I know you've been stuck in a food coma, where all you want to do is eat. I know you would sneak food late at night because you would get hungry or because something sounded good. It's okay. It's not your fault. Being hungry is not a person's fault. Being hungry is a natural process. Going to sleep when you're tired is not your fault and neither is feeling hungry.
Talk to your doctor about your medication. Some side effects of some medications do include weight gain. Anti depressants can cause weight gain as can several other drugs. But you are an individual with a unique body chemistry so best bet is to talk things other with your doctor.
One thing I get people to try is this: before eating something, image what it feels like to feel really good about yourself. Spend about five minutes or so doing that. Then if you are still hungry, eat. If it was just a misplaced emotional need then then the exercise will have shown you you can feel good without having to over eat.
But in your case food seems to "sound" good. So, in your case, before you eat, get in touch with what else sounds good. Maybe doing something else other than eating sounds good? Maybe all the positive thoughts you've ever had about yourself repeated in your head sound good? Find out what else sounds good. When you've done that and if you are still hungry, eat. If the hunger has gone, go off and do something else.
A lot of people talk about self control. And yes, willpower has its role to play. But if I'm really angry in a fight then it would take a heck of a lot of willpower to calm me down. Emotional responses trump willpower most of the time and denying yourself things gives those things power over you. Which is not good. Food is just food. Food gives you power not the other way around.
That's just my two cents. Obviously get all this checked out by your doctor and qualified professionals if needs be.