By Cynthia Oser, Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), and Jessica Jones

Think you're not important? Think again. You are very important. Much like kitchen appliances.

We need a refrigerator and a stove, right? Well, unless you go the wilderness route, freezing your food in the stream and cooking your mushrooms and protein bugs over logs. Let's just assume that you're not doing that right now because you have enough electricity and internet to read this.

Back to appliances... Each one has a different function in the running of your kitchen.

You know how we tend to think of ourselves as unimportant? Well, for one, stop that! Secondly, let's look at your personality and how you contribute to the grand kitchen of the world.

Blenders – We need blenders. They may blend into the wall, carpet, crowd in order to not be seen, but they are also the observers of the world. While others are talking, talking, talking, they are listening. And then they think. Their thoughts create great ideas and when imparted, usually much can be solved. Talkers can't do that.

Toasters – A toaster is truly happy and excited about others' accomplishments. "I'd like to make a toast to everyone who managed to get out of bed this morning and get out of their pajamas!" They are the cheerleaders of our society. We need them to keep us positive and to give us hope that we will eventually get out of our pajamas.

Dishwashers – They love to clean! And they do it over and over. Some call it OCD. But you can rest assured that every dish, glass, and pot will be spotless. Without these detail-oriented folk, our world would be run over with impulsive unorganized people.

Microwaves – The steady rock until you explode peeps. They seem very stable and can be counted on to do work quickly. Unknown to society however, they may let their stress build up until there's spaghetti sauce blown all over the walls. Not only do we need these rocks, we also need to remind them to take care of themselves and use their time in a healthy manner. We don't want microwave guts everywhere.

Ovens – We love oven people. So warm and inviting. Ovens are great friends, making us pies when we are sad. But they can burn you if too hot. So make sure you don't overheat them with too many demands. And oven people out there... there comes a time when you have to stop helping others and just do a self-cleaning. Remember that if you're in tip top healthy shape, you can once again be there for others.

Grill Masters – This world needs these guys to ask questions. Somebody has to ask questions! Why do I have to be on hold for 20 minutes? Why can't I reach a human customer service worker? Why does it seem okay to overstep others' boundaries?

Coffee makers – Taking care of others and rescuing people from stupor is their game. They may also be a co-dependent rescuer. They need to make sure that they put their own needs first, though. Taking care of others may make them resentful and feel like a victim. Sure, may your friend some coffee, but make sure you've had your coffee first.

Crock pot – A little off, slightly weird. Yes, they are the comic relief of our world. And we love to laugh with them.

Refrigerator – These guys keep life fresh and wilt free. They tend to be cool, yet approachable. They even brighten with a light when you approach them. They're very dependable. That's why we worry about them when they lose power.

Mixer – Here is your social butterfly. A mixer is able to be in a crowd and participate. Thank goodness for them because if they weren't around, blenders would have to actually talk to people.

Steamers – These guys are never happy with anything and complain about everything. But great changes in our society happened because those squeaky wheels just wouldn't go away.

Stoves – Stove people will burn others if touched emotionally. One must use pot holders just to get close to them. But if you want a good distraction from your own pain, they're always ready to turn up the heat for a good fight.

Freezer – How are very cold people important to society? Well, without them we would not have ice and ice cream. Just kidding. Freezer people are our boundary keepers. They remind us when we have crossed over the "too silly" line.

Waffler – Our dear wafflers can never make up their mind. They can't seem to commit to anything. But they are great at helping people make informed decisions.

Shredder – This person will cut someone down into little pieces emotionally in a heartbeat, but they are important also. Why? They keep us humble. They're right there when our head gets too big for a doorway.

Disposal – And lastly, our problem solvers. They make problems and really stinky things go away.

As you can see, every one of us is needed and has positive attributes. Our society (or kitchen) cannot run without each and every part. So the next time you think you're not needed or important, go hang out in your kitchen and listen. Your refrigerator isn't making all that noise for nothing. It wants to be heard.