-TBZDon't walk in front of me and be my leader, don't walk behind me and be my follower. Walk beside me and be my brother.
We're all going to die one day. Death comes to us all, none of us is immortal. We tend to live our lives being selfish; concerned about being rich, having so many followers on Facebook, having that wonderful career, attending that concert, winning that sports event, etc, etc.
We are privileged in the Western World; we are like kings and queens. Though, our wealth is coming to an end. The world is heading into a state of neo-feudalism thanks to ruling forces in our lives corporations.
We have fun while others suffer. We do not try to alleviate the suffering of others. Those who do suffer tend to feel abandoned like us shy people. The truth is that the world is a morally neutral place. It feels so cold and empty; as if we are on our own.
So, we have to help other people. Not because it makes us feel good about ourselves but because it is right to do. There are many acts of love we can do like volunteering in a soup kitchen, posting a helpful messages to users in despair like on this site or on SAS, or helping out in an urban garden. There is also participating in peaceful protests against unjust stuff in the world like drone attacks, corporate rule, the destruction of the environment by corporations, the Energy East pipeline, and useless wars.
The system of this world, corporate capitalism, is not working. I do not refer to capitalism, itself. There are different types of capitalism like penny capitalism. Corporate capitalism is unchecked and unfettered. It exploits the people and the environment for profit until collapse. It is turning the world into a fascist dystopia and we may face extinction from a ruined climate.
Now I'm going to post what the truthdig columnist Chris Hedges believes in helping other people.