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Thread: people ugh!!!

  1. #1
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    people ugh!!!

    I was hanging up the underwear packages of Hanes and Fruit of the Loom as the day shift group of leaders and VIPs make the rounds before the store is open, when the HR dude, I'll call him Jim, comes up to me and in an fake cheerful voice says "Donna is anything wrong? You don't like people talking to you, do you?" I look at him say Good morning, no.... it depends, Is there something you want? He's all like "No if there's anything you want or need to discuss I'm here...O. K.

    I say I need to apply for a leave I thought maybe that's why you were here? All the bosses were over by the sports bras so I worked that department last, avoiding them all. Later, when they were all clogging up the center aisle on important talk, I had to take stock back. I could have avoided them by walking out of the way; however, I thought don't be stupid I walked down made them all move and looked the store head leader directly in the eye and waved, attempted a smile and said a loud for me "Good Morning."

    As I walked a way, I heard the store leader say, "Fucking Jim, mumbled words I couldn't hear...."
    Anyway luckily, I'm not in too bad a mood, I'm not as anxiety ridden as I was a month or so ago. I consider, the fact that I didn't walk a mile out of the road and greeted the head and chief some how progress of a sort. But later, I felt like crying because they think I'm really weird. I actually said hello to the man, which is what I think he wanted? So what the hell was he upset about??

    Does anyone else have strange problems such as this? When I started here the lead worker was all, one person to an aisle, no talking, the next person I catch lolly-gagging will be written up and so forth. If I'm talking to you consider it a coaching!!! So, I learned being ignored by managers here is a good thing!!!

  2. #2
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    Yeah, people say things under their breath around me all the time. "Look at that weirdo", for example.

    I try to ignore it now. It really shouldn't get under my skin. People can be assholes.

  3. #3
    Chopin12's Avatar
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    sometimes i can get in really awkward situations like that. it sometimes ruins my whole mood. i think its due to a lack of confidence, but sometimes people are just dicks for noreason
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