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  1. #1
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    Panic in public.

    I have frequent bouts of anxiety and panic attacks in public. It has come down to the point that i only leave my house 1 or 2 times a week. I am afraid that someone will say something mean or even physically harm me. I shut myself in my room and avoid the outside world. It is where i am most comfortable. Has anyone else here experienced any of this?

  2. #2
    Inscrutable Banana's Avatar Diggin' My Potatoes
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    I don't have full blown panic attacks but I do get very anxious about the same things you mentioned while out in public. As a result I'm pretty reclusive and don't leave the house much and even in the house I spend most of my time in my room.
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  3. #3
    Keddy's Avatar The Awkward Conversationalist
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    That's a problem I've had for years... When I was younger I really struggled with agoraphobia. It was hard for me to even leave the house. I've gotten past that somewhat, but I still constantly worry about people judging or hurting me in public. I've definitely had panic attacks in public and they leave me feeling afraid and embarrassed. My anxiety is definitely higher in public than it is if I'm by myself.
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  4. #4
    Chloe's Avatar
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    Hey there. I have all the same worries you do sometimes if I've had a bad panic attack already I don't even want to leave my room and see my family. I'm especially scared of some social situations especially those involving me or aggressive people which because of work and my college work I have to deal with them. Sometimes I get so scared at work I'm reduced to borderline panic at work where I can still function which is odd for me but I shutdown and withdraw into myself and it's painfully obvious to everyone else who doesn't know me. However when I heard about anxiety progressing into depression and agoraphobia and these thoughts started developing of oh no don't do that this will happen and then this will happen I got very angry at myself the fact that for years people have said to my parents what polite confidant young girls you have and yet there I wa getting scared of something I wouldn't have cared about in the past. I still get it now but I'm determind not to let it take over my life. I still do thinks that cause me to panic, I still put myself out there at work and if I withdraw I withdraw. I'm not going to progress all I do it throw my shoulders back get mad at myself for having the thoughts and I'm out of it.
    Don't get me wrong it doesn't always work I can never quite do it when I've withdrawn into myself or when I'm half out of it after a panic but 90% of the time I do it I just can't let it take over otherwise I'd end up not going out, dumping my boyfriend, locking myself in the room , not going to work, not having the ability to do my other job or even the job I plan for in the future. I know exactly what kind of life it would be and at times it's very appealing but I can't do it

  5. #5
    IllusionOfHappiness's Avatar killer of conversations
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    Quote Inscrutable Banana View Post
    I don't have full blown panic attacks but I do get very anxious about the same things you mentioned while out in public. As a result I'm pretty reclusive and don't leave the house much and even in the house I spend most of my time in my room.
    I'm basically the same. I won't have panic attacks just from leaving the house, but at the same time doing anything that involves other people (leaving the house...) always gives me some level of anxiety so it'll be an "I could, but I'd rather not" situation. Sometimes being in crowds of people (such as in the mall) can feel like walking onto a stage for me. I know how ridiculous it is to think that all eyes are on me. It doesn't matter how unwarranted I know my reactions are though, they still happen. Anxiety is a [BEEP] like that.

    When I do go out I'm never without my music and noise-cancelling earphones. At one point I thought being unemployed was making my anxiety worse, but I was just more medicated when I had a job. And very tired. Too tired to care.

  6. #6
    Koalafan's Avatar Socially inept Koala
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    Blah...I'm far too familiar with panic attacks . Heck, I've had them while taking a shower or simply playing a video game. Thankfully those have tended to slow down dramatically though I do get the occasional heart racing, palm sweating moments out of nowhere

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