically enough I was calm through the situations. The lastest thing that has put my town in a bit of a panic is we are meant to get about a foot of snow tonight and is meant feel like -30 to -50 F outside. It's not meant to go down in temperatures either for 3-4 days...

    I went to the store yesterday because we where out of dog food and all the dog food was bought up, all the milk, everything people where buying in mass amounts in a frenzy. I sorta didn't get why people are freaking out so badly and seem to be in a panic/ stressed over the storm... I see the storm as awesome.. and no0t really have anxiety over it.. The only thing I would be fearful of is loosing my internet!!!

  2. #2
    SmileyFace's Avatar
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    ^my exact thoughts when it comes to Black Friday and the holiday season overall with shopping. I mentioned this in another thread... I never understood why people stress and panic over "all the shopping" they gotta do, like it's such a bad thing...

    It is indeed weird seeing people who do not have anxiety or panic disorders..get all panicky and stressed out over trivial things (they're trivial imo, at least). Sometimes it makes me feel normal actually... because I don't even see how they would be such a mess over something like this.

  3. #3
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    Everyone expresses anxiety in different way - I see people stress during an emergency but I seem to be able to keep a level head and thinking really clear (if only I could apply that to the rest of my life)
    life---> <---me

  4. #4
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    I wonder if things like that are like mob mentality. People think there is something wrong with them because they aren't panicking and the weatherman and their neighbor is. So they panic to fit in. Does that make sense?
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  5. #5
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    Quote chantellabella View Post
    I wonder if things like that are like mob mentality. People think there is something wrong with them because they aren't panicking and the weatherman and their neighbor is. So they panic to fit in. Does that make sense?
    Great point. I've talked to people about the chaos of college..and I've had moments where I had so damn much going on that anyone would assume I must be stressed and at wit's end. I wasn't, and this resulted in some confusion from people.

    "Really? How can you not be? You're lying."

    And of course, I kinda felt like something was wrong with me lol, but heck... I'd rather be calm any day than to be panicky, particularly when under pressure.

    So yes, I do think such a mob mentality exists when it comes to people and what makes them panic (or "panic").

  6. #6
    IllusionOfHappiness's Avatar killer of conversations
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    I'm the oddly calm one in situations where other people freak out too. My fears are all outta whack I guess.

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    haha yeah. my mom panics all the time (small panics). like if something falls over she shrieks. if something almost falls over she still shrieks but not as loudly and its followed by her saying sorry for yelping since nothing actually went wrong. if she can't find something like her keys then she storms around the house. or when she's late or when we're late. also if something is out of place she has to put it back in place. things should go back in place at the exact moment you're done with them. doesn't matter if you were going to put it back soon or if you had devised your own way to handle putting everything back. if that way is not putting things back when you're done with them then it's not the right way. any mess is a small crisis. if two ornaments on the tree are too close together then its wrong. she has to move them away from each other. this is all related to panicking easily. when reality doesn't line up with what your vision is or when you see there's a risk that your vision could be compromised, then something wrong or could go wrong and this makes you feel not good. if it doesn't get fixed or goes on long enough it causes you to panic. that's why my mom plans everything so it will turn out like her vision. being without a vision is like being without purpose. to have a vision is to know what you want, to know what you want is to be able to get what it is you want. to get it is achievement and achievement is good. all the planning makes the vision that much stronger and any deviations from it that much worse. she's eased up on all of this in the last few years and i think having kids and having to make life work with kids exaggerated all these tendencies. (plus kids are a major source of anxiety since they could hurt themselves; now you're not just watching out for you but two young children).

    but my mom is a pro at calling and talking to people. to strangers, to friends, to everyone. she's fearless of the phone or of tripping up on her words or not communicating effectively. and she doesn't have anything to fear since she's really good at it. this extends to talking to people in real life too but it really comes through over the phone.

    and me? i'm like the reverse in what i panic about. all the social stuff makes me really panic and i dread it like my mom does significant disruptions to her plans, but i don't care as much about happens as long as i'm not forced to be around people. (that's something i'm always wondering, is there going to be other people there?). so the dinner being overcooked or us getting lost, things not being where they should be or the thing i bought not being what i wanted it to be,are not things i'm really concerned about. that's where my mom got the idea i cared about nothing from i think. really we just care about different things and i think i have a bit better sense of the things she cares about than she does of the things i do.

  8. #8
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    Quote Special K View Post
    I've seen it a few times in mass amounts and ironically enough I was calm through the situations. The latest thing that has put my town in a bit of a panic is we are meant to get about a foot of snow tonight and is meant feel like -30 to -50 F outside. It's not meant to go down in temperatures either for 3-4 days...

    I went to the store yesterday because we where out of dog food and all the dog food was bought up, all the milk, everything people where buying in mass amounts in a frenzy. I sorta didn't get why people are freaking out so badly and seem to be in a panic/ stressed over the storm... I see the storm as awesome.. and not really have anxiety over it.. The only thing I would be fearful of is loosing my internet!!!
    People can have anxiety over all sorts of issues. Even if they are undiagnosed. It is actually becoming a common issue and problem in today's society. So, basically what I am trying to say is that; I don't really tend to look so much about what people panic about. It's more if you know them or watch them for a while and see anxiety spectrum like issues. That interfere with their daily life and I don't care if it's anxiety about otherwise mundane things,. It's the pattern and the affect on them emotionally and those close to them!
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