It's like a prehistoric turducken, but on a colossal scale: Scientists in Egypt have discovered the remains of a 40 million-year-old whale with another whale inside it, and researchers believe the two were then eaten by sharks.

The smaller whale found inside the fossils of the 60-foot-long basilosaurus may have been a fetus. However, basilosaurus had some pretty unusual dining habits. Like today's orcas, this fierce and ancient predator was known to eat other whales, so the whale inside might not have been a fetus so much as a meal. National Geographic reports that basilosaurus had such powerful jaws that it could crush the skull of any whale unlucky enough to get near its mouth.
The fossils were found at Wadi al-Hitan, a UNESCO World Heritage site also known as "Whale Valley" located in the desert to the southwest of Cairo.
Environment Minister Khaled Fahmy said the fossils include the smallest vertebras of the tail, making it the only complete basilosaurus skeleton in the world, per the Cairo Post.