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    I don't know where to put this dang me Obi Wan!

    I was born before dinosaurs ate each other

    Therefore I've seen a lot

    In my hundred or so years, I've seen these things:

    1) Poor people wait in line for over 15 minutes to have a customer service call at the bank answered
    2) "Preferred customers" meaning people who have big loans or a little or a lot of money get waited on in 30 seconds

    So-called justice system:
    1) Poor people are stuck with public defenders who don't give a crap and they go to prison on their first offense
    2) Rich people pay off others on their 1-5th offense and then get a high powered lawyer to get them off scott free even if they killed someone

    Public Restrooms:
    1) Poor people have gross public bathrooms in stores
    2) Rich people have bathrooms of the Gods

    1) Poor people get nothing on a plane
    2) Rich people get to bitch, get bigger seats, and alcoholic beverages

    And I won't even go there concerning the difference between one country and the other. It staggers my mind that we all live on the same planet and have such extreme waste/wealth at the same time we have death from hunger and disease (due to money and corruption).

    This is only a fraction of the difference between entitled and non-entitled

    You know Panem versus the Districts in Hunger Games?
    Yeah, we live it


    How do we right this in our minds?

    You're not allowed to say "Life isn't fair" because I have to believe the entitled made that saying up to get the non-entitled to "suck it up."

    Is this some vast holding ground for something beyond our planet?
    Is this a test?
    Is this boot camp?
    Is this hell?

    What is it?

    Why does our humanity call for those who have and those who have not?

    Any idea why?
    The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about

  2. #2
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    As someone who grew up poor and still very much in that poor camp, I agree with what you are saying, it is completely unfair. The worst part is most if not all rich people today inherited their money from their parents and never worked for it nor earned it. And yet, when us poor people complain how unfair it is, they say it is our fault for not working hard enough. During high school, I worked two jobs, ran my own business and worked as a freelance web developer. I was basically working non-stop, and yet I'm still poor. If the world was fair and that whole working hard thing was true, I should be at least well off now, but nope. It is a lie the rich tell us so that they stay rich and we stay out of their way.

    In Australia, the rich has been pushing hard for tax cuts for years, and the government keep giving in and cutting funding to things like health and welfare, the last round of health cuts has made me even more poorer, and now I'm close to not being able to afford my own health care costs. It is completely unfair.

    And I don't know why, but the world is becoming a meaner and meaner place to be in. I remember when people looked out for each other and was nice to each other, but now it feels like everyone is only interested in themselves now.

  3. #3
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    Quote Jerry View Post
    As someone who grew up poor and still very much in that poor camp, I agree with what you are saying, it is completely unfair. The worst part is most if not all rich people today inherited their money from their parents and never worked for it nor earned it. And yet, when us poor people complain how unfair it is, they say it is our fault for not working hard enough. During high school, I worked two jobs, ran my own business and worked as a freelance web developer. I was basically working non-stop, and yet I'm still poor. If the world was fair and that whole working hard thing was true, I should be at least well off now, but nope. It is a lie the rich tell us so that they stay rich and we stay out of their way.

    In Australia, the rich has been pushing hard for tax cuts for years, and the government keep giving in and cutting funding to things like health and welfare, the last round of health cuts has made me even more poorer, and now I'm close to not being able to afford my own health care costs. It is completely unfair.

    And I don't know why, but the world is becoming a meaner and meaner place to be in. I remember when people looked out for each other and was nice to each other, but now it feels like everyone is only interested in themselves now.
    I hear you on the getting meaner part. Not everyone. I have the nicest neighbors anyone can ask for.Well except for the gun toting guys behind me.

    But it's like the world has gone selfish crazy or something. I recently took a trip to Chicago. As I was walking down the "Miracle Mile" passing shops like Neiman Marcus and the Trump Tower, I also passed homeless people at every corner, sitting huddled in the cold.

    Why is our humanity like that? Why are there so many have and have nots?

    Sometimes I wonder if earth is like some kind of boot camp. We live here to learn something. Some kind of lesson that will get us to the next level of whatever is out there. I get so frustrated because not knowing why just freaks me out.

    I've seen so much suffering and yet I've also seen such wonderful moments on earth. What can it all be about?
    The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about

  4. #4
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    Quote Chantellabella View Post
    I hear you on the getting meaner part. Not everyone. I have the nicest neighbors anyone can ask for.Well except for the gun toting guys behind me.
    Of course, there is still nice people out there, but to me it is coming across nice people is becoming a much rarer event. It is why I'm glad this site is here, it is full up with a lot of good people. It gives me hope for humanity

    Quote Chantellabella View Post
    But it's like the world has gone selfish crazy or something. I recently took a trip to Chicago. As I was walking down the "Miracle Mile" passing shops like Neiman Marcus and the Trump Tower, I also passed homeless people at every corner, sitting huddled in the cold.

    Why is our humanity like that? Why are there so many have and have nots?
    Exactly, and the worst part is instead of the government helping them and giving they a warm place to sleep at night, they are fining and arresting them. It's awful

  5. #5
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    Another example how bad things are getting.

  6. #6
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    Quote Jerry View Post

    Another example how bad things are getting.
    Yeah. Sigh.
    The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about

  7. #7
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    Quote Jerry View Post

    Another example how bad things are getting.
    Yeah. Sigh.
    The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about

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