Yes, I'm still on amphetamines, though not dex specifically. Due to shortages followed by astronomical price increases, I'm now on Adderall. Doesn't really matter as Adderall is 75% d-amphetamine and is so similar I'd be unable to tell any difference other than Adderall seems to have a somewhat longer duration of action. I also have Vyvanse in my collection of meds, which, as you likely know is the prodrug of dextroampehtamine, so it behaves just like an extended release version of dex.
I try not to take it daily as I fear the positive effects will lessen if used too much. And given how truly wonderful stimulants are I don't want to risk such great effects going away. I also try to keep the dose down to avoid tolerance.
You're suicidally depressed. Well, if amphetamine doesn't put you in a mood where living another day seems reasonable, I don't know anything that will. It's your best shot at getting that mood change you want & getting it within the hour. Amphetamine is fast & dramatic. They impress me, and you surely know how I criticize damn near every drug there is, calling most total crap. Thus it means something when I give a drug two enthusiastic thumbs up.