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  1. #1
    Sagan's Avatar Carl Sagan
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    Ordering a pizza on the internet for delivery...

    I just ordered a pizza online and had it delivered. Paid with a card. Selected toppings and all of that stuff on their website. 30 mins later I saw the car pull up and greeted an attractive female delivery person with my pizza. I signed the slip and handed her $5 in cash as a tip. She began to walk away as soon as I was done signing. I then immediately said. "wait! I've got a little something for you, here" and handed her the 5 dollar bill. We both said good evening, she thanked me for the tip and it was all over like that.

    Now I sit here. lost some of my appetite thinking several things. First, the way I said what I did about, wait I have a tip for you. Sounds rather creepy to me know. Also I can now see this becoming an issue in overcoming my sa if all I have to do is make a few clicks and a yummy pizza pie arrives at my door 30 mins later. hmm. I don't know. I'm just kinda spewing thoughts here. Uggh I just cant get the interaction with the delivery person out of my head. I must have sounded like a creep or a fool. Whole thing was very awkward.

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    "The sky calls to us
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  2. #2
    Sagan's Avatar Carl Sagan
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    So anyway I am watching an episode of Star Trek Enterprise. (go figure) anywhow, The pizza pie is sitting over there on the table and I don't know if it's my OCD but I feel if I open the box, or eat a slice something bad is going to happen.

    "A little something for you?" Oh dear god what have I done?! I will never order from there again. cared:

    "A still more glorious dawn awaits
    Not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise
    A morning filled with 400 billion suns
    The rising of the milky way"

    "The sky calls to us
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    We will one day venture to the stars" -Carl Sagan

  3. #3
    Sagan's Avatar Carl Sagan
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    Still can't eat it. Smells good though. I feel like some dark cloud is hanging over the pizza box and if I go near it something bad is going to happen... ugh I know this crap as OCD But damn! haven't had this issue for many years. I'm hungry, pizza sitting right over there. emminating (sp) wonderful scents, yet I cant go near it. like a bad omen or something.

    God i'm a psycho. All over a pizza

    "A still more glorious dawn awaits
    Not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise
    A morning filled with 400 billion suns
    The rising of the milky way"

    "The sky calls to us
    If we do not destroy ourselves
    We will one day venture to the stars" -Carl Sagan

  4. #4
    Keddy's Avatar The Awkward Conversationalist
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    Aww, Sagan, you sound exactly like me! xD
    I don't mean to laugh, but while I was reading this I giggled a bit because this reminds me of a few situations I've been in myself. You handled it the same exact way that I would, my friend.
    I would've said something like that, too, to the delivery person and then felt like an idiot or a creep after.
    I totally know the feeling with the OCD thing about "if I eat the pizza something bad will happen." This is a daily occurence for me, the chain reaction thing. Definitely OCD.
    Nothing bad will happen if you eat the pizza. Go ahead and eat it.
    Don't feel bad or embarrassed about this. I hope this made you feel a bit better, knowing that I do the exact same kind of thing. All the time. LOL

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  5. #5
    Kesky's Avatar
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    it'd be a great exercise to order from them again and even better if you got the same delivery girl. and even better if you could gauge your progress with each successive delivery until one day you finally get up and walk into the pizza parlour and eat the pizza there.

  6. #6
    Denise's Avatar
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    I always thought you came across as being Proud of being a Geek . .. ..

    Geeks like to order pizza . It gives them extra time to nerd around the Net .

    I doubt she would have thought you were creepy . Most chicks take it as a compliment . I know I do , even if I'm not attracted to said person .

  7. #7
    nothing's Avatar Habitual Failure
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    You did better than I would, the only way I can order a pizza is online and I always have the tip added to the credit card charge so I can just sign, grab the box, say a quick "have a good day" and shut the door. Calling for them after they were leaving to give them a tip wouldn't happen with me and I'll bet she was happy to take a few seconds out of her day to accept money!

    I do the same thing, obsess about what other people I've interacted with are thinking about me, even though I know they AREN'T thinking of me at all; they couldn't care less, especially if they made money off of you.

    Most importantly, did you ever eat the pizza??!!?

  8. #8
    Otherside's Avatar
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    God, that reminds me so much of something I would have done. I would have said something stupid whilst handing a tip to the person and then spent the next couple of years thinking how much of an idiot I was.

    Like Nothing above said, chances are, they couldn't care less. Or if she does, it's that she got an extra $5 that night to spend. Heck, I don't know anyone that wouldn't be happy to recieve cash.

    So, how was the pizza and Star Trek?

  9. #9
    Sagan's Avatar Carl Sagan
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    I am geek all the way but that encounter was just awkward. I would like to get out and eat at the restaurant but I don't want to go alone, I would be way to focused on what was going on all around me. What people were saying, doing, and where they were at all times. Constantly scanning the place with my peripheral vision making sure to avoid eye contact. Not to mention what they might be thinking about me. It would be quite scarey frankly. I can sit here and say to myself that these people are not paying attention to me, they are just doing their own thing and I am just some random person and think, what's the big deal. But the second I enter, all of that goes out the window. Oh SA how I loathe you.

    Well after a while my fear of the pizza slowly subsided. I was finally able to look at it without the black cloud of fear hovering over it and enjoy it. It was quite good. A simple deep dish pepperoni, cheese, tomatoes, and extra sauce on the side. I even have plenty left over for today. I'm still running that little encounter over and over again in my mind today. ugh need to distract myself.

    "A still more glorious dawn awaits
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    "The sky calls to us
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  10. #10
    toaster little's Avatar
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    Quote Sagan View Post
    I just ordered a pizza online and had it delivered. Paid with a card. Selected toppings and all of that stuff on their website. 30 mins later I saw the car pull up and greeted an attractive female delivery person with my pizza. I signed the slip and handed her $5 in cash as a tip. She began to walk away as soon as I was done signing. I then immediately said. "wait! I've got a little something for you, here" and handed her the 5 dollar bill. We both said good evening, she thanked me for the tip and it was all over like that.

    Now I sit here. lost some of my appetite thinking several things. First, the way I said what I did about, wait I have a tip for you. Sounds rather creepy to me know. Also I can now see this becoming an issue in overcoming my sa if all I have to do is make a few clicks and a yummy pizza pie arrives at my door 30 mins later. hmm. I don't know. I'm just kinda spewing thoughts here. Uggh I just cant get the interaction with the delivery person out of my head. I must have sounded like a creep or a fool. Whole thing was very awkward.
    Your tone would say a lot more than what you actually say sometimes. If she assumes something creepy based on what you said, then it would be her fault as long as you didn't use any inappropriate words or phrases. Some people are a little odd in assuming stuff when you didn't say anything bad. Those aren't people you want to talk to anyway.

    You probably won't see her again. Even if you do, she won't remember what you did or said because it wasn't creepy. If you didn't tip her, she might remember that for few hours but then she would forget.

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    Quote Sagan View Post
    Uggh I just cant get the interaction with the delivery person out of my head. I must have sounded like a creep or a fool. Whole thing was very awkward.
    I don't think it sounded creepy. I wouldn't give it too much thought (easier said than done, I know).

  12. #12
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    It wasn't creepy. Didn't sound creepy. I'm sure she didn't give it a second though other than she got a good tip from you.

    You need to start being around people I know. If I ever even think that somebody is thinking of me, the people I know quickly remind me, "the world doesn't revolve around you" or "it's not always about you."

    They slap me with that reality all the time. I've gotten to where I feel very invisible now. It can be a good thing though. I get surprised when somebody actually makes a comment that they noticed me.
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