Any songs with anxiety referances?
I found one- Pat Benatar "Get Nervous"
Anyone else?
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This one, I'm not sure it reflects SA but for me it does - her whole album makes me sad and this song put me in tears as it was such a painful and lonely time when I listened to it.
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Forum Addiction:
Forum Addiction:
Yes nailed it
How to Dissapear by Radiohead
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Please work...
Oh my god I showed you this song!!!!! Who are yoU?
Forum Addiction:
This may not be specifically about SA, but it could be applied...
challenging disablism
Forum Addiction:
havent been able to listen to music in years but dream theaters music contained a lot of lyrics around abuse and neglect in their past; and mental health issues.
probably the most relateable to anxiety woud be the decently named 'panic attack',link to lyricks here-
endless sacrifice is another good one-
if remember correctly DT like fans to make their own translations of their lyrics,personaly usede to love this one- because it relates to autism so much.
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