i've been nothing but SOLICITOUS to my teeth. i don't go to the dentist anymore but i look out for them on my own. shouldering the responsibility for them on myself and not relying on the dentists to take care of them has made them some of the most cared for teeth among my peers. i keep them away from sugar, i check my mouth every now and again with my finger to see how they're all doing. im a PROTECTOR of my teeth. i LOOK OUT for them, even the problem children like my wisdom teeth that the dentists would just like to preemptively remove (and collect insurance money for doing so from). i take care of those guys as well. i ESPECIALLY take care of them. and as a result my wisdom teeth are doing alright. they're coming in just fine, there's been no infections OR NOTHING, just happy growing teeth.

but now this happens. i lose a small piece of the tooth enamel right off the surface of my front tooth and i don't know how. it's like the 3x3 millimeter piece (i will measure later and possibly upload pictures, that's just an approximate guess as to its size) just dislodged from the rest of the tooth, and left a 1-2 mm crater in its place. like what kind of force could do that, i don't understand it, it's like it slipped off more than anything else, chipped would imply some force but there was none. if it had been something i did, some unconventional application i used my teeth for, or some accident that happened to them, then i could just blame it on my own stupidity or bad luck. but i did NOTHING, i eat soft foods, i don't use them to tear open plastic wrapped items, there's no other explanation besides my teeth are sick and deceased. that it's something wrong with them that caused this to happen, but i was supposed to be the one looking out for them! do you see how sad this is, i have no one to blame but myself. and now i lost a piece of my tooth, a piece of ME, that i can NEVER get back. and what's in my future. is this going to keep happening, are pieces of my teeth going to keep sloughing off like this? im scared. i don't want to yell at them but at the same time i just want to blame it ALL on them, and not in any uncertain terms either, to ask them what i did to deserve such defective teeth and decry them for their renegade ways. and it looks so unsightly too. my teeth are already discolored pretty bad but that wasn't something i held against them, i thought they could still be strong and reliable despite it. it was not the color of your teeth that mattered in the end, but how long you could count on them for. and i was prepared to count on mine FOR LIFE. but now they just start to crumble like this and it makes me reevaluate everything. like was the discolorations an indication of disease that i missed? should i have done something sooner? were they ever really there for me?

i think im going to have to go to the dentist to find out (after i research online) and see what they have to say about this. i really thought i would never have to go to the dentist ever again in my whole life. im disappointed. i hear that it does smooths out after awhile and become less obvious. but there will always be a funny indentation on the lower part of one of my precious front teeth even if by miracle of miracles it does "smooth out" as they claim.