When the question is directed at someone else and I'm allowed to chime into answer, I can answer just fine without getting all nervous. Does anyone else experience anything like this or is it just me?
When the question is directed at someone else and I'm allowed to chime into answer, I can answer just fine without getting all nervous. Does anyone else experience anything like this or is it just me?
Yeah, I tend to blank out and clam up most of the time when somebody puts me on the spot. Either that or I give out a less than eloquent response compared to what I normally would be able to muster. Makes me feel stupid and serves as a self-fulfilling prophecy for the aspect of social anxiety that makes me obsessively worry about how people perceive me. :/
Yes, makes me so angry with myself....just ugh
life---> <---me
Sort of but I'm often too hesitant to chime in as well.
It Happens to me all the time. I actually took an IQ test administered by a psychologist(He asked every question) and I scored 30 points lower than when I took the test on my own. I'm even surprised I even scored 100 when the psychologist administered the test, because I can't even make change when I'm put on the spot, even though I can do upper level math on my own. The difference for me is being put on the spot. Time limits [BEEP] me up too. If I think I have all the time in the world, I excel, but if there is a time limit, I'm paralyzed.
I don't get a signature.
I know the answer in my mind. But am so unsure that I am correct I just freeze.
"A still more glorious dawn awaits
Not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise
A morning filled with 400 billion suns
The rising of the milky way"
"The sky calls to us
If we do not destroy ourselves
We will one day venture to the stars" -Carl Sagan
I freeze depending on who I'm speaking with. I never freeze in front of kids, teens or young adults. But I will freeze in front of adults because I always think they disapprove about whatever it is I'm saying.
The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about
Robert Deniro is the same way and he's somewhat of an accomplished actor-lol. It's why he doesn't give interviews. So there is even a creative genius who does not do well when he's put on the spot.
I don't get a signature.