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  1. #1
    Denise's Avatar
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    Nobody likes me in Real Life .

    I've come to the ultimate conclusion that nobody who actually Knows me , likes me .. in real life .

    Strangers actually think that I'm cool when I'm at the bar .. .. and give me non-stop compliments . I've made out with girls and boys , and had magical nights out .

    .. Yet the rest of the week revolves around coming home after work , logging in to Facebook . . . and see if I can fish myself 1 or 2 likes out of the 14 friends I have .. all of which were old friends of mine from high school .

    Those 1 or 2 likes will make my day , if I do receive them . I'll keep thinking about the posts that I made , and visualize the red notifications popping up in my head .

    If I don't get liked , I'll get so depressed .. .. I won't even have motivation for my hobbies ; I'll end up drinking the night away and listening to music videos on YouTube .. just to get up and go to work again the next day , and repeat the cycle .

    I can actually have more fun in real life , than on Facebook .. .. yet the only place I can have fun at is the Bar .. .. and bars are only worth going to during the weekends .

    It just reminds me of all the things my mum has told me about Facebook - How it can badly humiliate people , to the point of leading them to Suicide . I just wish people didnt use Facebook at all .. .. cause every time I had to tell people that I didnt have Facebook ; I never saw them again . It's a Catch 22 , there's no other way to catch up with other people and develop your friendships , cause that's where they all are .

  2. #2
    Total Eclipse's Avatar Happy Sparkles and Coffee
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    Can't you give them your cellphone number to catch up?

  3. #3
    Denise's Avatar
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    Can't you give them your cellphone number to catch up?
    Thank god for smartphones , huh ... ...

    I guess if they're serious enough , they'll send me a txt . If not .. .. then these friendships were probably never meant to be .

    I just deleted Facebook again , and I won't be reactivating it this time .. .. even if somebody tells me that they want to talk to me .

    Usually it's one of my friends saying that they miss me , yet every time I ask him to catch up .. .. he just keeps procrastinating .. .. so what's the point . Old friends is Old friends .

    I'm off to the bar again .. .. and hopefully I'll get to start a social life from scratch this time

  4. #4
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    Don't give up, Denise. You seem very self aware and you wonder what you can do to change things. Self awareness can be a start to forging your own happiness.
    The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about

  5. #5
    Inscrutable Banana's Avatar Diggin' My Potatoes
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    Facebook is pretty awful in general, and a particularly vacuous form of socialization. I barely use my account, it's really only there for a way for the small number of people I know to have a place to try and contact me if they can't elsewhere. For someone who is already feeling lonely, it'll just increase that exponentially if you start getting caught up in the "friends" and "likes" trap that site draws people into.

    Personally, I haven't had any local friends for over a decade and I've got a handful of online friends. I find that it can be really hard to encounter people you "click" with enough to be long-term friends with, but they're out there. I know it can be hard to not feel like finding friends is hopeless—I'm struggling with that myself—but try not to give up on it happening eventually.
    “Scratch any cynic and you will find a disappointed idealist.” — George Carlin

    "If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little." — George Carlin

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