About Anxiety Space
From its humble beginning in November 2012, Anxiety Space has grown to become a safe, friendly and supportive place for sufferers of anxiety, depression and other mental illness.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide a safe, friendly and supportive place for sufferers of anxiety, depression and other mental illness, and raise awareness and advocate for mental health issues.
About the Owner
The Founder and Owner of Anxiety Space is Total Eclipses. She suffers from Anxiety Disorders; and Physical health issues. She along with others' had the goal to produce a non-profit site FOR the community. She makes no profit from the site.
About the Staff
The staff on this site are members of this community, who also deal with anxiety and/or mental health themselves, they are (non-paid) volunteers. For more information about the staff, click here.
Funding Disclosure
Anxiety Space is a not-for-profit support website. We don't use advertisements to fund the site, instead funds are raised via donations and selling t-shirts.
Contact Anxiety Space
Anxiety Space can be emailed through our contact form.
Last modified 24 November 2013.
Made with <3
Anxiety Space is not a replacement for a fully qualified doctor.