Has anyone had an SAS account they've deleted? I just want to know if you can delete your SAS account?
Has anyone had an SAS account they've deleted? I just want to know if you can delete your SAS account?
Thanks, That sucks on most sites you can delete your account. I guess they probably want to appear like they have a lot of members even though they aren't active for add revenue. I'm not surprised...
Do you know if you can delete your pictures???
You can delete your pictures. If they're on an image hosting website just delete the picture from there and it'll be gone on the site. If it's an attachment, somewhere in the settings it'll say "manage attachments" and you can delete all the images you ever attached. That's what I did at least...
I still keep my SAS account up. I still message someone on there, but that's about it
"I am the Wanderer
I've seen many a shore
But the road I long the most to go
Is closed for evermore"
I'm about ready to try to get a perma-ban. I don't know if they'd let me...the mods hate me there, and so do more than half the forum.
I hate SAS now, too. I'm so glad this place is around.
God, I temp banned myself last night. It's turned into a "free for all". Glad I found this place. Seems a bit more like the old SAS was...seems to be mostly SASers on here. I'm not going back though, none of them really seem to be discussing SA or trying to help much. It's just so and so has it worse than them, don't argue, here's some bogus facts...
Rant Over. Guess you can wipe all your posts, and ban yourself. I think you've gotta temp ban before you can perma ban, but heck, I'm considering. This place is so much better!
And we'll just leave the people on SAS to come up with BS about who has it worse. Heck, they probably hate me anyway, I've had a go at enough people for this and that that plops up on the forum.
I'm thinking about perma-banning myself there. It's really amazing to me, to see how much that site has changed in the last couple of years. It doesn't even look or feel like the same site. All the people I looked forward to seeing there have left or are banned. The mods are way, way different, too...good luck getting any help or feedback.
Bereavement is a darkness impenetrable to the imagination of the unbereaved. ~Iris Murdoch
Your girlfriend's silence might be her loudest scream.
If you still have more dreams than regrets, congratulations. You haven't gotten old yet.
Spend every moment like it's your last. Hug her, kiss her, hold her, like it's the last time that you ever will. Because it might be.
Yep, the mods there are Nazis. They perma-banned me for saying the name of this site.
The sites gone to total hell, and I have no plans on going back other ever
So I took a quick Sneak peak at the site and this was what came up.
"Could Porn, Video games and Internet be the cause?" (Of SA, it seems)
"Were we wrong about Hitler? Are the Jewish elite to blame?"
"Okay, that's it...I'm going to pay a prostitute"
"Do you think everyone should be killed?"
...well, I don't regret banning myself. Why did I not hear about this AnxS before???
The problem I have with that site is it's OK for one gender to attack the other gender, but the other gender can't defend themself. I don't really mind if my race and gender are attacked, as long as I can defend myself. What I have a problem with is there is too much of a double standard on that site. One gender get's away with murder, while the other gender isn't even allowed to respond to a personal attack. Even if you walk on eggshells, you can't defend yourself, and it's true, the double standard is a reflection of society, but there seems to be even more of a double standard on that site than what's accepted in society as a whole.
For example, there was a thread on that site titled, "why are there so many men in prison" and I responded with a thread titled, "Why is SAS so sexist" My thread was the thread that was deleted, and I got an infraction while the other thread just continued going on and on-lol. Currently there is a thread on that site titled, "stuff white people hate" I wonder what would happen if someone where to make an equivelent thread like, "stuff black people hate" I really don't have to wonder. I'm pretty sure I know what would happen-lol...
Now and then I think about getting a ban from sas but I've been on it for ages and still talk to people on it...most of the time I just lurk on the forums..To be honest I get nervous about posting things on it incase Im attacked because it happens all the time to other people...It used to be such a good forum a coouple of years a go..