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  1. #16
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    Thank you for sharing your beliefs. It really is great that people are willing to share and it's really interesting to see the diversity in each one of the posts.
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  2. #17
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    Quote WintersTale View Post
    This is what I believe.

    I believe that there is an afterlife, but only in special circumstances. I don't believe there is a hell, but I do believe there is a heaven. The people that are really good on earth, and who treat people well and do good things, go to heaven. Everyone else gets stuck in a circle after death, and are judged. If they aren't judged as good enough to go to heaven, and join in the afterlife, they are reincarnated, either as human beings or animals.

    I don't believe that Jesus was the son of God, but I do believe that Jesus was a real person. I do believe there is a God, but I don't believe he hates people and damns them to hell.

    That is what I believe. Take it or leave it.
    I like this belief. I have similar ones to the reincarnation.

  3. #18
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    Quote Jason View Post
    I like this belief. I have similar ones to the reincarnation.
    Thanks for sharing, Jason.
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  4. #19
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    I am a strong believer in God and that Jesus Christ is the son of God. I think we all have to walk our own paths and I have a hard enough time walking mine. I think the Bible is quite misunderstood, esp by organized religion. I truly believe the message of the New Testament is to announce the Good News of Christ, and to love and forgive. To hold ourselves accountable for our own actions. And with that we find peace. I don't usually like discussing these things on web forums but I am sharing this to participate in the conversation... and to share what keeps me centered.

  5. #20
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    It sounds like you and I have some similar beliefs. Thanks for sharing. It really is interesting to see so many different relationships and beliefs.
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  6. #21
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    I guess I would go towards being agnostic, since I dont quite consider myself to be an athiest. I tend to believe that there is something out there...what it is I have no idea but the idea of a higher intelligence is perfectly logical to me atleast, due to the fact that the cosmos itself is such a bizarre and strange that we still know very little about. There are also some things I like in buddhism and etc...and consider myself atleast somewhat spiritual in that regards.

  7. #22
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    Thanks, Koalafan for sharing your beliefs. I know it can be a scary thing to talk about what you believe, but it's nice to know that everyone here is allowed to voice their thoughts.
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  8. #23
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    I have studied various religions and philosophies seeking my purpose on this world. Yet within each, I find similar beliefs I can relate to, but cannot identify with one faith. If anything is sacred to me, it is knowledge, and the purity of nature itself. The awe majesty and beauty that transcends the mortal realm.

    As for an afterlife, I believe in reincarnation. I believe everyone is here for their own purpose and each follows a different path. Until that lesson is learned and each individual finds their enlightenment they will keep being reborn. I believe heavily in honor, loyalty, courage, compassion, the pursuit of knowledge, the application of wisdom, and self-discipline.

    For gods, I do believe in the existence of supernatural entities on a higher plane of existence. However, I do not believe in an omnipotent, omniscient God. I believe in evolution, but I think there have been external influences on the human thought process throughout the dawning and course of civilization. I believe these beings, some benevolent, some being malevolent according to human morality, all have their own agenda's. Whether they be for personal power, entertainment purposes, or just to aid another sentient life form. A being on their level of intelligence, would have emotions probably more complex than human ones.

    I do believe all prophets existed such as Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, Zoroaster, Krishna (Avatar of Vishnu), Siddartha Gautama (The First Buddha), as many others. I also believe they carry valuable messages, with much wisdom that has altered, edited, translated and re-translated over the course of history. Many religions that once existed were eradicated either through changing times or genocide over the course of human history.

    As for the universe itself. I believe humanity can never understand such a complex field of thought. Once one traverse's outside the solar system in which Earth belongs to, so many possibilities open. As does when humanity traverses the depths of the abyss that is the oceans. Life exists in places where humanity never thought could: without sunlight, nor oxygen, under tons of pressure that would crush the hardest natural substances. Even at the lowest form of material which makes up the physical realm, sub-atomic particles phase in and out of existence. Which causes one to ask the question, where do these particles go? If all matter is made of these particles, then all is energy. Human brains interpret reality from physical senses interpreted by the brain. However that is just the human interpretation of reality. Sight and sound are the same, all vibration is sound, and all light spectrum is vibrating as it is heat. The human ear just cannot hear such sound nor can the eyes see beyond the visible spectrum, such as ultraviolet or infared light. All is energy, and energy cannot be created nor destroyed. So the human brainwaves, which are electricity therefore are energy and exist beyond physical death. I pretty much just keep an open mind and try to intake as much knowledge about the subject from any source.
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  9. #24
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    I was never baptized and grew up in a nonreligious family. I did go to church for a short while around the ages of 11-13, but it wasn't really for me. I lived with my sister briefly, which was part of the reason I did go. I don't spend too much time thinking about it. Apatheism sounds pretty close to me.
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    Hi this is my first time on this forum. Just wanted to start by introducing myself my names Chad good to be here. I am a Christian, I profess proudly that Jesus is my Lord and Savior, I believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the death for my sins, I confess I don't go to Church which I should and I have never been good at getting into the Bible.

    I believe In Gods Angels, in Heaven and Hell, I believe in what my signature says, I trust in God, I believe in The Saints. John 3:16 if you pray it with your lips and believe it in your heart you will be saved. I believe for me personally Jesus is the only way to Heaven . Thank you for allowing me to share, God Bless everyone and if you ever want to talk to me about the things of God please message me.

    Hey Wine Kitty you know me from SAS The Patriot previously known as Ironpain. Kay invited me here. I was wondering if there were any SAS members here. Its Nice to see you. I too feel like you (see my post) Amen indeed The New Testament was to tell us the Good News (That's why we have some versions called The Good News Versions) because that's exactly what the coming of Jesus was Good News. Its not easy to share faith especially in today's society. I came here because I needed a new place and I needed to find a place to share my faith around people without feeling uncomfortable .
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  11. #26
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    Thanks JesusChild, Yossarian and Zyriel for posting your beliefs. As always, it's really awesome to see such diversity about the cosmos.
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  12. #27
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    Put on the full Armor of God So that you can Stand against the Devils Schemes Ephesians 6:11 What do these words mean to you? to me putting on the full armor of God means taking up my cross for Jesus, equipping myself with the bible, Church. I know that even as I put on the armor I will still fall and I will still fail but that's okay because I profess in my heart that Jesus is with me.

    I hope this is what you wanted and I apologize if I upset anyone. I don't disrespect or belittle anyones beliefs.
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  13. #28
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    Quote JesusChild View Post
    Put on the full Armor of God So that you can Stand against the Devils Schemes Ephesians 6:11 What do these words mean to you? to me putting on the full armor of God means taking up my cross for Jesus, equipping myself with the bible, Church. I know that even as I put on the armor I will still fall and I will still fail but that's okay because I profess in my heart that Jesus is with me.

    I hope this is what you wanted and I apologize if I upset anyone. I don't disrespect or belittle anyones beliefs.
    Hi. I am just asking for people to share their beliefs in a safe environment. Thank you for sharing what you believe.
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  14. #29
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  15. #30
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    I don't know. I was baptized, but for my parents it was more of a social occasion than anything religious. I don't believe a god exists. No, I just don't know, and millions of religions say they're right, and so which one is? There's stories of people dying and seeing jesus, but the brain is a powerful thing, and how do we know the people who say they've seen prophets in Lourdes aren't hallucinating somewhat? My mind just questions things, and with those questions, I can't believe. I guess I used to...kinda. But I've been struggling to, because if God really was a parent, why would he make his children suffer? People have told me that thats not the case, God isn't there, but see the thing is...none of them have what I have. None of them have dealt with exilerating energy filled highs that turn to irritation and agaitation because the person next to you is daring to breathe, followed by a depression that leaves them trapped in bed for two days because they don't have the energy or the motivation to get up. That's kinda why I don't believe. When it began, when I still somewhat believed in god, I prayed and begged for this to stop, but it never did. The mood swings would just get better and worse as each happened. And meaning no offence to anyone on here...I respect that everyone has issues and I'm not saying mine are worse...but do any of you really know what it's like to be in my brain, mental illness aside? I don't know what it's like to be anyone else, I don't know why you believe or what it's like living as you. But I just found it ironic that the people who were telling me that god wasn't there for that reason and that "it was a test" were people who were content with there lives and weren't living like I was. And the fact they were giving examples of people who were tortured and who refused to give up faith, who were terminally if I was just attention seeking...did not help me or help me to believe any more in God.

    And then I see how many people kill for there beliefs, throughout the ages. Why? Why do they do that? And why would a religion condemn you to hell simply for not believing that such a thing exists? I struggle to come to terms with a god who would punish someone for that. On the other hand thoough, I don't see the point in arguing my beliefs with people. It's none of my buisness, and you could believe that the world was made of raspberry cheesecale and watched over by giraffes sitting on tables in the sky who ate sorbet all day long, and I'm not going to argue with you. What you a personal choice and that's the way I'm always going to see it.

    I meant no offence by any of this. Sorry if I did offend someone.

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