I'm thankful my car is paid for because it means I can save money, and I love saving money.
I'm thankful my car is paid for because it means I can save money, and I love saving money.
I don't get a signature.
For the fact that I can be an independent person
life---> <---me
Lots of things, but one of the biggest is being thankful that my SA has improved enough for me to function in the world, and have at least a bit of a social life.
The fact that I have so many blessings.
I could mention things like good hearing and eyesight, but the fact is my life is not worth living. So being grateful does cut the mustard, for me life is a curse.
Whenever I'm depressed I tell myself, "it could always be worse," because no matter how bad it is, it could always get worse. I wish I could run, like I could run when I was young, but I have a herniated disk. So, I can't run, but it could be worse, I could be a parapalegic and be in a wheel chair. So I'm happy that I can do the things I can do. I'm glad I can walk. I'm glad I can kind of surf, although I would be a much better surfer if it weren't for the herniated disk, but hay, at least I cankind of surf.
What I really need to learn is to stop comparing myself to abled bodied people. For example, an abled bodied guy starts surfing and in a short amount of time, he's as good as I am, and I've been surfing for years, but it could be worse. It could always be worse...
I don't get a signature.
I'm thankful I live in a house in the country, and I have a little studio to make things in, a storage shed to store my tools, and a place to do woodworking, like making frames for my mosaics and stained glass. I'm glad I don't have to live in an apartment. I'm glad I live in the country, rather than a city. I'm glad I don't live to far from the surf. My life could be better, but it definitely could also be much worse. I'm happy I have what I have.
I don't get a signature.
Positive thoughts, friends, and life
“When you stop blaming others for where you are in life, that is when you can start to manifest your dream life!”
― Stephen Richards
I am thankful for my family, friends and support groups because definitely the best things in life are free..
High heeled shoes
life---> <---me
It's nice to be able to shop in regular department stores and not be relegated to the largest size available. Not that I'll ever view myself as anything other than disgusting anyway. :/
Roof over my head, having a job, being alive.