Phil's profile says 'User requested ban'. What is going on here?When the 'co-founder' of the site is banned, something serious is going down.
Phil's profile says 'User requested ban'. What is going on here?When the 'co-founder' of the site is banned, something serious is going down.
Maybe he requested it??? to get away for some time - I had to do that last week
Maybe. But I'm hearing other rumours (?) as well...
As a moderator, I can tell you that there isn't the drama going on here that you might think.
I do know that they just wanted some time away to work on real life.
Phil requested the ban, user-requested bans were added to the Guidelines recently:
There is nothing going down, only exhausted staff (with demanding lives) and a backlog of work to do.User-requested Bans
Members can make a request to a staff member for a temporary or permanent ban from the site, however, a minimum one week duration is required for all requests and one week must lapsed before the ban is lifted.
I was just going to suggest that. I know that I go in cycles of wanting to be on a forum. It's great for awhile, then my interest takes precedence with other things. I actually kind of feel bad for the co-founders because they are like rock stars with paparazzi. When they take a break it's a big deal. I used to run a site and it was exhausting to always be the one running the show. Even when I felt like just hiding in a cave, I had to log on at least once a day and answer people. I'm actually glad that our fearless leaders here know when they need breaks. That means they're healthy and taking good care of themselves.
I know.............I'm annoying.
Just be grateful you don't have to live or work with me. Those poor people.![]()
The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about
It's really a shame that Phil (CadceusGUILT) has been banned from this site. Not only was he banned (whether it was user requested or otherwise) he was also de-admined (which I noticed happened prior to his user requested ban.) Knowing Phil's enthusiasm he had for this site I HIGHLY DOUBT he would de-admin himself. If the excuse of "exhausted staff (with demanding lives) and a backlog of work to do" is the truth, a temporary ban would have been sufficient.
Phil is a kind and gentle person – traits which are wonderful to have as a friend and site admin. He has a trusting nature which allow people (specifically people with anxiety) to easily go to for support, which was the idea of this site. Unfortunately those traits also allow wolves to treat him like a sheep; to be the victim of a bullying.
I think the wool is being pulled over our eyes to what has occurred (or is occurring) behind the scenes here. Poor decision making, bad communication, and power and authority was given and taken to those who were not trustworthy nor deserving of it - and the mod(s)/admin(s) took advantage of that.
I am really not a forum person; however, I am very active in the chat. But being a founding member here I decided to speak up.
This is sad, and very upsetting. We had a vision for this site it is unfortunate to see such unsupportive and fiendish acts placed upon its previous owner and founder.
You know what guys. I've been around a long time and I learned in life to never get involved in other people's business (unless they're specifically hurting me). The reason I let others deal with their own problems is because it's inevitable. They will resolve their problems and I'll end up the bad guy. Because I took sides, I ended up hurting one of them. They wouldn't forget what I said or did (when it wasn't even my business). Then they would be friends and they would point the finger at me because I said something really not so nice to them.
I'm just hoping that people here let whoever is having a problem resolve it without opinion or judgment. There are always two sides to every relationship. I think everyone here is "good people" and would hope that those not actually hurt by the problem would let the ones actually involved, work it out. (if there even is a problem). I don't think it's our business to butt in.
Why escalate anything unnecessarily. These people together built a great place. I hope their privacy can be honored.
I do understand that we miss Phil. I like him too and want what's best for him. I also respect the fact that he and others here are mature enough to resolve whatever they need to resolve. And I still think it's great when they feel they need to take a break.
Just my two cents.
The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about
Maybe we should wait to hear a full account from one of the admins before we speculate about things. Speculation might make things worse. People get embarrassed and upset and then it's harder for them to deal with. I trust that whatever is happening will be resolved in time. We just need to be patient and understanding.
I understand even site leaders need break, but that's not what I had heard. I have been literally living on the forum since I joined. When I notice anomalies it's only natural that I would be concerned if it's going to affect me or my experiences here. It's sad to see people go and to realize that things had to turn out that way. I hope they can find a way to resolve their personal matters and try to build a better and safe community for us. Because the truth remains that the community is important too since many people depend on it.