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  1. #1
    cosmicrat's Avatar
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    weed, bud, mary jane.

    hey everyone.

    just decided to make a thread and spark some conversation about one of my favorite things, weed!

    just to get the ball rolling

    do you smoke and how often? do you think it has positive effects/benefits on you? any funny stories? how do you prefer to smoke? or even the negatives!

    personally, i haven't been smoking for very long, only a few months now. i think it has been nothing but positive for me! before i started smoking it i used to drink a lot, but i came to really dislike the person it turned me into and i ended up loud and obnoxious, of course. so i decided to try weed with one of my friends, and it was just an awesome experience, made me really loving of everything, less rigid, yet not obnoxious and idiotic. i'll be purchasing a bong pretty soon but I've only been smoking spun joints.

  2. #2
    Skippy's Avatar Pickin' and Grinnin'!
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    I usually smoke a joint in the evenings, especially after a busy day. If I do that for too long tho, I feel sick, confused n' get headaches, so I stop smokin' for a couple months or so and come back to it later.

    I was once so stoned on good BC [BEEP] that I thought I had some kinda thing in my hands that I was workin' on, but it fell and made a very unlikely sound when it hit the carpet. I was lookin' for it and my friend asked me what I'm looking for only for me to realize....I had no idea what it was or if it even existed!
    I was so blazed that nite eventually I just gave up trying to understand the most basic concepts n' fell asleep.

    I had a really nice bong too, but my harp fell on it and it shattered. >,<
    I ended up givin' it a heartfelt eulogy on facebook.

    I tend to get really giggly on weed. Used to go on cam a lot stoned outta my mind n' crackin' up at just about everythin'. Those were the days. Hahah!
    Did that again here tonite, but it's much more the sleepy high this time round. I dun think I like this stuff nearly as much as what I used to have.

    The STRONGEST weed I ever smoked was called "Frankenstein". And yeah....that's exactly how I felt; in two hits I was a walking zombie!

  3. #3
    Koalafan's Avatar Socially inept Koala
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    Ive always had very good experiences stoned , I actually enjoy it far than alcohol but the laws where I live are not so kind to Mary so I tend to leave it alone....for now at least. The dumbest thing I ever did was smoke a joint in my dorm with my friend and my room mate. The whole room literally stank for hours on end not too mention the intense paranoia that soon followed about getting caught ...thankfully the story does have a happy ending

  4. #4
    Dan's Avatar DENTAL PLAN
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    Contributed significantly to the issues I have with depression and motivation. I've cut down a lot but it's still rare that I'll go a week without smoking any. Still, I've had some awesome times, and made some good friends through it. Swings and roundabouts.
    "I think like a genius, I write like a distinguished author, and I speak like a child."

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  5. #5
    Jason's Avatar
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    THC (the basic psychoactive compound in marijuana) is inhaled and absorbed through the lungs. Your brain them picks up the chemicals in the blood and you feel the hit within 10 seconds, sometimes sooner (I'm a stoner, I'll be honest with you).

    However, being one, I can only say that no experience for one person will be the same for any other. I can't tell you you'll feel the same way I do or my friends do; we all enjoy it socially, and it does open you up to conversation quickly because it either takes down the barrier of defense we naturally put up when shy (and replaces it with a desire to engage in conversation that gets your mind working); it can also cause you to think or see things in other ways you wouldn't do normally.

    That's because you're intoxicated. Whether your high or stoned comes from two other factors: what you're smoking. Indica type weed will stone you, physically making you feel different. Sativa (my preferred) gets you a mind buzz, making you think and want to talk.

    But again, it depends all on your state of mind when smoking and how comfortable you will be when you do it.

  6. #6
    Dane's Avatar
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    I don't do it, I've heard stories about it causing anxiety and I definitely don't need more of that; although one of my friends says it actually helped his anxiety.

    Anyway, if I want to get a buzz I respond well to alcohol.

  7. #7
    JustGaara's Avatar Hurt Good.
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    I smoke very occasionally, usually only a few times a month. Right now, I can't smoke at all since drug tests for jobs =.=

    I don't really remember any funny stories or anything like that about being high, but I love to get high and eat clementines. I have no idea why but I inhale those things after smoking. I also like to smell the skins when I'm done eating since they smell like 100% stronger when I'm high. I once ate a whole bag of clementines in like a half hour.

    At first, bud was really bad for my anxiety. It gave me the worst panic attack ever (I ended up in the ER) and after that time, I would frequently get attacks when smoking. Two things changed that for me: I went to therapy and got help for my anxiety and I started recognizing the things that were triggering my panic attacks (getting too high too fast, smoking around people I didn't like/felt uncomfortable around, and smoking in a judgey or not safe area). Since then, bud is nothing but relaxing to me. I really can't wait until I can smoke again. I've had a few small pieces and two smaller bongs, but my favorite was a long glass pipe that my friend and I would use when he was living with me. We never cleaned it so there was resin like caked on it and the littlest bit of bud would get us high as shit, which was awesome. I wanna get a MFLB when I start working next month. I've heard vapes are superb.
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  8. #8
    Equinox's Avatar
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    Haven't smoked it since I was a teenager and don't plan too again, personally it just doesn't agree with me at all.
    All it gave me was negatives such as anxiety, dissociation and so on. The one and only panic attack I've had in my entire life happened when I was stoned.

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