Source: Tech Times

NASA Climate Model Suggests Planet Venus May Have Been Livable

11 August 2016, 8:04 pm EDT By Rhodi Lee Tech Times

The planet Venus that scientists know today is a hellish world characterized by a carbon dioxide atmosphere that is 90 times thicker than the Earth's atmosphere.

The planet has almost no water vapor and with surface temperatures reaching up to 864 degrees Fahrenheit, the idea that the second planet from the sun can host life as we know it may seem far out.

Projections of a NASA climate model, however, have revealed that planet Venus may have once been habitable. The planet may have once hosted a shallow and liquid-water ocean and a habitable surface temperature.

Scientists working at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) developed a model similar to those used by climate scientists to explore the past history of Venus. They wanted to know if the planet may once had conditions similar to those in habitable Earth despite of its hot water-less surface and carbon dioxide-choked atmosphere.


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