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Thread: Bullying

  1. #1
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    This is really hard hitting, made me cry

    life---> <---me

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    Yeah. I cried too.
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    I was bullied pretty extensively when young. I still hold those scars.

    I've been told by three successive therapists and my own mom that I'm physically attractive, but I don't see it? I was told I was ugly so often growing up that it's been ingrained in me.

  4. #4
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    I was bullied a lot when I was younger. Nothing physical, but psychological stuff, mostly. A lot of people don't even consider it bullying. But it hurts, being outcasted. Seeing how many people there are on here that were bullied as children, I find it hard to believe that there is a link between this and that.

    And why was I bullied? All because I was

    1)Deaf was I was younger. I couldn't hear much, I often misheard things. I had something called "Glue ears" at first, pretty severely, in both ears. It's pretty common in young children, but it was the severity of it that was the problem, and it took them several years to work out that it wasn't that I wasn't listening. I coudn't hear. I kept getting punished for not hearing.
    2)Because of my lack of hearing, I had some speech delay. But heck, you try learning to speak when you can't here.
    3) In hospital a lot for various operations, often not knowing what was going on. It was pretty frightening,
    4) I got infections quite a lot, pretty badly, pretty painfully. I'd often be in pain a lot at school, loud noises were particularly unbearable, especially after the operations to help me hear. Apparently, my discomfort with loud noises was humourous, to both students and teachers, and apparently I was being oversenseitive. But heck, none of them have tried being deaf for years, and then suddenly being able to hear, and if you thing it's painless, it's not. It's pretty unbearable. I later found some not so nice comments about me, some from people I thought were friends, on Facebook.

    Which reminds me, I was gonna delete a load of people.

    I get the feeling that all this fuss with my ears was what caused my anxiety. Anxiety caused me to be outcasted. Didn't help that there was one of these popular pricks with an ego in a lot of my classes who'd go around sprouting his anger issues crap, joke about it, and mock anxiety/depression.

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    People are pathetic for bullying people who are different. They are the sick ones, not us.

  6. #6
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    Quote WintersTale View Post
    I was bullied pretty extensively when young. I still hold those scars.

    I've been told by three successive therapists and my own mom that I'm physically attractive, but I don't see it? I was told I was ugly so often growing up that it's been ingrained in me.
    Yeah, when the people you look up to and are meant to trust tell you something over and over, even in a messing sense you are meant to believe it. I was told I was stupid over and over. Now I know I'm not but I automatically think it even though I'm in my 3 year of college.
    life---> <---me

  7. #7
    takethebiscuit's Avatar
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    As a writer and occasional poet (as well as a therapist), that video is something else. I mean

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    CeCe's Avatar Diamond Girl
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    Quote lasair View Post
    Yeah, when the people you look up to and are meant to trust tell you something over and over, even in a messing sense you are meant to believe it. I was told I was stupid over and over. Now I know I'm not but I automatically think it even though I'm in my 3 year of college.
    I was looked down by my family, for being stupid and being a terrible musician.

    Can I help it, even though I create all this music, that I think I would be laughed at if I went out on the road?

    I hate people who bully others. If I could, I would have chosen a different family. I'm sure Jimi Hendrix's family probably fed him with all sorts of insecurity as well.

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    Very brave of him

  11. #11
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    Havent gotten a chance to watch the vids, but i have seen the gang up nature in kids and its fucking scary. I managed to avoid getting bullied even though i was kinda a prime target being small-statured and passive, but i still had a fight in me that id fight back twice as hard if anyone did do anything. Can only think of once or twice i really had to though. Bullying was also less prevalent at my schools in general

    but i do wish i had a stronger personality to stand up for any kids being bullied. Saw a few that was more mental bullying (never saw physical stuff) and didnt really do anything about it

  12. #12
    kc1895's Avatar KFC Hipster
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    I had a horrible flashback of the first time I made another kid cry. It was ingrained into my memory because of how it shocked and confused me. I wonder about my first "victim" and how she is doing now. I was about 7 or 8 at the time in a daycare center with other kids. I was extremely shy as a child and always stayed out of trouble. One day, there was a new girl who came into daycare who appeared chubby and also very shy. I went up to her and teased her, hoping to get a laugh and become friends with her, "You're so fat, you sit in a chair and it breaks." I thought nothing wrong with what I said, since my dad calls people fat all the time and teases everyone. I went to play with some other toys, and all of a sudden a teacher approached me and wanted to talk to me. I was a perfect kid who never got in trouble, but I felt something was wrong. She asked, "What did you say to her?" I looked behind the teacher and saw a sobbing girl pointing at me and realized she was the one I teased earlier. It finally hit me that what I said was hurtful. I felt so much guilt that I refused to tell the teacher what I said. After that day, the girl never returned to daycare.

    That was 20 years ago and I still remember her crying face and the teacher questioning me accusingly. I hope the girl is doing fine today, I know how much one comment made years ago can effect you.

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    i never teased anyone that i can remember. obviously not an air tight statement but i really don't remember ever doing that. well i teased my friend once and made him cry but we were friends so it was okay. and i was only pointing out the truth, he was short. it wasn't because i was too shy to join in that i didn't. there were a few times i could've, when there was some peer pressure for me to engage but i never engaged. most of my friends were nice so they didn't pick on other kids either. it was only like when i was at tables with the more popular kids that were kind of sort of my friends and they taunted another kid or made them feel uncomfortable that i saw it firsthand and had the idea to do something. other times it was a whole bunch of kids watching and then the bystander effect is kind of in play so you don't think to do something yourself if you're a passive bystander like me. i remember coming to the weak defense of the kid who was being bothered by saying things like leave him alone but it definitely wasn't like an indignant 'leave him alone!'. it had no authority. it was more of a bored leave him alone. like lets move on to better things, not you're doing the wrong thing. but i did think it was the wrong thing. i just didn't want them them to turn on me or for it to come to a confrontation. also i was in good standing with the most popular kid and i didn't want to lose that. one time he gave me a giant hug and invited me to his house for a sleep over (his house was really big, his dad was lawyer and they had money, that was obvious). his house also had two dogs in it. the family pets. i loved his dogs and i could tell he loved them too. he treated them really well. with lots of affection. but then he didn't treat people very well (those that weren't his friends at least) and he was into some things i didn't really approve of. like his friendships with the ghetto kids alarmed me. i disapproved of those.

    oh and i was like a magnet for weird / friendless kids during this same time in middle school. that's how it felt to me, that i was always the one to be stuck with them, the one that they followed around or wanted to do things with. i'm not saying that it was because i was nice to them that they were drawn to me. but if you thought i was teasing them then this should be proof that i wasn't, or why would they have come near me so often and in so much earnest. what i think it had more to do with than me being extraordinarily nice and accepting was with me being shy. i didn't try to avoid them at any cost, like a lot of kids. i didn't try to pair up with a normal, nice kid before the weird and friendless ones got to me. because i couldn't initiate things like that with kids who weren't one of my best friends (if it was one of them then we knew we were partners before it was announced we needed to find any) so once the weird / friendless kid got to me, my fate was sealed. i'd be working with him (another think i couldn't do is decline or refuse). it really did feed on itself because when he knew he could get with me then probably he'd make his way directly for me when it was announce we needed to find partners. so the magnet analogy really wasn't far off. then i'd have no chance in hell of escaping him.

  14. #14
    Keddy's Avatar The Awkward Conversationalist
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    Wow, how brave of him...
    If there's one thing I can say I've never done, in all honesty, I have NEVER bullied anyone. I've had it done to me enough times that I know how devastating it can be. I always try to be the best and nicest person I can because all the people who have been bullied deserve to have someone treat them with kindness and I always want to be the best friend I can to everyone, even if they don't like me. I hate bullies but I love kind, well-intentioned people.
    Bullying is unbearably horrendous. It should be punishable by imprisonment. It can scar many people (me included) for life.
    If I can make one truthful statement at the end of my life, it will be that I am a kindhearted person.
    "It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot

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