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  1. #1
    Sagan's Avatar Carl Sagan
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    Zimmerman protesters raid LA store, stop freeway

    Source: AP-Excite


    LOS ANGELES (AP) - Protesters ran through Los Angeles streets Monday night, breaking windows, attacking people on sidewalks and at one point raiding a Wal-Mart store, while others blocked a major freeway in the San Francisco Bay Area in the third night of demonstrations in California over George Zimmerman's Florida acquittal in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.

    Thirteen people were arrested after multiple acts of vandalism and several assaults in Los Angeles' Crenshaw District, Mayor Eric Garcetti and Police Chief Charlie Beck said at a news conference.

    Garcetti and Beck didn't elaborate on the assaults or any injuries, but at least one man could be seen in the street with a head injury.

    More than 300 officers were called to the scene and were at first slow to directly engage protesters in an attempt to allow a peaceful end to the demonstration, Beck said. But the chief said police would take a much stricter posture in the coming nights.

    FULL story at link.

    Read more:

    A protester confronts a Los Angles police officer during a demonstration in reaction to the acquittal of neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman on Monday, July 15, 2013, in Los Angeles. Anger over the acquittal of a U.S. neighborhood watch volunteer who shot dead an unarmed black teenager continued Monday, with civil rights leaders saying mostly peaceful protests will continue this weekend with vigils in dozens of cities. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

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  2. #2
    SmileyFace's Avatar
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    I disagree with the verdict immensely, but jumping onto freeways and blocking traffic; breaking into shops and vandalizing property, and just causing a whole lot of trouble does NOT make things any better. In fact, it only makes things worse.

    I'm sure a lot of people involved in this commotion had no idea what they were really "protesting" for, and that it was just an excuse to go batshit crazy.

    There's now a new "trend" out here in southern California called "bash mobs." An entire group of 100+ people would go into shopping areas and stuff, breaking into stores and stealing things, vandalizing property, etc. Already happened 2x so far, from what I've heard at least. Police have been on high alert since then to make sure it doesn't happen again:,831138.story

  3. #3
    Ironman's Avatar
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    I agree with the jury - there was no racism in this case. The media (social and visual) and the likes of Al Sharpton were quick to jump on the bandwagon. They make it look like ANY crime like this is racist. There are Caucasian criminals, too. NBC is in big trouble for editing the 911 tape - that was definitely proven and that has cost the network more than financially.

  4. #4
    WineKitty's Avatar
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    I argued this case into the ground on another site and have no desire to do that here.

    I strongly disagree with the verdict and it was the wrong verdict. Just because a not guilty verdict was handed down doesn't mean it was the right verdict.

    Anyone who is out protesting with violence is an idiot. Protesting is fine but it has to be nonviolent to be effective.
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