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  1. #1
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    Husband lost his job

    I don't know where to put this, but my husband was laid off. I know he will find a job, but it probably won't pay nearly as well, which is probably the only reason he worked for this company as long as he did. He did like the work, but it was taking a toll on his health and outlook on life and I think, no I know deep down that this was for the best, but he seems so depressed. I don't know what to do for him.

    I also have to find a full time job and I already have a fairly decent lead on a job, not what I would like to do but it is full time with benefits.

  2. #2
    QuietCalamity's Avatar
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    I'm sorry to hear that, Merc. Losing a job where he has spent so much time must be really tough. It's a big life change and just the idea of starting a new job can be scary, much less the financial worry that comes with being unemployed.

    My fiancé was unemployed for about a year a while back. He was also really depressed and said he felt like a failure. He actually expected me to leave him for someone who could "provide" better! He didn't think he deserved me anymore. I tried to remind him of all the reasons I love him (which have nothing to do with money of course) and let him know we were going to be ok, whatever happened.

    Now he has a job he likes better and he's happier than he was with the first job, even though he makes a lot less. I agree with what you said about it being a blessing in disguise due to his health. I'm sure you would rather have less money than an ailing husband!

    I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. -- Maya Angelou

  3. #3
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    Quote merc View Post
    I don't know where to put this, but my husband was laid off. I know he will find a job, but it probably won't pay nearly as well, which is probably the only reason he worked for this company as long as he did. He did like the work, but it was taking a toll on his health and outlook on life and I think, no I know deep down that this was for the best, but he seems so depressed. I don't know what to do for him.

    I also have to find a full time job and I already have a fairly decent lead on a job, not what I would like to do but it is full time with benefits.
    I'm sorry about that. I know it's scary to have that much change. I quit my job last October and was homeless and jobless for 3 months. Although it scared the [BEEP] out of me and I cried a lot during that time, it was the best thing I could do. I found a job in another city, moved far away from where my ex lives, and really like where I work now. I hadn't realized how much stress my body was under working there. I had high blood pressure, acid reflux and constant panic attacks. I don't even have high blood pressure or anything at all physically wrong with me now.

    I know it's not fun now, but hopefully he will find a better place.
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