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  1. #1
    Kirsebaer's Avatar
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    How would you rate your anxiety level?

    On a scale of 0 to 5 (with 0 meaning no anxiety), how would you rate your anxiety level in the following situations:

    *Going outside the house:
    *Ordering food at a restaurant:
    *Eating in public:
    *Walking around in public or in crowds:
    *Asking for directions:
    *Giving directions:
    *Using a public restroom:
    *Grocery shopping:
    *Going to the hairdressers:
    *Going to the doctor:
    *Posting on a public forum:
    *Sharing your views online / debating:
    *Using the telephone:
    *Making eye contact:
    *Initiating contact by text, email, IM:
    *Giving an oral presentation:
    *Participating in class:
    *Attending a concert:
    *Attending a house party:
    *Going to the gym:
    *Travelling out of town:
    *Travelling out of the country:
    *Speaking a foreign language:

  2. #2
    sanspants's Avatar
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    Gewd questshuns

    *Going outside the house: 0 on a day when I feel confident, or at night. 2 on a day when I don't like my appearance.

    *Ordering food at a restaurant: Depends on where we're ordering. Generally 1, just in case my voice comes out sounding odd.

    *Eating in public: 1-2 for most foods I can eat with a fork. 3 for anything that could get messy, and/or finger-food.

    *Walking around in public or in crowds: 4-5 if the center of attention, 0-1 in a crowd.

    *Asking for directions: 2 most of the time. If I have to ask, I'm pretty desperate, and getting where I need to go is the main focus.

    *Giving directions: 2 as well. I'm a compulsive directions-giver

    *Using a public restroom: 5. All of the anxieties lol. Sometimes we guys don't even get dividers. Sometimes we just get a trough, the sight of which makes my anxiety soar. I'll walk to the edge of the woods, wherever that is, and pee there instead.

    *Grocery shopping: 5. PTSD trigger. I can motivate myself to go at night between about 3:00AM and 5:00, but during normal hours I won't go without a friend to keep me talking and calm.

    *Going to the hairdressers: 1, and only because I look forward to it. I met my stylist ages ago and she's lots of fun to talk to.

    *Going to the doctor: It varies, depending on the doctor. Usually about a 3, especially if I have to ask for meds. I'm not going to avoid going there because what I need is more important, but I'll dread it well in advance.

    *Posting on a public forum: 1-2, only above 0 because I know what I write will be TL;DR to most people-- and even then I won't have said what I needed to say.

    *Sharing your views online / debating: 5. I don't debate online because I'd never be offline.

    *Using the telephone: 1-2 for close friends, 3-4 for a doctor's office, 5 for the bank, 5 for anyone I'm trying to date.

    *Making eye contact: 0

    *Initiating contact by text, email, IM: 0

    *Giving an oral presentation: 11,292,784.

    *Participating in class: 52,304

    *Attending a concert: 1-2. I love concerts.

    *Attending a house party: 1-2 if there's more than one familiar person there. We're just going to get drunk and then everything will be fine anyway.

    *Going to the gym: 4. High enough to keep me away unless there's a way to work out without people watching me.

    *Driving: 0. My car is awesome

    *Travelling out of town: -5. Is it possible to have negative anxiety? Lol, leaving town makes me really happy.

    *Travelling out of the country: -10 Leaving the country makes me freakin dance

    *Speaking a foreign language: Not fluent in anything...not yet anyway.

  3. #3
    Kirsebaer's Avatar
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    @sanspants interesting answers! Looks like your biggest fears are the same as mine (oral presentations and participating in class) ! Driving though..that's so anxiety inducing to me I'll post my answers later (and answer your PM as well ).. I'm getting ready to go out and try to buy a new pair of jeans - and here's something that makes me anxious and I don't even know why. My shopping anxiety always makes me buy clothes just to try them on again at home and find out that I actually hate them wish me luck!

  4. #4
    Kirsebaer's Avatar
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    *Going outside the house: 0
    *Ordering food at a restaurant: 0
    *Eating in public: 0
    *Walking around in public or in crowds: 0 in normal circumstances, 2-3 if I notice anyone staring
    *Asking for directions: 0
    *Giving directions: 0
    *Using a public restroom: 0
    *Grocery shopping: 0 (but 2 if I I'm shopping for clothes)
    *Going to the hairdressers: 3 because I'm always scared that I'll hate the final result
    *Going to the doctor: 2
    *Posting on a public forum: 1 if I'm posting on AxS, 3-4 if I'm posting elsewhere where I don't know most members
    *Sharing your views online / debating: 3-4 because I always think my posts end up sounding dumb. And also because I hate conflicts.
    *Using the telephone: 0-2, depends. I hate talking on the phone when there are people around listening.
    *Making eye contact: 0
    *Initiating contact by text, email, IM: 1-2
    *Giving an oral presentation: 5
    *Participating in class: 5 if I'm asked a question, 3 if I volunteer to answer a question when I'm confident I know the subject well
    *Attending a concert: 0
    *Attending a house party: 0-1, depends on my mood
    *Going to the gym: 1
    *Driving: 5000
    *Travelling out of town: 0
    *Travelling out of the country: 0
    *Speaking a foreign language: 0 if in person, 1-2 if on the phone

  5. #5
    Otherside's Avatar
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    *Going outside the house: 0
    *Ordering food at a restaurant: 1
    *Eating in public: 3
    *Walking around in public or in crowds:2
    *Asking for directions: 4
    *Giving directions: 4
    *Using a public restroom: 0
    *Grocery shopping: 1
    *Going to the hairdressers: 4
    *Going to the doctor: 1
    *Posting on a public forum: 1
    *Sharing your views online / debating: 3
    *Using the telephone: 5
    *Making eye contact: 1
    *Initiating contact by text, email, IM: 2
    *Giving an oral presentation: 3
    *Participating in class: 3
    *Attending a concert: 2
    *Attending a house party: 2
    *Going to the gym: 1
    *Driving: Can't drive
    *Travelling out of town: 4
    *Travelling out of the country: 4
    *Speaking a foreign language: 2

  6. #6
    FireIsTheCleanser's Avatar
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    *Going outside the house: Depends on where I'm going, but usually 3
    *Ordering food at a restaurant: 4 but it's only for a brief moment
    *Eating in public: 5 if I'm alone and everyone else around is in groups, 3 if there are other people alone, 2 if I'm with other people
    *Walking around in public or in crowds: 4
    *Asking for directions: 5
    *Giving directions: 5
    *Using a public restroom: 0 if I'm alone, 5 if there's other people
    *Grocery shopping: 2
    *Going to the hairdressers: Don't go to one, but it would be around 4
    *Going to the doctor: 5
    *Posting on a public forum: 0
    *Sharing your views online / debating: 5, I use a lot of "I think" and "To me" so I can back out of what I say easier
    *Using the telephone: 5
    *Making eye contact: 5
    *Initiating contact by text, email, IM: 4
    *Giving an oral presentation: Depends on the audience but 3-4
    *Participating in class: 5 strangely enough
    *Attending a concert: Never been to one but it sounds like a 5
    *Attending a house party: Never been to one but it would be a 5
    *Going to the gym: Never been to one but it would be a 5
    *Driving: 3 I'm always worried I'm driving too slowly and am annoying the driver's behind me
    *Travelling out of town: 5
    *Travelling out of the country: 5
    *Speaking a foreign language: 2
    Keep it cool. Cool people never show emotion. Keep it cool.

  7. #7
    Rawr's Avatar
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    I'm feeling
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    *Going outside the house: 0
    *Ordering food at a restaurant: 4
    *Eating in public: 2
    *Walking around in public or in crowds: 5
    *Asking for directions: 5
    *Giving directions: 5
    *Using a public restroom: 1
    *Grocery shopping: 2
    *Going to the hairdressers: 4
    *Going to the doctor: 4
    *Posting on a public forum: 3
    *Sharing your views online / debating: 5
    *Using the telephone: 5
    *Making eye contact: 5
    *Initiating contact by text, email, IM: 0
    *Giving an oral presentation: 5
    *Participating in class: 5
    *Attending a concert: 5
    *Attending a house party: 5
    *Going to the gym: 5
    *Driving: 5
    *Travelling out of town: 1
    *Travelling out of the country: 5
    *Speaking a foreign language: 5

  8. #8
    L's Avatar
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    *Going outside the house: for the most part 0
    *Ordering food at a restaurant: mostly 0, unless I cannot say the name of the dish
    *Eating in public: usually 0
    *Walking around in public or in crowds: usually 0
    *Asking for directions: if I think about it too much I can get myself to a 4
    *Giving directions: 5, I am no good at this at all and I panic
    *Using a public restroom: usually 0 unless I want to do my make up or fix my hair and there are other people around, sometimes 3
    *Grocery shopping: Usually 0
    *Going to the hairdressers: 4
    *Going to the doctor: 5+++++
    *Posting on a public forum: 0
    *Sharing your views online / debating: depending on the subject matter but I usually stay away from debates as it increases my anxiety
    *Using the telephone: 5+++
    *Making eye contact: depends on the person and subject matter but daily 0
    *Initiating contact by text, email, IM: 0
    *Giving an oral presentation: 5+++++
    *Participating in class: 3/4 if I sit at the back I will not take speak, if I am at the front people cannot look back
    *Attending a concert: 0
    *Attending a house party: 2/3 again depends on who is there
    *Going to the gym: 3/4
    *Driving: 0, I LOVE driving
    *Travelling out of town: 0
    *Travelling out of the country: 0, but I plan ahead to the last
    *Speaking a foreign language: 5
    life---> <---me

  9. #9
    Koalafan's Avatar Socially inept Koala
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    *Going outside the house: 0
    *Ordering food at a restaurant: 1
    *Eating in public: 0
    *Walking around in public or in crowds: 0. I really like just walking around with my tunes relaxing
    *Asking for directions: 3
    *Giving directions: 3
    *Using a public restroom: 1
    *Grocery shopping: 0
    *Going to the hairdressers: 2 because it's hard to get them too not cut too much off or not enough...I'm picky
    *Going to the doctor: 4 (I hate going to hospitals)
    *Posting on a public forum: 1 if I'm posting on AxS, 3-4 if I'm posting elsewhere where I don't know most members (Im stealing your answer lol)
    *Sharing your views online / debating: 3-4 because I always think my posts end up sounding dumb. And also because I hate conflicts.
    *Using the telephone: 4 if I have to initiate. 2-3 if someone I know is calling me.
    *Making eye contact: 1
    *Initiating contact by text, email, IM: 3
    *Giving an oral presentation: 5 freaking billion
    *Participating in class: 5 if I'm asked a question, 3 if I volunteer to answer a question when I'm confident I know the subject well
    *Attending a concert: 4.
    *Attending a house party:3-4. I hate parties and avoid them like the plague. It's terribly exhausting for me to go to them.
    *Going to the gym: 2
    *Driving: 3. This used too be 5 billion and I would have panic attacks everytime I would get behind the wheel. However, with constantly having to drive everyday for 2 years it's finally settled down
    *Travelling out of town: 2
    *Travelling out of the country: 2
    *Speaking a foreign language: 3. My spanish is terrible and I should be better at it lol

  10. #10
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    *Going outside the house: 0
    *Ordering food at a restaurant: 3 (I guess it's related to food issues)
    *Eating in public: 5 (Definitely food issues)
    *Walking around in public or in crowds: 5 (Remnants of being attacked on the street - I'm always on guard)
    *Asking for directions: 2 (just interacting with people on the street is scary)
    *Giving directions: 3 (Same thing - just waiting for someone to lunge at me)
    *Using a public restroom: 4 (Can't get over the fact that I'll either get jumped or catch something)
    *Grocery shopping: 4 (food issues)
    *Going to the hairdressers: 5 (hate for people to touch me)
    *Going to the doctor: 5 (definitely hate when people touch me)
    *Posting on a public forum: 1 (always concerned about trolls)
    *Sharing your views online / debating: 4 (had bad experiences with people who think they're always right)
    *Using the telephone: 0
    *Making eye contact: 0
    *Initiating contact by text, email, IM: 2 (I have trouble with the little numbers)
    *Giving an oral presentation: 4 (even though I can do it with visible ease, I'm terrified)
    *Participating in class: 4 (same thing)
    *Attending a concert: 4 (I tend to get paranoid that a terrorist will blow up the place)
    *Attending a house party: 5 (I hate small talk)
    *Going to the gym: 4 (I hate the sense that there are beautiful people around me)
    *Driving: 4 (are you kidding? There are lunatics on the road out there!)
    *Travelling out of town: 5 (I hate the sense of unknown and get very anxious when I'm not familiar with a place)
    *Travelling out of the country: 5 (This won't ever happen. I imagine being put in jail because I didn't understand a language).
    *Speaking a foreign language: 4 (I can speak French and Spanish, but I sound really dumb doing it - therefore, I am always thinking the person is going, "Huh?"
    The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about

  11. #11
    Hexagon's Avatar
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    All of these are subjective for me, it really depends on context and who is around and whatnot.

    Will say my anxieties about phone use, ordering food, doing tasks etc in public have decreased, but my main issues are with interpersonal connection and getting close to other people, and making friends.

  12. #12
    Nyctophilia's Avatar
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    *Going outside the house: 5 if I'm alone, 2/3 otherwise.
    *Ordering food at a restaurant: 6
    *Eating in public: 3
    *Walking around in public or in crowds: 1/2
    *Asking for directions: I don't do this.
    *Giving directions: Depends on my mood, the last time I actually wasn't that bothered.
    *Using a public restroom: 1
    *Grocery shopping: 4
    *Going to the hairdressers: 10
    *Going to the doctor: 8
    *Posting on a public forum: 0/1
    *Sharing your views online / debating: 0/1
    *Using the telephone: 10
    *Making eye contact: 6
    *Initiating contact by text, email, IM: depends a lot
    *Giving an oral presentation: 5
    *Participating in class: 5
    *Attending a concert: 2
    *Attending a house party: 4
    *Going to the gym: I don't do this
    *Driving: Don't drive
    *Travelling out of town: 1
    *Travelling out of the country: Can't do this alone so far, but I've been with family and it's OK.
    *Speaking a foreign language: varies

    Opps I used a scale of 0 to 10 for some reason

  13. #13
    Ironman's Avatar
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    On a scale of 0 to 5 (with 0 meaning no anxiety), how would you rate your anxiety level in the following situations:

    *Going outside the house: 1 (at times)
    *Ordering food at a restaurant: 1
    *Eating in public: 0
    *Walking around in public or in crowds: 1 (when alone), 0 (with others)
    *Asking for directions: 0
    *Giving directions: 0
    *Using a public restroom: 0 alone, 2 with people
    *Grocery shopping: 1
    *Going to the hairdressers: 0
    *Going to the doctor: 0
    *Posting on a public forum: 0
    *Sharing your views online / debating: 0
    *Using the telephone: 2
    *Making eye contact: 2
    *Initiating contact by text, email, IM: 3 unless its family, email, IM is a FIVE!
    *Giving an oral presentation: 1
    *Participating in class: 1
    *Attending a concert: 1
    *Attending a house party: 4
    *Going to the gym: 5 I run the streets instead.
    *Driving: 0
    *Travelling out of town: 2
    *Travelling out of the country: 5
    *Speaking a foreign language: 0

  14. #14
    UndercoverAngel's Avatar
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    I'm feeling
    0 Post(s)
    *Going outside the house:0
    *Ordering food at a restaurant: ordering isn't the issue, it is praying it is cooked properly when it arrives 3
    *Eating in public:0
    *Walking around in public or in crowds:1
    *Asking for directions:0
    *Giving directions:0
    *Using a public restroom:5, ughh! Avoid it at all cost.
    *Grocery shopping:0
    *Going to the hairdressers:0
    *Going to the doctor: sometimes 1 sometimes 5, and anywhere in between.
    *Posting on a public forum:2
    *Sharing your views online / debating:2
    *Using the telephone:0
    *Making eye contact:2
    *Initiating contact by text, email, IM:3
    *Giving an oral presentation:2
    *Participating in class: N/A
    *Attending a concert:2
    *Attending a house party:5
    *Going to the gym:1
    *Driving: Depends, have more anxiety on the interstate, 3
    *Travelling out of town: If I have to get out of the vehicle 3, just taking a ride 0.
    *Travelling out of the country:5
    *Speaking a foreign language: 0

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