Whoa, my brain is sure full of worry. I see my therapist tomorrow so I decided to write down everything I'm freaking out about so I don't forget anything when I see her. I'm just gonna give her the paper and let her read it. Here's what I wrote:
Worried I can never get a new job. Worried I will get fired and never be able to work again and lose my house and go bankrupt and my husband will leave me and his family will think I'm a loser.
Worried I will be out somewhere alone and get migraine with aura and be stranded while blind and confused and someone will call 911.
Worried my panic attacks are really auras or seizures as my aunt passed out once from migraine and had seizure like symptoms from the aura.
... Worried about the increased risk of stroke and heart attack associated with aura.
Worried that I will get aura again at work but the confusion like that day in the hospital will happen all over again and they will call 911 and not let me come back to work.
Worried Jason won't be able to drive me home from work if I get a PA or aura so my work will call a cab (coworkers not allowed to drive sick ppl home) and I'll get confused in the cab and not be able to tell him how to get me home and he'll call 911.
Worried my boss is going to tell me I'm too unhealthy to work if I don't get cured soon (always says "I need you to get better).
Boss said "I'm worried about you" meaning she thinks I'm so unhealthy its scarring her and something is really wrong and she is going to force me to go out on permanent disability (she's threatened that).
Worried any new employer would fire me and I'm destined to be jobless even though I worked so hard in school getting a masters degree.
Worried I can never have kids cause I'll [BEEP] them up with my issues or I'll have an attack so bad I will miscarry.
Worried during pregnancy I'll be so sick I won't be able to work and I'll get fired.
Worried about passing on my genes.
Worried I will suffer abuse in the hospital again during an attack and my condition will deteriorate to where it was in the beginning or worse.
Worried I will have a confusion episode in front of my boss and freak everyone out and they'll call 911 and not let me come back to work.
Worried my life is OVER. Worried I'll go blind from an aura while driving and cause a wreck.
Worried about waking up worried. Worried about being worried. No control over my life, job, my own body. Worried about the next aura and/or panic attack. I need a better brain.