I really truly hate people at times. Ok. this is really a rather minor issue but it has always bothered me since I think elementary school. This girl at break, which is lunch sort of in the working world got to insulting some of the young men who work with us. To be honest they are a motley crew with a strange senses of humor? I haven't really worked with or spoken that much to anyone of them, but none of them seem that bad, just not very good looking.

So that gives her the right to say nasty things about their appearance. I really truly considered telling her but your are fat, so what is your problem with the fat kid? I took a long hard look at them and thought wow they are the ugly people. One of the guys is kind of slow, he's nice, but he licked his fingers to open a cellophane bag and both of them act like it was the most disgusting thing they have ever seen. Neither of them wanted to touch this guy's bag of saliva??? To be honest I never even noticed that he did this???

I guess I should mention that I'm more then 20 years these young women ages. My slightly older co-worker/friend really wants to keep peace in our work group so she keeps trying to befriend these girls and always saves me a seat with them. Honestly, I never enjoyed belittling people and if I have a bad opinion of someone I kind of keep it inside. I kind of don't want to sit with them at break. I feel like I'm back in elementary school.