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  1. #1
    Kaffee's Avatar
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    Nervous about how I come across in class

    So, social anxiety isn't a major problem for me anymore. I can speak up in class, handle calls and meetings, and hold down a part-time job. I just get very nervous and feel like I'm talking too fast, not using the right words, and generally not coming across the way I'd like. Something about social interaction still makes my brain go into overdrive.

    Sitting in one of my classes earlier today, I was talking to a classmate about one of the more difficult concepts we have to deal with. I fumbled over trying to describe the differences between last year's course material and this year's newer class material, and how I'd found some simple aids for now. It's something I would have been able to describe in writing, but couldn't decide on the words for fast enough. In the end, I offered to e-mail her a few of the resources that helped me, but I left the conversation feeling like everyone around us must have heard me and thought I seemed stupid.

    I often finish first and find my own answers... but I still can't kick the feeling that some of these people must be more experienced and noting my apparent lack of. How I struggle to explain something we should have already been learning. At least it's not something that keeps me from speaking up in class anymore and sharing a laugh at some of the nerd humor we stumble across.

  2. #2
    Forum Addiction:

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    Quote Kaffee View Post
    So, social anxiety isn't a major problem for me anymore. I can speak up in class, handle calls and meetings, and hold down a part-time job. I just get very nervous and feel like I'm talking too fast, not using the right words, and generally not coming across the way I'd like. Something about social interaction still makes my brain go into overdrive.

    Sitting in one of my classes earlier today, I was talking to a classmate about one of the more difficult concepts we have to deal with. I fumbled over trying to describe the differences between last year's course material and this year's newer class material, and how I'd found some simple aids for now. It's something I would have been able to describe in writing, but couldn't decide on the words for fast enough. In the end, I offered to e-mail her a few of the resources that helped me, but I left the conversation feeling like everyone around us must have heard me and thought I seemed stupid.

    I often finish first and find my own answers... but I still can't kick the feeling that some of these people must be more experienced and noting my apparent lack of. How I struggle to explain something we should have already been learning. At least it's not something that keeps me from speaking up in class anymore and sharing a laugh at some of the nerd humor we stumble across.
    Speaking isn't my strong suit either. Even though my job requires me to speak all day, I often stumble over what I want to say. I've learned that it helps to take deep breathes which somehow brings the oxygen back to my brain so I can think better. That's probably why I make jokes. When I laugh, I breathe.
    The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about

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