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  1. #1
    toaster little's Avatar
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    People don't seem to wonder why you're moving and/or won't ask you to stay

    Sometimes when you tell people at work that you're moving to a different state for a new job, they'll ask you why you're moving away when your friends are here and you already have coworkers who have known you for a while. Do you ever find it odd if people don't ask you why you're moving away? I mean I get that some coworkers will never ask because it may be personal, but don't coworkers already feel like they're close anyway because most of them will talk about their personal lives?

    Then at school when you tell people you're moving away to go to a different school, they ask you why you're going to be so far away when your friends are here and your classmates are staying in the same state. There are always people who want to play it safe and don't want to get personal when it comes to questions, but aren't you already somewhat close after knowing each other at school for few years?

    I guess it's only family members and SOs who ask you to stay somewhere instead of moving to a different metro or a different state, but do you guys ever notice other people (such as close friends) asking you if you'd consider staying in the same state where they live?

  2. #2
    SmileyFace's Avatar
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    Do you personally find it odd when someone doesn't ask you why you're moving to a different state, especially for work? If so, I'd find that a bit ironic since you tend not to share a whole lot of information about yourself when it comes to work. Just something I notice.

    But to answer your question -- I've come across this probably no more than twice before. It is a bit weird. 98% of people would actually ask why you'd want to do x, y, and z... especially if it's such a drastic change applied to where you are currently. I remember feeling a bit awkward lol so I just went ahead and stated why I was going to do blahblahblah. Sometimes it sparks a conversation, sometimes it doesn't (when it doesn't, it's even more awkward.. just tells me they're not interested or something).

  3. #3
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    I think that it depends on whether people know you well or not. I know that if it's somebody I don't know well, I usually don't say anything about them moving so far away. If it's somebody who I am very close with, I get all whiny and say, "don't go."

    I'm usually just chatty with people I don't know and will say something to show them I'm interested in what they are saying, but don't want to pry. Like if somebody says, "I'm moving to (another state), then I will make a comment about the state like, "Wow! It's really cold there isn't it?" So I'm technically not telling them to leave or not leave. I'm just making conversation.
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