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  1. #16
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    It is very hard for people who are dealing with their own issues to always think outside themselves and be compassionate. I don't mind this type of thread, sometimes it is important to put myths to bed and deal with facts. Knowing what to do beforehand will help you go into automatic mode if you ever have to help with someone who has threatened/talked about suicide. to all, I have not seen a person on this site that would not help.
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  2. #17
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  3. #18
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    ^ Well said
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  4. #19
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    Quote Caleb View Post
    This is a tricky and complicated subject (possibly even triggering) as no one can actually answer that question, as it revolves purely around an assumption of which all possible facts (their negative behavior patterns, medical history, previous attempts, ongoing private disclosures about the subject, third party testimony's, a person`s public display of what bothering them etc etc) can only serve as a temporary volatile mean for something that only the person in question can truly know where he/she stands. Meaning, even if you think that something is full of S.... , everything is always 50, 50. And if you consider the fact that psychiatry is not as exact science, no one in this world can really tell which person is gonna end up being just another statistic, and which person is just saying the what comes to their mind.

    In conclusion. I too don`t like it when I see people say "their calling out for attention!" or "look at all that drama!". I find such condescending approaches and philosophy`s as being very disrespectful, and rather ignorant. This may seem like common sense to many of us, but, sadly, most people gravely underestimate the emotional strain and hardships that can go on inside a person`s head when they reach the point where they no longer wish to exist. People don`t always understand how much being suicidal is actually quite similar to having a person locked up inside a dark room, having only their thoughts as company. A "cage of contradictions". How come? well, like most people plagued by depression, they wanna talk, but only with people that will understand them. However. They also know that there is a subtle line between someone that wants to help them, and between someone that just takes pity on them. Add to that the emotional vulnerability and mental strain cause on that persons ego, their need for emotional comfort and familiarity, and what you have there is a person that doesn't know where to turn too. Not to mention, that its basically taboo to even talk about the subject, being as smart person would know that they could get reported. So if that`s not gonna mess someone up in their head, then what will? and, no, i`m not speaking from experience. I`m not suicidal. I do however know a thing or two about living in isolation and having no were to turn too. I know that its not easy to deal with. It takes a lot of adjusting. Same thing with everything.
    Yeah, I have to agree with that. As I said, probably said this before but being an anxious-paranoid person here, and I'd never say to anyone "Attemtion seeker" who said they were suicidal. I'd probably never publish that on this site, but that's generally just me, and I can at times not really be that open about what's going on in life, online as well as in IRL. I'm also not so great with emotion like that, so I sometimes struggle with people saying things like that...not because I have a problem with it or something,'s just complicated, too much emotion just makes me exhausted sometimes. And I can struggle at times on the other site with threads like this, because I've tried to help and reply and all, and been told "He's just attention seeking, trolling. don't feed the troll" or I've had the OP saying that he's too depressed to do anything, I don't understand, nobody understands him, his life is so [BEEP] he hates it all, and he hates me too for trying to help and obviously I said the wrong thing, and I just get a load of abuse spurted out at me at times, and yeah, I know it's online and I shouldn't take it personally...but at time, I was signed off sick by my doc from college, I had actually just made a suicide attempt (I don't talk about it, so please don't ask OR ever mention it again if you talk to me.), I was beginning to attend hospital appointments and starting new meds for my illness. I wasn't really doing much with my life, and I was also physically ill with my right ear once again playing up, and I was worried it was ruptured again. It wasn't very nice, and I kinda did take it personally and it did really make me feel like shit, and now I'm wary of really replying to those kinds of threads over there. I get the impression that I come across as confident and totally fine over there. Guess it's kinda hard to tell online, but nothing is further from the truth. And without sounding like an uncaring bitch, I also don't believe that mental illness such as depression, however [BEEP] a time you're having, makes it okay for you to spurt out abuse like that, especially on a mental health forum where other people could be suicidal.

    That said, I know a quite a few of you on here and I've seen you around. Even if I didn't know you, I probably would try and help if someone put up a suicide thread. I don't think theres many people on here that'd spurt out abuse when I try and help. This probably is a triggering topic, and I didn't really think about it at the time when I posted it. So I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

  5. #20
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    I cant understand why seeking attention has in society made out to be a bad thing. Someone can seek attention for "socially acceptable" things but when someone is suicidal or severely depressed its suddenly such a bad thing? If someone is suicidal and tells someone, they are an attention seeker. So what? If they hide away from people they get criticized for that too.

    'I dont understand why people want to commit suicide' isn't really good enough. If I'm expected to sympathize with "socially acceptable" problems I dont understand, then they should sympathize with mental illness. Otherwise they are one hell of a hypocrite.

  6. #21
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    Quote Tinkerbell View Post
    I work in social services and we are trained to treat every suicidal threat/comment as credible and to act on it, we are mandated reporters. If I don't I will lose my job, be put on a registry and will not be eligible to work in the field again. The best advice is to get them in touch with a suicide help line, they are trained to deal with these type of situations.

    I'm that guy, actually. The suicide-support person on the phone and in the ER as well as on the occasional standoff. Most are pretty predictable but you just never know for sure. I take most everyone seriously, but I also talk to them in an ordinary tone so they can feel free to share. It's important to let them know that they're your priority because they're a person, not because you view them as a "risk." The vast, vast majority of what we see called "suicide attempts" in the ER are cries for help, and there are people who resent working with that. I don't mind...I figure, whoever does it was out of options to communicate just how they felt, and so they did with actions what they couldn't do with words.

  8. #23
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    Quote sanspants View Post
    I'm that guy, actually. The suicide-support person on the phone and in the ER as well as on the occasional standoff. Most are pretty predictable but you just never know for sure. I take most everyone seriously, but I also talk to them in an ordinary tone so they can feel free to share. It's important to let them know that they're your priority because they're a person, not because you view them as a "risk." The vast, vast majority of what we see called "suicide attempts" in the ER are cries for help, and there are people who resent working with that. I don't mind...I figure, whoever does it was out of options to communicate just how they felt, and so they did with actions what they couldn't do with words.
    Kudos to you, I don't work on the acute crisis side of this but do have friends that are intake people for crisis centers. I agree with you a cry for help is a cry for help however they try to get it across.
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  9. #24
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    Quote Tinkerbell View Post
    Kudos to you, I don't work on the acute crisis side of this but do have friends that are intake people for crisis centers. I agree with you a cry for help is a cry for help however they try to get it across.
    I hate the term "a cry for help" but that's only because I've had people ask me if what I did was a cry for help in a way that does suggest attention seeking. I'm gonna see if I can change the title of this thread. I regret typing that now like I did. I'm going to ask that if anyone wants to continue

    This thread keeps getting brought up though. A lots changed though since I started the thread and now. I'm not going to reply to this anymore, and maybe I have no right to do this, but I'm going to ask that if anyone does want to continue this, that they leave me out of it. Or is it possible I can get this thread locked? I really don't want this thread to keep cropping up. I really do regret making this now.

    Really. Maybe I come across as a cold [BEEP] in this thread, and people have said that in real life. But reality, that's not the case.

  10. #25
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    Since you have quoted me, otherside, I can only assume that something I said was an affront to you. I want you to know that nothing I posted was directed at you or anything you posted in any way. I can understand that this is a very personal issue for and I respect that, and am truly sorry for anything that I posted that was thoughtless on my part caused you any pain.
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  11. #26
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    I hate the term "a cry for help" but that's only because I've had people ask me if what I did was a cry for help in a way that does suggest attention seeking.
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  12. #27
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    I think if someone exhibits reckless or impulsive behavior, or they have caused physical harm to themselves or others in the past, they are a higher risk to actually follow through with suicide.

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