A neat little forum game that provides positive reinforcement! Very self-explanatory: post something positive to the person above you. This can be anything positive you've observed from the member during your time here.
A neat little forum game that provides positive reinforcement! Very self-explanatory: post something positive to the person above you. This can be anything positive you've observed from the member during your time here.
I have tried to bet your high scores in the arcade but you have too many - go you
I've only ever spoken to you once directly on the other site, but from what I gathered you are a very nice person and are aiming to become a nurse (or already am I, I forget). Society always needs more nurses! Kudos!
Can I ask who you are sorry?
Your blogs are very interesting to read
You sound like a very interesting and positive person. I read your "about me" section on your profile and I love your attitude about getting over the past. We have photography as a hobby in common. Cool!
The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about
^ Kay, yer one of the sweetest people I've ever known. =]
Is an incredibly strong and integral person. Lots of respect.
Has been a very supportive friend over the last 12 months. Thank you
Has always been a friendly and nice fellow, good personality and huskys are awesome.
Life is full of up and downs, I'm here for the ride
^ Is a very good friend and very compassionate to others. Love you!
A very friendly and ambitious guy!
Such a cute baby photo! And also you like Dexter, so that's awesome.
Pretty funny person. Very lovable and dorky
^ Surprised the heck out of me with a very warm welcome to this site. Thanks!!
You have a quote on you profile - it is really good and thought provoking