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  1. #1
    Sadeyes's Avatar
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    Dealing with hopeless feelings?

    I have been dealing with horrible, depressed emotions ever since my boyfriend left back to where he lives after he came to visit for three days ( it's long distance ) and I think it's because of how much I miss him. I'm 16 and I just need some tips to help me I'm alone in my room, crying and I feel lonely what do you do when you feel down? Just some easy things that help please I'm tired of this

  2. #2
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    I'm feeling
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    I've been in that hopeless, depressed mood and I agree that it can be very difficult to climb out of it. I'm sorry you're going through this.

    Some of the things I've found that helped was indulgent distractions. I've made scrapbooks of the person I missed, written poems or letters to them, and made music videos. Actually I make music videos often which keep me busy for a long time and can usually help me get my feelings out. Sometimes I walk on trails or go to the park and take pictures. Messing with the pictures is also a good distraction for me.

    But don't be so hard on yourself about crying in your room also. Crying is cleansing and is very human when you are grieving a loss. It's ok to cry buckets. I think sometimes society has made us feel like we shouldn't cry. People worry that crying is a sign of depression. But you miss him and you have a loss, so crying and being sad is natural. Sadness is not depression if you are sad about missing someone.
    The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about

  3. #3
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    have you told your bf this? could work out a way to be together more often

    otherwise, you can keep yourself busy to keep your mind off it

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