Just like the thread on PC vs Mac, this is going to be a hot debate.
So, which do you prefer? Me personally, I had an iPhone for two years, than switched to an HTC One Android phone. I'm not going to switch back, this is so much better....you can do so much more with an Android.
The only advantages I can see with iPhones are that they are more stable and that they don't fail as often. And the Apps that are available are more stable as well. But that being said, with iPhones you have one app that may do one thing, and do it well. With Android, you have at least 20 things that can do what that one Apple app can do, and while it may fail from time to time, it can also do other things.
I tend to like Android quite a bit more...iOS has gotten rather stale and boring to me and I love the fact that google practically encourages you to jailbreak/root your phone to customize it the way you want (atleast with the nexus line ). But the whole fragmentation of android can get pretty annoying though =/
I use to have an Android but now I have an iPhone. I like them about the same I guess. My Android did take better quality pictures though but I love how iPhone's have the option to see yourself while taking a picture. No more spending forever trying to do a good selfie. I just wish the quality was a bit better... You can guess by now that I love taking pictures with my phone mainly lol so the camera is the #1 important thing to me.
Androids can have a good see yourself option. My HTC One has that ability.
I guess what I like most about it is that I can customize the keyboard. No longer do I have to put up with Apple's lone spellchecker and the boring format. I installed a background yoga picture, and redesigned it so that I can see it better....it's much easier to type out messages and post to forums.
I do miss Garage Band, though. I've been able to duplicate all the apps for my Android smartphone and tablet, from the ones I got from the Apple store, except there is nothing offered that is Android that is really good for mixing and recording music.