View Poll Results: What's your favorite Star Trek series?

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  • The Original Series

    2 14.29%
  • The Next Generation

    4 28.57%
  • Deep Space Nine

    3 21.43%
  • Voyager

    2 14.29%
  • Enterprise

    0 0%
  • Star Trek 2009 (Reboot)

    1 7.14%
  • I don't like Star Trek and wish to voice my disapproval.

    2 14.29%
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  1. #1
    distancing's Avatar Sir Lurksalot
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    Trekkies, Come Forward!

    Just curious to see how many Star Trek fans are on here, and maybe get some discussion going.

    What's your favorite series? Characters? How do you feel about the reboot, and are you looking forward to Into Darkness?

    Eh, guess I'll post my own answers to those... My favorite series is Deep Space 9. Although some people argue [for some reason] that DS9 is "too dark", or a departure from the "spirit of Star Trek", I really liked the growing complexity of the plot and characters, and the fact that more often than not, the developments of an episode had future consequences (though, of course, there were still a bunch of "reset button" episodes). Characters: Garak, Odo, Weyoun, Spock, McCoy, Kira, Sisko, Picard, Geordi, Ensign Ro, the Doctor/EMH... I should probably stop there.

    As someone who was raised by TOS Trekkies, it feels slightly odd seeing the series/characters transition from the sometimes-serious/thought-provoking-but-inescapably-campy 60s show to a kind of straightforward action/sci-fi franchise. Also a bit weird to think that, within the "nuTrek" continuity, Enterprise is the only series still canon. I think it's been handled well so far, though, and I'm looking forward to the new movie.

    Sorry for the rambly post.

  2. #2
    Sagan's Avatar Carl Sagan
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    I would order my fav series.

    1. DS9
    2. TNG
    3. VOY

    Didn't care too much for the new movie, or the Enterprise series. Just didn't have the Star trek feel to them. Enterprise drove me crazy with the whole temporal war thing.

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  3. #3
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    Whats that amazing TOS episode where Spock smells that flower that brings out all his human emotions and he can't control them and he fights with himself crying uncontrollably and smashing walls to get himself under control like Altered States? All I remember is that Leonard Nimoy's acting in that was incredible, I think Its This Side of Paradise where Spock falls in love and Kirk tricks him into coming back by insulting him to get him upset.

    My Favorite Series is Deep Space 9 overall but I still have a love for the original.

    Favorite Character: The one and only James Tiberius Kirk, followed by Major Kira and Dr Pholox from Enterprise

    I know this is going to sound weird but what took me away from the reboot is when Kirk says she took away everything but my bones, that line was horrible that's not the origin for Kirks nickname for Mccoy its short for Sawbones, I don't hate it it's just not my cup of tea, I wasn't into the reboot so I don't really have any expectations for into Darkness.
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  4. #4
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    My boyfriend loves this kind of thing - I not so much
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  5. #5
    distancing's Avatar Sir Lurksalot
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    I'd rank mine:
    1. DS9
    2. TNG
    3. TOS (VOY is arguably a better series, but I have an ingrained fondness for TOS)

    I really couldn't get into Enterprise, either, though I've been meaning to go back and give it another chance. Don't really feel like I can fairly evaluate the series, having only seen maybe a dozen episodes.

    With the reboot, Abrams seems to be going out of his way to emphasize that it's not "classic" Star Trek (I mean... blowing up Vulcan?!), so I've been trying to treat it sort of as its own... thing. But it does have a strange feel to it. I'm not so sure the first movie was successful in establishing its own identity beyond "Hey, this isn't TOS", but I'm still holding out hope for the franchise. Part of me also really wants to see a new tv series.

    Anyway, have a picture of Garak dressed in an homage to Carl Sagan.

  6. #6
    Sagan's Avatar Carl Sagan
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    ^^ Awesome

    Yeah I feel the same about the reboot. Just too odd for me. The redesigned enterprise, and the whole screwing with the timeline.

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    Not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise
    A morning filled with 400 billion suns
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  7. #7
    distancing's Avatar Sir Lurksalot
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    Quote JesusChild View Post
    Whats that amazing TOS episode where Spock smells that flower that brings out all his human emotions and he can't control them and he fights with himself crying uncontrollably and smashing walls to get himself under control like Altered States? All I remember is that Leonard Nimoy's acting in that was incredible, I think Its This Side of Paradise where Spock falls in love and Kirk tricks him into coming back by insulting him to get him upset.
    Yup, it was "This Side of Paradise". That was a great episode (heh, Altered States... I can just imagine devolved Spock). Also loved Nimoy's acting in "Amok Time"...
    - Live long and prosper, Spock.
    - I shall do neither. I have killed my captain and my friend.

    I know this is going to sound weird but what took me away from the reboot is when Kirk says she took away everything but my bones, that line was horrible that's not the origin for Kirks nickname for Mccoy its short for Sawbones, I don't hate it it's just not my cup of tea, I wasn't into the reboot so I don't really have any expectations for into Darkness.
    Yeah, I definitely see where you're coming from. It seemed to have this odd inner tension of distancing itself from the original series, yet retaining all sorts of random aspects of it. (Why keep the nickname "Bones" at all if you're going to change the meaning?)

    Also, yay Kira! And Phlox seemed pretty cool as well. He's one of the Enterprise characters I remember best.

  8. #8
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    I've been a Star Trek fan since the original series was on TV. That was big stuff then.

    My favorites?

    The new version with the young Spock, Kirk, McCoy
    The original series

    I couldn't get into the later series for some reason.

    I love to go to conventions. I've eaten lunch with Klingons. I think I've seen in person every one of the Star Trek original and TNG staff except Patrick Stewart. The best part of the conventions is the costumes everybody wears.
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  9. #9
    Meadowlark's Avatar
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    I'm a bit of a Trekkie. I grew up watching TNG and all of the Star Trek movies because of Trekkies in my family. TNG is probably my favorite series. For whatever reason I couldn't get into the later shows, and I especially detested Enterprise (I think maybe the terrible theme song ruined it for me, lol). As for my favorite characters, I'd have to say they are Data (and Spot), Spock, Bones, and Dr. Crusher (I remember thinking she was so cool when I was little... I even dressed up like her once for Halloween). And yes, I liked the recent reboot and am looking forward to Into Darkness. Also, I can't drink a cup of Earl Grey without thinking of Captain Picard lol.

  10. #10
    shyVr6's Avatar Masking The Calm
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    I've watched all the series, but I guess TNG would be my favorite since it's what I watched the most. It also helps that I thought Patrick Stewart was great on the show. After that, it would probably be the original series and then Voyager.

  11. #11
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    Showing my age a bit here, but my favorite is TOS. When I was a kid in the 80s I would fight my brother for control of the tv. I wanted to watch TOS (or at that time, simply "Star Trek") reruns, and he wanted to watch The A Team. The good old days!

    My brother and sister and I became avid TNG fans in the 90s (my second favorite series). When that series ended I slowly drifted away from the franchise. I saw quite a few episodes of DS9 and Voyager but never watched Enterprise at all. The little bit I saw of it seemed to have a different tone from the series based on TNG and it didn't appeal to me.

    The theatrical releases starring the original cast didn't appeal to me either. It seemed like they were just parading the characters on the big screen for novelty value or for laughs; especially in the one with the whale where Spock loses his memory; (the third one, I think it was?)

    When I saw the trailer for the TNG movie and it looked like they were doing the same thing with Data (ha, ha, ha! he has emotions!) I didn't bother to see it.

    I haven't seen the reboot yet but I wouldn't mind renting it sometime.

    Sorry that turned into a bit of a rant.

    As far as characters, the Kirk-Spock-McCoy chemistry carries TOS. My favorites from TNG are Data, Picard, and Worf. Captain Janeway was cool and I had a bit of a crush on Kess.

  12. #12
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    I often wondered something though. On TNG, whenever there was an emergency, the crew walked rather than ran. I always yelled at the TV saying, "seriously??? Would you really be walking if the ship was about to self destruct?" I realize the set wasn't all that big, but they could have gotten just a little more panicked. I think that's why I really like the new set of movies. They have the flavor of drama and action like the original series, but no corny effects (aka Kirk vs the Gorn fight).

    I thought it was genius that young Spock shot young Kirk out into space. Wouldn't you want that option when somebody pissed you off?
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  13. #13
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    One more thing I have to mention, combining Star Trek with SA, is that the minor TNG character Barclay? painfully reminded me of myself at the time that I first saw that episode. My SA was at it's peak in those years.

  14. #14
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    I can see him as having that. Didn't he end up being some type of god though when an alien attached to him. Or was he assimilated by the Borg? I just remember him getting powerful.
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  15. #15
    kc1895's Avatar KFC Hipster
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    I wasn't old enough to be a trekkie until high school, where I only saw Voyager and realized I missed out on so much! I also had a crush on 7 of 9 played by Jeri Ryan. She was the eye candy for geeks in that series.

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