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  1. #61
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    Quote Tinkerbell View Post
    I grew up as a Lutheran, baptized, confirmed, Sunday school teacher. Slowly moved away from organized religion and would consider myself more spiritual now. I took a History of Religion class in college and found it fascinating and have basically made an amalgamation of different types of religion that works for me. Each form of religion has its own version of the golden rule which I believe to be our ultimate goal, and what I strive to live by. After death I believe that what others consider a soul is the memory of our loved ones still residing in our heart.
    I'll be that was a great class. Learning about religious belief is one of my hobbies also. Thanks for sharing what you believe.
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  2. #62
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    Quote Antidote View Post
    I'd call myself a philosophical agnostic pantheist (formerly Catholic but that wasn't my choice, it was hoisted upon me before I could think). There's a wiki article on pantheism if anyone's interested.
    I'll take a look at it. I'm always fascinated in how people believe and how that helps them in life. Thanks for sharing.
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  3. #63
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    Ok. Here is what I now, today believe.

    There is a book called Across the Universe by Beth Revis. (It's not that movie under the same name)The premise is that some people of Earth need to get to a distant planet to form a colony and preserve humanity. Earth's not doing to well so they need to screw up another planet.

    Anyway, the important people (those with some kick [BEEP] DNA I guess) are frozen so that they can be thawed when they reach the new Earth. These guys are military, brilliant people, etc.

    They need some people to drive the ship for a few hundred years to get to this place though. So they get these people to fly the ship. I'm not sure I read it right, but it looks like they cloned them from one guy at first.

    Anyway, these people know it's going to take about 150 years to get to the other planet and they are content to know that their grandkids will have this great new earth to live. Their contentment is helped along by a drug called Phydus which dulls emotions. They also have "hope" because they are shown the stars of their one day home. No matter that they live in a tube about a mile long. It's their life, all they know and their sole purpose is to get the other people (the bigger picture) to the new world.

    So I've decided that this is our reason to live. God has some bigger picture and needs our DNA for something way down the road. So he instills our will to survive. He puts in our head the ability to find ways to distract from the fact that we are here for some bigger picture that we will never know. That way we don't mutiny. We think we are content. The distractions are our Phydus. He gives us a hope of heaven so we find a purpose to keep going.

    Our purpose in life is to get what's inside of us to the other side. We are being used for the bigger picture.............that end goal.

    In the book, somebody realizes that when they finally reach their goal, these "worker bees" will be used as slaves by the "needed frozen people." Let's just call them the "not content people" of our earth.

    I've decided that I'm a "not content person."

    I will continue to survive to preserve whatever it is God needs at the end of the road.

    But I'm not going to fall for the Phydus trick.

    I don't have to play along with the game.

    You know what happened to the "not content person?" Yep, you guessed it. They tried to snuff him out.

    Do I have doubts about my beliefs? Sure. I mean I have heard God's voice. I do believe God is around, protecting, fighting, even loving us.

    I just want the ability to keep my eyes open. I want to be Phydus free.

    In Celebrate Recovery, I was taught that believing we had any power over our lives was futile. I learned that God had full control.

    So if that's what it takes to keep this DNA of mine going as long as possible, I'm all for it.

    I mean it is all about survival, right?

    But what I want is honesty about why I'm here. It's not about peace, giving, relationships, contentment, happiness.

    It's about only getting my freaking DNA to the other side.................. it's only that big picture.

    I may be wrong. In fact, I'm sure I am because even in the book there were no guarantees. When you don't have all the facts, you can't make a right decision about anything.

    I am just choosing to not distract to be content. I am choosing to see one idea of why we are used.

    I'm sure others on the earth believe this also. I'm sure there's a name for what I believe. The difference is I don't see myself as superior or even right. I don't need others to believe as I do. In fact, I truly need the rest of the planet to keep taking the Phydus.

    Because somebody needs to drive this stinking ship to it's port. If we had a mutiny, we would just float in space for hundreds of years until our fuel ran out.

    Gotta get that damned DNA to that goal, people.

    Oh and wait........................ let me put words in a few people's's time for meds again isn't it, Cindy.

    Nope. I prefer to be people's definition of crazy.

    I mean, seriously. If people believed crazy people in this world, we would never get there.
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  4. #64
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    Miracles and faces.

  5. #65
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    Quote Lad View Post
    Miracles and faces.
    I'd be interested in hearing more about your beliefs if you're willing to share. Thanks for sharing what you did.
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  6. #66
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    Quote Lad View Post
    Miracles and faces.
    I'd be interested in hearing more about your beliefs if you're willing to share. Thanks for sharing what you did.
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  7. #67
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    It's been awhile since people have posted in this thread. With all the new members, I wondered how others believe.

    Remember, there is no right or wrong.

    It's just really awesome to hear how people see our existence and how they interact with it.

    It's fascinating to read about everyone's belief system, so I encourage you guys to read through the thread.

    Also, read the OP.

    It says:

    No right.
    No wrong.
    No debate.

    Not to convert or divert.

    Just what is it that you believe about the cosmos?
    Why are we here?
    Do you have a higher power and if so what relationship do you have with him/her/it?
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  8. #68
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    i defintely believe there is something out there. I would be devastated to learn that someone or something of this earth conceived of and was responsible for the creation of mechanisms that allow honey badgers to exist.

    I don't know how to relate to this presence/god/higher power though. I was raised Catholic but became really disillusioned with Christianity. It seemed so mean spirited and contradictory. So though I believe in a higher power I feel pretty disconnected from whatever it might be. that bothers me sometimes. I know little of Buddhism but what I do know of it makes sense to me. So hopefully if I can get out of my own you know what and do a little exploring.

  9. #69
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    I'm a nihilist.

  10. #70
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    Thanks Kesky and inane, for sharing your beliefs. I really think it's awesome to hear the ideas of everyone.
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  11. #71
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    I suppose I'd classify myself as an agnostic existentialist.

    Agnostic existentialism is a type of existentialism which makes no claim to know whether or not there is a "greater picture"; rather, it simply asserts that the greatest truth is that which the individual chooses to act upon. It feels that to know the greater picture, whether there is one or not, is impossible, or impossible so far, or of little value. Like the Christian existentialist, the agnostic existentialist believes existence is subjective.
    I generally feel an aversion to organized religion as I find it all a bit cult-like and prone to fanaticism, but I respect peoples right to hold their own beliefs so long as they act in kind.
    “Scratch any cynic and you will find a disappointed idealist.” — George Carlin

    "If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little." — George Carlin

  12. #72
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    Quote Inscrutable Banana View Post
    I suppose I'd classify myself as an agnostic existentialist.

    I generally feel an aversion to organized religion as I find it all a bit cult-like and prone to fanaticism, but I respect peoples right to hold their own beliefs so long as they act in kind.
    Thanks for sharing Inscrutable Banana. I also seem to not find a home in an organized religion. It doesn't affect my beliefs, but occasionally I try to join a random church to listen to a sermon or two.

    A pastor's wife stopped by the library one day and we got to talking. You know what she told me? She said the problem with churches are that they are filled with people. It was nice to hear somebody understand one of my beliefs. Although I have a relationship with my God, I hesitate to visit churches. Some of the times I've gone though, the sermon has been what I needed. My belief is that my God needed to tell me something and I just wasn't listening on my own.

    Thanks for sharing your beliefs.

    I wanted to add another belief. Even though I believe we were made by God, I have to believe that there are oodles of other people or species on other planets out there in the universe. The universe is so vast that I can't believe God made that all for puny little us. There must be others out there enjoying their part of space too.
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  13. #73
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    I know I don't believe in god and the bible. Yes there may have been a guy who did amazing things and tought lessons and all that jazz but I don't believe in Catholic beliefs.

    I agree with some them like love your neighbour, life is precious, love is something which can is amazing, people are all connected (not through being the sons and daughters of god but by being human beings), we should respect living things on this planet and the planet we are lucky to be able to survive and thrive on. There is a right and wrong and we should do what is right and not what is easy, I even believe in a heaven or hell ( I think that's more of a comforting idea that bad people will be punished for being horrible and that there's a nice place filled with lovely people)

    As for the universe. Not a clue but what a great accident it turned out to be for all of the wonderful places and creatures to be made to survive in it

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  14. #74
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    Quote Chloe View Post
    I know I don't believe in god and the bible. Yes there may have been a guy who did amazing things and tought lessons and all that jazz but I don't believe in Catholic beliefs.

    I agree with some them like love your neighbour, life is precious, love is something which can is amazing, people are all connected (not through being the sons and daughters of god but by being human beings), we should respect living things on this planet and the planet we are lucky to be able to survive and thrive on. There is a right and wrong and we should do what is right and not what is easy, I even believe in a heaven or hell ( I think that's more of a comforting idea that bad people will be punished for being horrible and that there's a nice place filled with lovely people)

    As for the universe. Not a clue but what a great accident it turned out to be for all of the wonderful places and creatures to be made to survive in it

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    Thanks Chloe, for sharing your beliefs. And I hear you about respecting living things on the planet. I try also.
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  15. #75
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    Wanted to bump this. I'm just nosey.

    Actually, I'm really fascinated by what people believe. Human behavior is my hobby, so therefore what people believe goes right along with that.

    Again, please read the OP to see that this isn't a thread for debate, there's no right or wrong, and just keep it respectful, okey dokey?
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